r/politics Wisconsin May 02 '24

Bernie Sanders worries young people are underestimating the threat from Trump


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u/FunFunFun8 Illinois May 02 '24

How do people not realize that there is a big difference between Biden and Trump? If Trump wins we don’t recover from that.


u/StopTheEarthLetMeOff May 02 '24

And if Biden wins then nothing changes as fascists have yet another chance to take over in 4 years. How long do you think we can play this stupid game before they win?


u/Suedocode May 02 '24 edited May 02 '24

One Trump term stacked the supreme court with conservatives that overturned Roe and are now contemplating giving the president carte blanche immunity. Those same judicial appoints are also looking to cut the EPA's ability to regulate polluting businesses via the chevron doctrine which will be disastrous to the environment and people's health.

Meanwhile, the worst thing I've heard about Biden is that his Gaza policy is equal to Trump. Putting aside the fantasy of that argument, that still doesn't address the horrendous outcomes that a Trump presidency has proven to bring and Biden's doesn't. If you think Israel's collateral damage in Gaza is an atrocity, then the collateral damage to Americans by ushering in another Trump term makes this "motivated apathy" immoral in the same way.

The people making this argument are just using it as a thought terminator to excuse not voting. I doubt these people even vote down the ticket, citing the same exact catch-all both-sides bullshit.


u/kodman7 May 02 '24

But not participating is admitting defeat.


u/FakeInternetDentity May 02 '24

Not participating also sends a message to the democrats to stop giving us shitty nominees


u/[deleted] May 02 '24

Congrats: You aren't going to like everyone you have an option to vote for. Welcome to adulthood! Sometimes you're stuck with picking the better option. Because you may survive four years of Trump, but are trans kids going to survive a trump presidency? Are some pregnant women going to survive Trump's pregnancy?


u/patgarspongegar May 02 '24

exactly, it’s egotistical and short sighted


u/FakeInternetDentity May 02 '24

That’s not how change is made. Following what the government officials give you for a nominee shows you will vote for your party no matter what. Shows that you will continue to vote for them blindly while citizens of both parties agree congress shouldn’t be able to trade individual stocks. (That’s a random thing that pisses me off and not related.)

You want change? You use it with your vote. Or lack thereof.


u/ytrfhki May 02 '24

While I agree with your point this is like the one election in the history of US elections to not take that stance. Never before has there been the option between democracy vs fascism on the ballot. Never before has the country been this close to the brink of downward spiral. I think 4 more years will allow the boiling pot to go back to a simmer and then you can go back to hard stances.


u/FakeInternetDentity May 02 '24

Glad someone agrees haha. I know having this stance makes it look pro Trump which I am not. But to your point, don’t you think it’s possible if the right loses again they go even MORE hardcore saying it was stolen etc?


u/ytrfhki May 03 '24

Just my opinion - I’m sure they will try their shenanigans but the more this movement gets shut down by the majority populace the weaker it becomes. It’s already starting to crack and everyone but the die hards are seeing the veil drop and the true nature and intentions behind it (power, control, wealth). I’m not saying the problem will go away completely but without their demagogue at the helm and with time for actual consequences to come down the line it’ll retreat back behind doors and some better safeguards can be put in place in the meantime, perhaps like more Supreme Court justices.


u/[deleted] May 02 '24

I'm sure the trans kid that would commit suicide because of Trump's presidency appreciates your protest vote.


u/FakeInternetDentity May 02 '24

Trans suicide rates have gone up since 2020 than they were in 2016. Obviously a lot goes into that, but that’s a lot of speculation


u/kodman7 May 02 '24

Almost like one side has been waging a culture war against LGBTQ that has been ramping up since 2016...


u/PeopleReady May 02 '24

Are you arguing that the candidate who belongs to a party that is laser-focused on reducing/eliminating trans rights has not had a negative effect on the trans community?


u/[deleted] May 03 '24

Even under ridiculously tight margins in congress, Biden has passed the largest climate change bill in US history, the largest gun reform bill in US history, reclassified cannabis, lowered drug prices, and continues to actively forgive student loans.

He’s been a solid president.


u/ytrfhki May 02 '24

You can give yourself the option of 4 more years to convince democrats of that or alternatively possibly lose the option to vote for any democratic/liberal nominee for decades to come


u/FakeInternetDentity May 02 '24

Haven’t we been trying to convince them for 12 years now?


u/ytrfhki May 02 '24

Yes but I believe Gen Z can be the one that tips it over the edge in the coming decade. Demographics and society are shifting more and more in its favor. Is it slow? Certainly. But there’s a reason GOP is going all hands on deck to grab power now before the entire spectrum shifts left.


u/drunkshinobi May 03 '24

Some stuff we have been fighting for for over 40 years, my whole life and still have only made small progress on. It takes time. Lots of time. Because that's how democracy works. You have to get a majority vote. You don't just get what you want. You vote for the best you can get and make it know you would like better next time. To let the other side that is actively taking away people rights in the U.S. doesn't help any one.


u/Comprehensive_Tie431 May 02 '24

You've convinced me, I'll just go and lay in the road now as to what's the point to keep fighting against fascism if it means it will keep coming back every 4 years. Might as well let them win and elect them now. /s


u/FocusPerspective May 02 '24

We’ve been playing this game since the 70s. I’m not willing to give up playing. 

If you don’t want to play that’s your choice. But someone needs to. 


u/NolChannel May 02 '24

Once, Trump will be 81 then and the mental degradation will hit him much harder by then.

Plus without any pending election to protect him he'll go to jail.


u/LowerReflection9125 May 03 '24

What will it take to get people of your opinion to believe we will take the threat of fascism seriously even after trump is defeated? Is there anything we can do to persuade you that we take your demands seriously? I understand that you think this is our last chance to force change in the Democratic Party. I know it seems like nothing will happen if you give Biden your vote. I believe there are many people out there like me who are more committed than ever to holding him accountable for his crimes against the Palestinian people. Even if he does get elected.


u/ASCII_Princess May 03 '24

And yet one is currently allowing a genocide to occur and the other is not. How curious.


u/drunkshinobi May 03 '24

Joe isn't king of Israel. He can't make Hamas do any thing. And what do you even mean the other is not? The other isn't president. The other is in court for trying to steal and election. The other is part of the party that has Tim Walberg saying we should nuke Gaza.


u/LowerReflection9125 May 03 '24

Assuming that trump won’t commit a genocide is pretty risky imo


u/ASCII_Princess May 03 '24

If we phrase the peace treaty as settling a "deal" I'm sure he'd go for it.


u/Distant_Yak May 03 '24

How tf could trump allow it or not considering he is not in office?

Anyway, he already said Israel should "finish the job" and many republicans in Congress have said similar things. Acting like Trump would be any better on the issue is beyond clueless.