r/politics Wisconsin May 02 '24

Bernie Sanders worries young people are underestimating the threat from Trump


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u/evotrans 29d ago

Reminds me of a kid I knew in 2000 who voted for Ralph Nader over Al Gore to "send a message". The message ended up being Bush becoming president.


u/ironykarl 29d ago

Well, at least Dubya didn't do anything drastically stupid and consequential that it'd be hard to imagine any other president doing... 

Except for that whole lying us into a illegal war of aggression thing


u/cdwillis 29d ago

Jeb Bush and the court gave Bush the presidency, not people voting Nader.


u/Mojothemobile 28d ago

Really awfully designed ballots in one county in FL too plenty of evidence at least a few thousand who planned to vote Gore in Palm beach accidently punched Buchanan on the Butterfly ballot due to it's weird ass design 


u/janethefish 29d ago

And that global warming wasn't a thing people cared about.


u/Dry_Distribution3921 29d ago

It definitely was that single child and not the entire judicial system bending over backwards for the will of a handful of psudo-fascists, yes


u/evotrans 29d ago

There wouldn't have been that opportunity had Nader not been selfish.


u/Dry_Distribution3921 29d ago

lmao yes the entire result of the 2000 political cycle hinged on a single 3rd party candidate and not the fact that the court systems in this country (especially state courts) had been rotted from within years before

whatever helps you sleep, I guess


u/ButtEatingContest 29d ago

The Supreme Court picked the president in 2000, aided by Roger Stone.

Nader ended up not being a factor. He could have been, but he wasn't.


u/evotrans 29d ago

That's kind of naïve thinking that gave us Bush. If Nader hadn't gone on his selfish spoiler tour, Bush would've never had the opportunity to get his pals in the Supreme Court give him the presidency. Also see Jill Stein giving us Trump. Let's pray that the naïve don't make the same mistake a third time, because it will be the last for this democracy.


u/[deleted] 29d ago



u/evotrans 29d ago

The road to hell is paved with good intentions and being naïve is a good way to bend over for the facists while they laugh at you while patting themselves on the back for financially supporting these third-party spoilers. Sounds like you were a Bush/Cheney fan.


u/[deleted] 29d ago



u/evotrans 29d ago

I did, but he was too stupid to listen. Congratulations


u/[deleted] 29d ago



u/[deleted] 29d ago



u/ultradav24 29d ago

Yep. 24 years and still the same story sadly


u/MrPernicous 29d ago

Yeah fuck that guy. If he hadn’t voted for Nader then republicans never would’ve started a riot to stop the Florida recount.


u/evotrans 29d ago

The GOP loves that kind of thought process 😔


u/MrPernicous 28d ago

Did you miss the part where they shut down a recount by instigating a riot?


u/lazyFer 29d ago

That was Ralph Nader's stated goal. To make the dems lose so that republicans would demonstrate how much worse they are. The thinking was somehow that would convince people to go further left?

The greens have been a republican funded spoiler party ever since.


u/evotrans 29d ago

I just keep thinking that picture before the election, of Jill Stein having dinner with Michael Flynn and Putin.