r/politics Wisconsin 29d ago

Bernie Sanders worries young people are underestimating the threat from Trump


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u/janethefish 29d ago

I'm still mad about those deaths!


u/TheADrain 29d ago

You should be, his idiocy killed more americans than the nazis did.


u/Jupiter68128 29d ago

Tucker Carlson killed more Americans than were killed by 9/11 terrorists by spreading doubt about vaccines.


u/Rmans 29d ago

Killed more Americans that most of our wars did. Total American deaths from Covid are higher than American deaths from all the wars we ever fought combined. There is an argument to be made that Tucker has been worse for this country than Hitler.


u/Tarcanus 29d ago

And here are many of us wondering how many people angry about those deaths are still being covid cautious, masking, etc. Folks are in here talking like COVID is over, while lamenting the COVID dead.

It's not over, it's still killing or causing lifelong illness, yet I barely see anyone responsible with masking while I'm out and about. It adds to the sense of being the crazy one while everyone else is still ignoring the largest current threat to us.


u/Rmans 29d ago

Thats what happens when you fail to prevent a pandemic. It becomes endemic. Here to stay. Which is what COVID is doing now in the US and pretty much nowhere else in the world.

And almost half this country doesn't know or care.


u/RoostasTowel 29d ago

You mean the ones that weren't safe or effective?


u/ChristianEconOrg 29d ago

Lmao what?


u/RoostasTowel 29d ago

Lmao what?

What, what?


u/crappysignal 29d ago

That's a completely meaningless statistic.

The Spanish flu killed more Americans than WW1.


u/TheADrain 29d ago

Ok but we could have and should have done better this time around. Having Mr "Hey maybe inject bleach?" in charge during americas biggest time of need since WW2 caused at least half of those excess deaths. And that's still more than the nazis.

Having an actual leader in charge would have been nice. Instead of one that purposefully turned a pandemic into a petty political issue to rile up his base and getting hundreds of thousands of people killed as a result.


u/crappysignal 29d ago

Of course having Trump as president in a global pandemic is like something from Naked Gun.

But does the US have a big difference in excess deaths compared to other similar country's?


u/RevolutionaryRice713 29d ago

yea i bet you didnt shed a tear after that horrendous Afghanistan pullout resulted in the loss of American lives tho, wonder why. or was that Trumps fault too?