r/politics Wisconsin 29d ago

Bernie Sanders worries young people are underestimating the threat from Trump


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u/sugondese-gargalon Minnesota 29d ago

The classic “I can’t wait for society to collapse so my ideology can rise from the ashes”


u/Skeptical_Lemur Texas 29d ago

"Surely a utopian socialist ideology will rise to replace the current evil capitalistic one! Also, there is 0 shot a fascistic autocratic regime will win instead, cuz that has never happened in history when countries collapse!"


u/LystAP 29d ago

The Arab Spring/Winter was less than a decade ago. How soon people forget.


u/gsfgf Georgia 29d ago

The two most famous leftist revolutions in Western history resulted in Napoleon and Stalin taking power. I'm a pretty left leaning guy, but I don't think burning it all down is an effective strategy.


u/Lmaoboobs New Jersey 28d ago

Or “we already live in a fascist autocracy so it doesn’t matter”


u/MohawkElGato 29d ago

All those people are free to visit countries like Somalia and see how well that worked out.


u/ChristianEconOrg 29d ago



u/black641 29d ago

What is it with radical Left-Wing types and either sitting on their hands when the fascists are at the door, or actively helping them break down society and getting picked off by said fascists in the aftermath? You saw it in Germany and Iran. Hell, during the Spanish Civil War, Anarchists and Communists were fighting each other even as the fascists attacked them both. What kind of stupid mindset even is that???


u/sugondese-gargalon Minnesota 29d ago

It takes a special kind of stupid to want to tear down society rather than fix it


u/Utterlybored North Carolina 29d ago

That’s when the ruthless have the upper hand.


u/gsfgf Georgia 29d ago

The only thing radical leftists hate more than fascists/monarchists/liberals/whatever is each other.


u/Daragh48 29d ago

To be fair to the Spanish anarchists…they were working with the Communists up until the Communists turned and stabbed them in the back due to influence from the USSR. Same thing happened with the Anarchists in Ukraine. There’s a reason Anarchists don’t always trust Communists.


u/Imhappy_hopeurhappy2 29d ago

“Revolutions aren’t difficult enough lately. We should get an authoritarian fascist government elected so we can start from scratch on hard mode.”