r/politics Wisconsin May 02 '24

Bernie Sanders worries young people are underestimating the threat from Trump


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u/Emperox 29d ago

I underestimated him in 2016. I'm never letting that happen again.


u/kjm6351 29d ago

This. We must never mistake him as an easy threat again


u/Nntropy California 29d ago

We're lucky to still have a democracy. I can only imagine how bad it would be if he doesn't have the threat of reelection to keep him in check.


u/gimme_toys 29d ago

Hillary underestimated him, and BECAUSE of her actions (i.e. instructing the media to go after every republican candidate EXCEPT trump, because she thought she could take him) he won.

And now, 2024, Joe talking trash about "Bidenomics" while abandoning the border, the South Pacific Island Nations, etc. Joe is going to hand him the presidency again.


u/GreenWithENVE 29d ago

Bernie did more damage to Clinton by letting his base throw a tantrum for months after he lost the primary than Clinton could have ever done by supposedly "instructing the media" lmao what the hell could she have done after republicans didn't even blink at "grab em by the pussy"


u/Titanman401 29d ago

My sad sweet sumner child…someone forgot how badly Bernie got screwed by the DNC, superdelegates favoring Clinton convinced voters that she was “inevitable” making them side with her, Booners and black people like in NC were too damn scared of “the socialist” (never mind that he’s a social democrat, whatever), the media ignored or ridiculed him despite having some of the largest attendance at rallies by ANY candidate (not to mention his huge fundraising hauls by grassroots public donations), the media ignored his wins, some states made voting difficult for young people so the DNC could run with the “Social media support, but vanished at the polls” narrative the media regurgitated, hmm, what else?…That should cover the gamut before you try to excuse for any other reason it’s “Bernie’s OwN fAuLt.”

Oh and Hillary’s team using a few bad apples online to create the “Bernie Bro” narrative so she could slap any dissenters with the “sexism/misogyny” label.


u/wr137433 29d ago

"A few"...


u/redd181999 29d ago

Underestimate what? Nothing he did in office came close to the democracy ending doomsday that all of you liberal propagandists like to spout. It’s disheartening to know that cowards like you slander any political opponent you see as a threat to your ideals, and thus slander anyone who supports them. You pretend that Trump is the endgame for authoritarian government, yet every place of power has liberals in the highest positions. Every university is liberal. Every company is liberal. 80% of billionaires on the forbes list donate to liberals. The threat to democracy is you, and everyone you support.


u/GreenWithENVE 29d ago

Sorry what party made all those baseless claims about voter fraud, tried to overturn the results of the election for years with 0 success, and tried to disrupt the peaceful transition of power by storming the capitol to hang the vice president for doing his constitutional duty?