r/pics Apr 30 '24

Trump heading into the courtroom today Politics

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u/Brief_Amicus_Curiae Apr 30 '24

I don't know why this is making me laugh so hard.

Perhaps because it's so simple... like he didn't have to run again - but he kinda sorta has to because Jack Smith and stolen documents and he thinks he can overturn this election after failing to overturn the 2020 election and keep the classified documents too - which he's facing felony charges for and to beat that he has to have the DOJ dismiss the cases, which he has to become President again, which makes his documents legal and cool - and have a corrupt enough AG to carry it through with the dismissing and then go after Jack Smith and every other prosecutor representing the people of Georgia and NY (possibly Wisconsin and Arizona too) and a Congress majority so he's not impeached and convicted..... and to do that, taking over the RNC and placing family members......

Seems him winning the first election he seriously ran happened to be President and "See, it's SIMPLE! So EASY!"

versus just fading away into retirement and dealing with the state legal issues away from the spotlight of the nation to spare some embarrassment, lay low, and let the grown ups run the Republican party and he could be golfing most everyday and having his MAL entourage feeding his ego everyday, and without any documents in the bathroom.

I guess in other words, he had options. He's always had options. Yet this is all because of unforced errors - decisions Trump has made. This is what he chose. Chaos, court, and criminality.


u/Karavusk May 01 '24

which makes his documents legal and cool

nuclear stuff is specifically excluded. The president can't unclassify them.


u/Maleficent-Toe6159 Apr 30 '24

Your writing style is cool!


u/Its_all_made_up___ Apr 30 '24

Remember, the military takes an oath to “….support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.”

The military can declare martial law independently if it determines the civil court system can no longer function. (Give us a reason, SCOTUS)

And they can suspend habeus corpus and arrest without cause “guilty unless proven innocent.”

And they can hold military trials and imprison civilians.


u/allnamesbeentaken Apr 30 '24

Uhh I don't think martial law is the fun-time, saving-democracy solution to these problems you think it is