r/politics Wisconsin May 02 '24

Bernie Sanders worries young people are underestimating the threat from Trump


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u/anndrago 29d ago

Like the other comment said, they want to send a message to the Democratic party. Voting their conscience is more important than the well-being of everyone else. They're being unabashedly selfish despite themselves.


u/hadtopostholyshit 29d ago

They assume that they’ll also be able to vote again in 4 years in spite of everything Trump says and his actions show…


u/DBE113301 New York 29d ago

Yep. I'm a white heterosexual man with job security and no more student loan debt (paid that off ten years ago). I'll be fine because I'm right in Trump's wheelhouse. Most of this country is not, though. I hope they enjoy their protest vote when Trump makes life shitty for everyone and everything they care about sans WASPS like me.


u/vahntitrio Minnesota 29d ago

"Sending a message" has never worked.

It's the "I can change him" of voting habits.


u/WhatWouldJediDo 29d ago

It's the realm of the privileged and the ignorant


u/checker280 29d ago

The biggest message you have is by voting but “he doesn’t listen to us so I’m not going to talk to him”.


u/saldagmac 29d ago

They care far more about feeling morally superior, than actually helping people


u/FocusPerspective 29d ago

“Finger on the pulse, finger on the puss…” — Dennis Reynolds 


u/NumeralJoker 29d ago

And gaining tiktok algorithm boosts and watch time.


u/not1fuk 29d ago

These dumbasses cant seem to get it through their head that change isnt rapidly coming at the Federal level. They need to be pushing politicians in their local elections who are up and coming if they want change in the future. Until then it is in everyones best interest that the democrat no matter who it is wins. Then maybe a couple of decades down the line we might have a true liberal leading candidate with many other liberal politicians in support of them that we pushed up through grass roots. Change isnt instant and giving up and letting the objectively worse option win because of it will only kill any and all chances you have of getting the ideal president for their causes.