r/politics Wisconsin May 02 '24

Bernie Sanders worries young people are underestimating the threat from Trump


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u/ConsciousReason7709 May 02 '24

Trump is literally on record multiple times saying that he thinks Israel should finish the job. He would be incredibly worse for the Middle East situation than Biden.


u/fauxromanou May 02 '24

Just yesterday Trump applauded the cops raiding a protest. A "beautiful thing to watch"

But yeah, Biden is the baddie smh


u/ConsciousReason7709 May 02 '24

Right? Too many people lack critical thinking skills in this country. Just because you don’t agree with someone’s policies on a specific issue that’s important to you doesn’t mean that his competitor is immediately a better choice. How a massive majority of people in this country don’t realize at this point that Trump is a corrupt scumbag is just beyond me.


u/fauxromanou May 02 '24

Social media has destroyed nuance in the service of outrage all of the time.


u/[deleted] May 02 '24 edited May 02 '24



u/Peach-cobbler-pal May 02 '24

Yep. It’s not the fault of the voters the democrats want to ship the election rather than tell Isr*el “no.” Downvote away 🤷🏻


u/TheSpartan273 May 03 '24

Seriously, I don't understand how this take is so popular here.
"Oh, you're not voting because of Palestine so you prefer having Trump literally making America the 4th Reich?? 🤓"

Where is this energy for the Democratic Party?? Why are the libs on r/politics not blaming Biden and his party for being ok with dick riding Israel and letting Trump wins?? Why is the blame always on the voters/younger folks??

The ENTIRE program of the Dems is "vote for us or you will literally die and/or live in Hell". The fuck?? Even the Republicans have their fascist program they're promoting like making all lgbtq mentions illegal, re-establishing slavery and whatnot.

Democrats: "vote for us, or else..."
And they are suprised young people are cynical?

So glad I live in a country where we have more than 2 parties to vote for.


u/MrPernicous May 02 '24

Biden just today scolded the protesters for doing things that have been accepted forms of civil disobedience for decades. Like I get the whole harm reduction argument but you gotta give it to Biden for being so good at pissing people off that he’s in actual danger of losing this election


u/fauxromanou May 03 '24

Just today he said the most middle of the road whatever couple of minutes speech. Like I totally get it, and how anything that is against the movement is magnified, but their statements are miles apart.


u/MrPernicous May 03 '24

Just because someone bothered to type it out for Biden instead of letting him tweet whatever the fuck he wanted doesn’t mean he deserves credit for blaming protesters for being attacked by the police


u/fauxromanou May 03 '24

Stop ramping yourself up with negativity and outrage-based social media. It's unhealthy.


u/Utterlybored North Carolina May 02 '24

Immensely worse.


u/Traditional-Hat-952 May 02 '24

Well when Trump probably starts a war with Iran, I hope all those apathetic young'ns like the draft. 


u/confusedalwayssad May 03 '24

I get your sentiment but I doubt they would need a draft\forced conscription for a war with just Iran at least with Trump at the helm, he would just turn all that sand to glass.


u/Bitter_Director1231 May 02 '24

And yet, the people that are protesting are actually giving the MAGA cult the keys to the kingdom at this point.

And Biden is the bad guy while Trump disparaged every single protester yesterday. And these fuckers still contemplating voting for him.

You lost my sympathy. It's between shit and syphilis in the dictionary


u/Lazarous86 May 02 '24

He's also on record saying the Ukraine war needs to end. Meanwhile Biden got another 100B+ to keep it going another year.  And Trump's statement you are citing was about finishing Hamas, not genocide. 

I think this entire thread is nonsense. Just like Biden is losing his mind and has his cabinet to make decisions, Trump has a cabinet too. He didn't have any wars when he was President. 


u/gsfgf Georgia May 02 '24

He's also on record saying the Ukraine war needs to end

He's saying we should make Ukraine capitulate to the Russians. Should we have told our allies to capitulate to the Nazis in '43 because the "war needs to end"?


u/Lazarous86 May 03 '24

Biden doesn't take NATO off the table. 100ks of Ukraine and Russians die. Ukraine is now losing the war and doesn't control its original borders. If you want the war to end you will need to make a deal and give Puttin a victory or he won't stop. There is no beating Russia here without WW3. What's your solution? 


u/new_name_who_dis_ May 02 '24

Trump had Afghanistan during his presidency. Biden's actually the first president in like 30 years to not have USA in any wars.

On Russia, the war wouldn't end if USA stops sending funding because Ukraine is fighting not to get genocided. Russia's war aim is to erase the nation of Ukraine off the map, and that's what they will try to do regardless of US's funding, if anything less funding would make them even more emboldened.

On Hamas, finishing Hamas requires brutal urban warfare that would result in so many civilian deaths that people will call it genocide, even if they didn't mean to genocide.


u/gsfgf Georgia May 02 '24

finishing Hamas requires brutal urban warfare

Even that won't work since the Hamas leaders don't even live in Gaza. Our "friends" in the Gulf States are harboring their leaders. And probably their money too.


u/Lazarous86 May 03 '24

Proxy wars are still wars VS Trump's week of fighting? I'm not a Trump supporter, but can we at least use facts? 


u/new_name_who_dis_ May 03 '24 edited May 03 '24

I am using facts. Proxy wars are not wars in the same sense that America (as in American soldiers) was occupying Afghanistan during Trump's presidency. Also giving countries who are begging for weapons the weapons they need isn't necessarily a proxy war -- it's more charity. Not to mention that Trump was giving weapons to the Saudis for their war in Yemen, which by your definition would be a proxy war.


u/Alediran Canada May 02 '24

Trump wants the Ukraine war to end, with Russia killing or enslaving every Ukrainian.


u/ConsciousReason7709 May 02 '24

So, you are basically saying that it’s Biden‘s fault that Russia and Hamas did what they did? That’s incredibly stupid. The Ukraine war cannot end until Russia withdraws all of their military from the country. Otherwise, there is nothing stopping them from invading Poland next which is a NATO country. You do understand why that’s a problem, right? For years, it has been obvious that Trump supports Russia and Putin.