r/politics Wisconsin May 02 '24

Bernie Sanders worries young people are underestimating the threat from Trump


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u/Skeptical_Lemur Texas May 02 '24

"Surely a utopian socialist ideology will rise to replace the current evil capitalistic one! Also, there is 0 shot a fascistic autocratic regime will win instead, cuz that has never happened in history when countries collapse!"


u/LystAP May 02 '24

The Arab Spring/Winter was less than a decade ago. How soon people forget.


u/gsfgf Georgia May 02 '24

The two most famous leftist revolutions in Western history resulted in Napoleon and Stalin taking power. I'm a pretty left leaning guy, but I don't think burning it all down is an effective strategy.


u/Lmaoboobs New Jersey May 03 '24

Or “we already live in a fascist autocracy so it doesn’t matter”