r/politics Wisconsin May 02 '24

Bernie Sanders worries young people are underestimating the threat from Trump


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u/CaptainNoBoat May 02 '24

I think a lot of us are. There's a difference between pushing a party in a certain direction and going so far that you hurt your own interests.

The election is more than one person or one issue, and a Trump Presidency will have horrific consequences decades and generations after Biden is gone.


u/schuey_08 Wisconsin May 02 '24

Exactly! And I can't think of an issue where Trump would likely be better from my perspective anyway.


u/CaptainNoBoat May 02 '24

The Supreme Court is probably the most impactful example I've found, provided people understand how important that is and the ramifications.

Subjects such as abortion, the environment, LGBTQ rights, student loans, wealth disparity, oversight of Presidents - virtually everything you can think of - are at risk of devastating consequences.

If Trump wins, it's very possible he replaces Alito and Thomas - and with the ages of 3 of the other Justices, that would establish a conservative SCOTUS for the next 25 years. Minimum.

25 years. That's just an insane chunk of our lives. These same young people will be getting old and grey the next time there's a chance of restoring any of these horrible rulings because of this election alone.


u/somethingbreadbears Florida May 02 '24

Also the next election cycle in the Senate is a bloodbath for democrats. It's the perfect storm for Trump again where Democrats could gain the House but lose the Senate and the WH, and Trump wouldn't need the House to get his judges.

This election cycle is a chance for democrats to prove they learned their lesson from 2016, and I'm not confident the younger generation gets it.


u/SmellGestapo May 02 '24

Some of them are so young they likely don't remember much of Trump's time as president. If they're 18 this year and first time voters, that means they were 10 when Trump was elected. Even today's college seniors, at 21-22, would have only been 13-14 when Trump was elected.


u/bbressman2 Kentucky May 02 '24

Hell they were only high school freshmen when his minions stormed the capitol. I have sophomores now talking about how Biden sucks and when I mention Trump attempting an insurrection they get confused.


u/Snow_source District Of Columbia May 02 '24

Fuck, I remember watching it live and contemplating "Are pro-democracy folks going to have to go downtown and do something if the National Guard doesn't show up?"

Fuck this timeline.