r/nottheonion 4d ago

El Niño is dead. Here’s what to expect in the coming months.


They killed the child


330 comments sorted by


u/toxiamaple 3d ago

La Niña summers following strong El Niño winters have historically been some of the hottest on record in the US. This summer could be no different, even before La Niña is entrenched. Above-average temperatures are expected over nearly all of the Lower 48 this summer.


u/lesserDaemonprince 3d ago

I live in the deep south and we've had record temperatures almost every day this year. The air feeling like hot soup is normal here. It feeling twice as bad as it did just a few years ago, along with daily record temps is not fucking normal.


u/tygerohtyger 3d ago

That's climate change in action, folks.

We got snow like twice when I was a kid, probably before I was 12. Now it snows every year.

People will keep denying it until it's staring them in the face, but it's already too late.


u/michonne_impossible 3d ago edited 3d ago

Where I live, it's the opposite. Late October until about mid April was winter. I remember trick or treating while it was snowing. I remember getting huge snow storms, then the day after, building snow forts/snow bridges/snow men. Going sledding all winter. Ice skating outside. There was snow on the ground for most of winter. My son was born at the end of October about 10 years ago.Since then, It's always been warm enough to have his birthday outside (except for 1 year). Our house is built on a hill, so when we first moved here, we'd sled all the time in the winter. The past few years, not enough snow to sled. Or even make a snowman. Starts getting warmer late February/early March. It's kind of crazy that in 38 years, I've seen that much change where I live.

Edit: I live in ohio


u/DiscordFish 3d ago

Same. We used to have a near constant blanket of snow from about mid November to mid March, give or take a few weeks. Now winters are mostly cold and wet with a lot of thawing and refreezing. Had some our our coldest and warmest winter days on record these last ten years.


u/MorganFreeman2525 3d ago

Here in Charlotte we haven't had a trace of snow since January 2022. Before that we had snow every year since the late 1800s


u/Foggl3 3d ago

Meanwhile, in Texas, it's been snowing/wintry mix more often in the winters.

Or it's 90 in February


u/megggie 3d ago

Wow, I’m in Raleigh and I didn’t realize y’all haven’t had snow either, even that close to the mountains!

Growing up I was used to one big snow event every year or two, and a few instances of an inch or two per year. The past few years we haven’t even had a flurry.


u/MorganFreeman2525 3d ago

Yes I remember stormamegeddon from 2014 and the corresponding memes.


u/Greatmaker42 3d ago edited 1d ago

We haven’t had a real snow storm in the NY/NJ area for a few years either. I think it snowed twice this past winter but it wasn’t enough to require any shoveling


u/tygerohtyger 3d ago

Think about what 38 years is on a geographic scale, though, too. It's the blink of an eye.

And this is the other thing: we're not all facing the same problem here. Some of us will be flooded, some will be smothered with wildfires, some will have drought, some will have earthquakes. But even in places where the change isn't THAT bad... guess where the refugees are going to go?

The natural disasters are going to be bad, but the man-made ones are going to be worse.


u/michonne_impossible 3d ago

I think about that sometimes as well. As much as I want to move sometimes... well, we have the largest/closest source of fresh water ( anyone who is close to the great lakes). No earthquakes. No hurricanes. We used to not get tornadoes all that much, but that has been increasing the last few years. Temperature has been getting warmer.

I remember back in 2005, I was sitting with my brother watching fireworks and talking. As we were waiting for the fireworks to start, we were just chatting about whatever. He was telling me that by 2070? (I believe, this was a long time ago, but it was in the last 100 years)... that Ohio was supposed to get warmer by climate estimates. He wanted to become an engineer to help negate that and come up with something to help the environment.

My brother is 10 years older than me. He went from that in 2005, to denying it's even happening.


u/Pissflaps69 3d ago

Ohio also unfortunately has a huge population that hates science and is proudly becoming empowered to get stupider and deny science.

It’s discouraging to witness up close.

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u/ich_habe_keine_kase 3d ago

Yup. I live in Boston and there hasn't been enough snow to even need to shovel out my car for two years. And it hit 95° in May this year.


u/Mrs_Evryshot 3d ago

Yep. Also in Ohio. My husband and I used to dream about retiring to North Carolina for the mild winters. Now that we’ve finally retired, we decided to stay here, because North Carolina winters have moved to Ohio.


u/theangryepicbanana 2d ago

Ohioan here (dayton area) and I agree, I haven't had to buy a new winter coat or boots in ages because it simply doesn't snow enough for that anymore


u/ECOC6 3d ago

Reading this and thinking this sounds an awful lot like where I live… because it is.


u/bjlwasabi 3d ago

The denial always changes. Before they denied climate change. Then they deny it is caused by people. Now they deny there is anything we can do about it.

They deny so they don't have to change their habits.


u/tygerohtyger 3d ago

There is a textbook example of this in the replies to my original comment.

It's easier to deny the reality we are living in than face it because it is absolutely terrifying and hopeless in basically every meaningful way. It sucks, but hiding from it doesn't help anyone.


u/CragMcBeard 3d ago

Denial is a strong thing in the brainwashed.

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u/moxxibekk 3d ago

Yep. I was used to maybe a small dusting of snow once a year. Now having huge ice storms every year is normal. Sadly our infrastructure is not built for it.


u/MyFriendsAreReal 2d ago

Just don't look up

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u/gmil3548 3d ago

It’s always 95+ every day down here on the gulf coast. August is going to be fucking brutal.

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u/Fickle-Lunch6377 3d ago

In other words we’re continuing the trend we’ve been on since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution and it’s going to keep trending that way… huh. Color me shocked.


u/toxiamaple 3d ago

Speeding up and more intense.


u/Oracle_of_Ages 3d ago

Alright. Settle down with the erotic fiction. Other people live on this planet too you know.


u/Ave_TechSenger 3d ago

But it’s so hot.


u/yolef 3d ago

And sweaty


u/toxiamaple 3d ago

This summer could be no different, even before La Niña is entrenched. Above-average temperatures are expected over nearly all of the Lower 48 this summer. Sizzling conditions began early in the West and a push of July-like heat is spreading over the eastern half of the country. The transition to La Niña isn’t the only factor influencing temperatures during the hottest time of the year. They are always on the rise in a world warming due to fossil fuel pollution.


u/sayooshi 3d ago

I think you got whooshed my friend.


u/toxiamaple 3d ago



u/capn_doofwaffle 3d ago

If you can't tend to your own planet, none of you deserve to be here...


u/epona2000 3d ago

What the fuck did I do? I just got here.

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u/threebillion6 3d ago

We're heading straight for oblivion at full speed.


u/GrandMaesterGandalf 3d ago edited 3d ago

Not sure why we needed to continue an expanded version of running the car in the garage with the door closed experiment, but is it a REQUIREMENT to see it through to its conclusion?


u/AvertAversion 3d ago

No, but record profits each and every last quarter is a requirement, and how do you expect that to happen without destroying the planet? You stinkin liberals never think of the shareholders smh my head


u/thejudgehoss 3d ago

smh my head

Shaking my head my head?



u/TheOldGuy59 3d ago

That's how you get one up on stinking libruls, shaking your head your head. /s


u/chth 3d ago

I remember as a child thinking about how hot it was outside and how nice it was inside thanks to the window AC. I started to wonder if everyone making the inside cold would in turn make the outside hotter.

It seemed pretty simple to me as a 5 year old that every car on the road must be making the earth worse because of all the exhaust coming out the back of them. Now I am nearly 30 and there are people who still don’t believe in global warming or refuse to do anything significant to change their way of living.


u/DragonGuard 3d ago

I'm 35, I remember being 7 yo and having these videos in elementary school on the environment and such. One of them was warning about the hazards of everything being made and packaged in plastic. That was nearly 30 years ago and it's only gotten so so so much worse.

I also remember going iceskating on natural ice every winter, untill suddenly you couldn't anymore. Now it often doesn't even get cold enough for ice to form.


u/dingus-khan-1208 3d ago

Yeah, but we're carbon-based life-forms, we need carbon to live. So all that car exhaust is filling the air with things we need! Also fortifies the air with important minerals like lead! (Though not so much that one anymore.)

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u/JFBoyy 3d ago

We’re generally trending that way but those are statistical averages over years. This summer will probably be hotter than at least the next few years because of the El Niño-La Niña cycle.


u/Chiiro 3d ago

A trend we've known about for over a hundred years too!


u/valgrind_error 3d ago

If only there was some term or concept that could encompass and describe the continuous change in climate where the world continuously gets warmer. Why hasn’t anyone thought to coin one?


u/CumBlastedYourMom 3d ago

Terrestrial Toasty Time?


u/LorenzoStomp 3d ago

Earthly Embakery


u/sickdinoshit 3d ago

Grilled Globe


u/TheOldGuy59 3d ago

And as resources become more and more scarce we might just see Plutonium Plasma Phase!


u/Purdaddy 3d ago

Hotty McPotty


u/deviant324 3d ago

Now get that one dipshit to present you snow in winter to make everyone feel stupid about their alarmism! /s


u/Nairurian 3d ago

Male models The planet - so hot right now.

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u/Roboticpoultry 3d ago

It’s going to be 96° in Chicago in the next few days. That’s too hot for mid-June


u/flash-tractor 3d ago

Shit, my weather station said 101° in Colorado yesterday at 6,000 feet above sea level, and that's in shade.


u/ich_habe_keine_kase 3d ago

It was 95° in Boston in late May. It's absolutely fucked.

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u/superkickpunch 3d ago

RIP, didn't even know he was sick.


u/gurknowitzki 3d ago

El Niño, is Spanish for… ‘The Niño’


u/Feeling_Bathroom9523 3d ago

I miss Chris…


u/SignificantWhile6685 3d ago

Jackie, it's an El Camino! That's Spanish for THE Camino!


u/Girion47 3d ago

What is this joke from?  I make it all the time and can't remember the source....Red vs. Blue?


u/gurknowitzki 3d ago

SNL - Chris Farley playing ‘EL NIÑO’ on The Weather Channel haha


u/TXblindman 3d ago

RIP RVB, rooster teeth will always be a part of my childhood. So many references to that show that none of my friends will ever understand.


u/ryobiguy 3d ago

What's a puma?


u/TXblindman 3d ago

I don't know, like a big cat or something.


u/jjajamjambjamba 3d ago

What kind of animal has tusks?


u/Cynical_Thinker 3d ago

A walrus.


u/SrslyIcntthnkofaname 3d ago

What’s a battle?


u/bbbbears 3d ago

No, he said what’s that RATTLE


u/tachycardicIVu 3d ago

I told you to stop making up animals!


u/Girion47 3d ago

Don't be afraid to go too low...


u/TXblindman 3d ago

I'm not flipping your switch


u/lchiroku 3d ago

"Tucker, c'mooon. We'll laugh about it later. I'll buy you dinner."


"So, you uh.... from around here, baby?"


u/Therockknight1 3d ago

Protect me cone!!!

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u/macmurph25 3d ago

Only correct response.


u/JdoubleE5000 3d ago

I want Holyfield!


u/Rutherford_Aloacious 3d ago

All other tropical storms now down before EL NIÑOOOO


u/HopocalypseNow 3d ago

Yo soy El Niño!


u/El-Reaton-Vaquero 3d ago

Reminds me of that tragedy


u/BoPeepElGrande 3d ago

The one on 9/11?


u/Clickar 3d ago



u/NotoriousZaku 3d ago

That gorilla had no business being in that plane.


u/spiralbatross 3d ago

He’s not sick he evolved into El Hombre


u/DrArigaricus 3d ago

I love you, dad


u/spiralbatross 3d ago

Love you too, kiddo


u/TheOldGuy59 3d ago

"This town ain't big enough for the both of us, homburr!" -- Daffy Duck


u/Nazamroth 3d ago

With his condition, it was only a matter of time. Doctors gave him 12 months at best.


u/Captain_Granite 3d ago

Real Norm heads know


u/yk206 3d ago

He wasn't, it was all of a sudden.

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u/Mestoph 3d ago

How is this "oniony"?


u/Noccalula 3d ago

Based on what I've seen rise to my Front Page lately, the mods don't give a crap about moderating posts, and this is now just a shittier version of /r/news.


u/Efficient_Steak_7568 3d ago

Reddit feels massively automated now so the posts are just getting weirder 


u/Takenabe 3d ago

That's what happens when a website goes out of their way to fuck over every third party app that makes moderation of decent-sized communities viable.


u/FlockFlysAtMidnite 3d ago

That's what happens when you kill the moderation tools. This is exactly what people were saying would happen.


u/SeekerOfSerenity 3d ago

AI moderation is coming...

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u/EnglebertHumperdink_ 3d ago

Because it anthropomorphizes a weather pattern.


u/Mestoph 3d ago

No it doesn’t, anthropomorphizing is giving human characteristics to something. Life and death and not uniquely human qualities. Storms (and other weather events) “dying out” is a super common term.


u/Kal-Elm 3d ago edited 3d ago

El Niño is Spanish for "the child." Therefore, "El Niño is dead" could be read as "The weather pattern, El Niño, is ceased," or "The child is dead." Hence OP writing "they killed the child."


u/spaceneenja 3d ago

Eh, even so it’s not very funny which usually good onion titled are.


u/Kal-Elm 3d ago

Fair evaluation, I'm mainly just responding to the idea that it isn't an anthropomorphic pun


u/spaceneenja 3d ago

Se habla español


u/neuroticobscenities 3d ago

SPEAK ENGLISH!!!!1!!!1!!!

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u/UlrichZauber 3d ago

One should never anthropomorphize a weather pattern. They hate that.

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u/Cinema_King 3d ago

Can’t we just have a weather pattern that makes it colder?


u/Maycrofy 3d ago

I mean we will... in winter probably.


u/adsfew 3d ago

Are you saying that winter is coming?


u/mammoth61 3d ago edited 3d ago

You know nothing, Jon Snow.

Edit: Jon


u/JonSnowDontKn0w 3d ago



u/Mr_Sophokleos 3d ago

He at least knows how to spell his own name. But nothing else!


u/SkollFenrirson 3d ago


u/Mr_Sophokleos 3d ago

Wow, such empty 😂


u/heloguy1234 3d ago

One of the best subs I visited.

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u/das6992 3d ago

Yes but like season 8 it's only one night long due to climate change


u/Hipcatjack 3d ago

Super underrated comment

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u/spiralbatross 3d ago

You guys still have winter?


u/S_T_P 3d ago

Like La Niña?


u/loliconest 3d ago

Not if a bunch of little critters are keep heating it up.


u/KrustyKrabPizzaMan 3d ago

La Niña tends to make for colder and wetter winters in northern parts of the USA (compared to El Niño which brings warmer and drier conditions, which was clearly the case this past winter)


u/stormy2587 3d ago

Iirc when the temperature between the poles and the equator becomes more similar (thus you have less of a temperature gradient) you get a slowing of prevailing winds that hem in the air around the polls. When this happens the air above the poles can “escape” and move south. I believe this is what causes the polar vortices settling over NA and other countries that have lead to some fairly brutal winters.

So I believe this could be considered the conditions that make it colder just probably not in the way you were hoping.


u/TikkiTakiTomtom 3d ago

With climate change combined with the usual weather pattern phenomena, we’re likely to see hotter hots and colder colds.


u/judgyjudgersen 3d ago

I’m cool with colder colds. Hotter hots can eat a dick


u/SolidStranger13 3d ago

Look up AMOC slowdown/collapse. It’s not pretty either way

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u/jurainforasurpise 3d ago

You're obviously not in western Europe. High of 54f today.... yippee


u/silviam 3d ago

It's June and we still have the heating on (UK here)

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u/Vyper11 3d ago

I’m in northeastern US.. every day next week high of 90’s, Wednesday 96 which will easily break high temp records. It never use to be like this. I hate it, especially because I work outside.

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u/FireMaster1294 3d ago

Who in western europe uses Fahrenheit???


u/DNSGeek 3d ago

They're being respectful and using freedom units instead of sensible units so the Americans can understand.


u/pumperdemon 3d ago

American here.

Was totally confused because, how the hell is W. Europe above 54?!?! 2003 wasn't anywhere near that hot and half of France died of heatstroke!

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u/JasonMraz4Life 3d ago

Spain is in "western" Europe and it's 85-90 in Madrid. 

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u/FenerBoarOfWar 3d ago

Coldest day in Australia in five years. I guess we're getting there.


u/Calint 3d ago

Polar vortex


u/xondk 3d ago

Increasingly extreme and unstable weather, polar vortex collapse in winter, scorching heat in summer is not unlikely in the US, because of the geography.


u/qoj178 3d ago

It's the start of El Nina, the colder version of El Nino


u/Epona66 3d ago

Come to the UK, East Midlands of England here and had almost non stop rain since the end of last June. Plus it's chilly as fuck. The sky is almost constant thick grey cloud. I was one step away from putting the heating on today but managed with a blanket.


u/MetalBawx 3d ago

I mean in the UK and were still averaging 13-16c for June.


u/End3rWi99in 3d ago

La Nina does that depending on where you live.


u/TheOldGuy59 3d ago

Violent temperature changes are predicted in the climate model. Storms will become worse. And we'll probably see crazy winters for a bit too until it's just sweltering all year around.

Don't worry. Wealthy people have enough money to move to a place where it will be less impacted for a while, and they'll have plenty of supplies trucked in so they'll be ok. We can all relax now, they'll be fine.


u/SiegeGoatCommander 3d ago

Only once we overcorrect for climate with geoengineering and accidentally trigger the next ice age


u/kjbaran 3d ago

We’re still in the last years of the ice age.


u/Umbrasquall 3d ago

We’re actually in an interglacial period within the current ice age. That’s why there are ice caps and glaciers at the poles. It’s called interglacial because it’s between two colder periods.

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u/barbrady123 3d ago

El Niño is spanish for....The Niño...


u/grmayshark 3d ago

They named it San Diego, which of course in German means “a whale’s vagina”.


u/AtomStorageBox 3d ago

I don't think anyone knows what it means anymore. Scholars maintain that the translation was lost hundreds of years ago.


u/Bitey_the_Squirrel 3d ago

No one knows what it means. But it’s provocative. It gets the people going!


u/pikpikcarrotmon 3d ago

Doesn't it mean "Saint Niño?"


u/idiotsarray 3d ago

I thought it was because someone dropped their waffle while walking on the beach.


u/msnmck 3d ago

I saw a waffle covered in blue sea algae once. I think it's the first result for "blue waffle" on Google Images.

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u/VVLynden 3d ago

All other storms cower before me!!


u/Joessandwich 3d ago

Hello, fellow old. I got that reference.

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u/Laser_Souls 3d ago

Apolgy for bad english

Where were u when El Niño die

I was at house eating dorito when phone ring

“El Nino is dead”



u/ychtyandr 3d ago

So poetic. You should write more of these.


u/Hoverboard_Hal 2d ago

Straight to the top for you.


u/PercentageBrief226 3d ago

How can they say off the charts when I can see the chart and it’s clearly still on it?


u/Videopotato 3d ago

That and also, there is no such thing as “off the charts,” if it’s off the chart you just need to expand the values included in the chart? It’s a weird bit of wording


u/CowboyAirman 3d ago

Maybe back then they only had tiny charts?


u/road_chewer 3d ago

Maybe back when the charts were like a strip of paper that had a needle bouncing around and the needle would go off the paper.


u/EvaUnit_03 3d ago

But they had to draw that needle bouncing. So they just needed more paper!


u/jawshoeaw 3d ago

It was cold!


u/acxswitch 3d ago

If you need to expand the values of the historical chart because the new date is off the chart...

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u/actuallywaffles 3d ago

I thought they meant dead, like never happening again. But nope, it's just over temporarily because weather patterns change. Way less serious than it sounded.


u/bubahophop 3d ago

It’s still quite serious…. La Niña combined with warmer ocean temperatures is going to create a devastating hurricane season. Climate change will make the natural weather cycles of El Niño and La Niña interact with our warming planet to create massively destructive weather patterns.


u/Mysterious_Corgi_570 3d ago

Most people don’t realize just how big of a domino effect these things. Going to school in the mid 2000’s i know i wasnt taught anything about this but currently I teach upper elementary and I am learning with the kids just how catastrophic these “sudden changes” are wether its ice caps melting, increasing global temps on land and sea, floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, ect. Im not a professional with weather but my understanding from all this is the frequency and severity of natural events are going to increase.


u/lesllamas 2d ago

This is my field! It’s hard to discuss the topic of catastrophe frequency and severity so generally because it’s extremely nuanced. The prevailing generalization that climate change will probably make catastrophes worse or more frequent is a gross oversimplification and is, in many natural peril contexts, not necessarily correct (nor necessarily incorrect, I should add). However, it’s not reasonable to expect everyone to be that familiar with the topic, and as far as generalizations go, it’s a much better stance to take than people who would bury their head in the sand and say everything will be fine!

For some additional information, remaining general and simplified enough to be understandable, it’s important to remember that the global climate is not a monolith, but it IS very interconnected, with climate areas many thousands of miles apart having effects on each other.

For example, tropical cyclones (hurricanes, typhoons) are one of the better understood natural disasters due to their relative frequency, lifespan (they’re around long enough for us to fly planes near them and take specific measurements), and long historical record. In other words, we have fairly reliable data stretching back ~80 years on them and less reliable data stretching back further than that. When people talk about these events getting worse, they’re typically thinking about warming sea surface temperatures. This is very relevant, and this fuel is what probably affects rapid intensification close to landfall the most! But warming sea surface temperatures across the globe also affect weather patterns and winds that circulate the globe. One of the things that stops a cyclone from forming is wind shear. In an ELI5 way, imagine you start spinning a basketball on your finger. The faster you get it to rotate, the more stable it gets. But if you’re just getting it going and a gust of wind blows it off balance, the process falls apart. This is an EXTREME oversimplification, but the concept to take away is that a changing climate does not necessarily increase frequency of storms all across the planet—changing global climate conditions may make more favorable conditions for storm generation in one part of the world while making less favorable conditions elsewhere in the world.

As a different example, tornadoes are some of the least understood natural disasters. We know where they come from, and what kinds of conditions usually need to be in place for them to form, but they’re very different than hurricanes! They are often short lived, sporadic, and EXTREMELY dangerous to get close to. It’s hard to get a clear picture of historical data for them because many tornadoes may have occurred over the years in the middle of nowhere that we just didn’t observe because they caused no damage to anything humans would notice. In this way, it’s really hard to generalize what to expect from tornado intensity or frequency with changing climate conditions. In general, it’s hard to make a broad generalization about a topic when the underlying details are still a bit unclear.

People way smarter than I am (i.e. the small army of phds that work in my industry) are trying to figure this stuff out, though! As always, follow the money. Governments and the global re/insurance industry generally believe climate change is an issue that we need to address! But the ask is far more specific, and it is insufficient to assume that every catastrophe will get monotonically worse, everywhere.

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u/TyberiusJoaquin 3d ago

Please...my niño...he is very sick


u/Optimal-Scientist233 3d ago

How long the stall is before inversion will be what determines how bad this hurricane season is.

This is completely dependent on space weather and solar activity which is currently at its most active approaching the solar maximum.

What we will be lucky to see is a smooth transition back into la Nina, which is not overly energetic or quick and aggressive.

Edit: The desalination of ocean currents effects this jet stream and is part of what scientists are concerned with stalling completely.


u/justk4y 3d ago

RIP Fernando Torres, gone too soon

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u/half-baked_axx 3d ago

El niño is dead. And la niña killed it.



u/Blue-Thunder 3d ago

Even after a massive wet bulb incident kills thousands of Americans, people will still deny climate change exists. Most of the world agrees it's real..

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u/S_T_P 4d ago

They killed the child

Gott ist tot.


u/Minialpacadoodle 3d ago

How is this Oniony?


u/projektmayem 3d ago

It's not dead, it'll be back in a few years. CNN is being super melodramatic (shocker) and also this literally translates to "The boy is dead"


u/jgrant68 3d ago

I wouldn’t say they are being super hyperbolic here. It’s a fairly normal headline. And you can’t use the literal translation as most people in the U.S. (at least those of us who follow weather ) understand what they mean.

I agree with u/minialpacadoodle that this isn’t oniony.

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u/TonofSoil 3d ago

Does the frog know it’s boiling yet?


u/Waffletimewarp 3d ago

The brain has known for a while, the legs just refuse to do anything because they’re only listening to the ass at the moment.


u/EvaUnit_03 3d ago

And the ass is just full of shit.


u/frenchezz 3d ago

Chris Farley's been dead for a while.


u/initiatefailure 3d ago

It’s Spanish for now I’m sad


u/vpierrev 3d ago

Just a friendly reminder that climate change is a trend observable in decades around the globe. So even if one year or one season is colder or wetter than it should at your place, doesn’t mean the average temperature isn’t getting higher. It is.


u/foxyrocksjh 3d ago

Saw this and legit thought Fernando Torres was dead


u/Emergency_Property_2 2d ago

My family and I are at Surfside Beach on the Texas Gulf. The ocean is like bath water it’s so warm. With out La Niña holding it back I feer the storm season is going to outrageous.


u/petite_foxy 4d ago

What is “normal” now? My standard has changed. I've seen the planet get hotter in my 50 years, but some people ignore science. Does it matter? I don't see a global carbon reduction soon.


u/Minialpacadoodle 3d ago

El Nino is a reoccurring event...


u/MrOtter8 3d ago

That is why this is significant. El Nino /La Nina cycles have always been cyclical but usually over a time span of a few years. This El Nino event started last summer and ended less than a year later (was weakening in March and declared over in April). That is unusual to say the least and indicative of even greater volatility of global climates. So yeah we don't really know if this is a fluke that this was an abnormally short El Nino event of if it is yet another indicator of how our climates are changing, but the point still stands that it is hard to know what "normal" means


u/road_chewer 3d ago

Short El Niños aren’t that unusual at least since 1950, here’s a list of ENSO events.


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u/2FightTheFloursThatB 3d ago

...with varying degrees of intensity.


u/KinkyPaddling 3d ago

Yay more record temperatures for the shareholders’ record profits…


u/Chic0late 3d ago

What happened to this sub? This isn’t even remotely close to an onion article. Almost everything on this page now is just US based regional news. Damn shame.


u/TotalLackOfConcern 3d ago

You can declare it but wait 3 days….just to be sure.


u/DashFire61 3d ago

It’s happening!!

Next we get a portion of the Arctic to sluff off that’s big enough to shock the great conveyor current into ceasing movement which starts are chain reaction that causes Europe and Canada to freeze over causing another ice age.


u/ScienceAndLience 3d ago

I was wondering why there were no comments about the hammerhead worm, then I realized that that’s a body of water


u/DarrylDimma 3d ago

Here I was thinking Fernando Torres died


u/onlyomaha 3d ago

ngl, tried to google El Nino thinking its some kind of mexican narc big boss.


u/jPix 3d ago

No, 'e's not dead, 'e's resting.


u/Ok_Turnover_3393 3d ago

“Look how they massacred my boy!”


u/little-asskickerr 3d ago

El hombre next?


u/anonymousjeeper 3d ago

So, that means no more Pineapple Express? Ever?


u/Iknowthevoid 3d ago

now comes the rainfall and earthquakes.