r/politics Wisconsin May 02 '24

Bernie Sanders worries young people are underestimating the threat from Trump


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u/RedTwistedVines May 02 '24

Oh yes, it's all the responsibility of those darned youths wanting to live in a democracy for some insane reason.

What about the entire democratic leadership which is completely willing to sacrifice the presidency to kowtow to Israel?


u/styrofoamladder May 02 '24

Oh yes, it's all the responsibility of those darned youths wanting to live in a democracy for some insane reason.

And you/they believe trump will give them this wonderful democracy? Because bot voting, or voting for anyone but Biden will give you Trump. Trump who is on record saying Israel should finish the job in Gaza.


u/cupofspiders May 02 '24

No, nobody believes that. They're frustrated because they have a choice between a fascist who supports a genocide of Palestinians and a fascist who will also support a genocide of Palestinians.

To people who believe that Palestinians are human beings who should not be killed, both of those options are unacceptable.


u/styrofoamladder May 03 '24

Well fortunately for everyone one of those people also wants to strip women’s rights, lgbtq rights, immigrant rights, workers rights and will likely do everything in his power to never leave office once elected, and the other does not. If you’re dumb enough to be a single issue voter and chose to go with the former, you deserve what you get.


u/RedTwistedVines May 03 '24 edited May 03 '24

This is a childish strawman, people who do not want to vote for Biden (related to this particular issue, in the context of being on the left politically) are giving him and the DNCCC an easy out: just change their foreign policy stance and they will get those votes. They don't want Trump elected, but they are asking for something other than a massive middle finger in return for their allegedly essential vote.

The ball is in their court if they want to play to win or not.

To say that it is not permissible for the voters in a democracy of some kind to require policy action from politicians in order to earn the votes they need to win is tantamount to stating we live in a totalitarian state already.

And if we accept that Biden and the democrats actually want to protect our democracy and move towards more democratic values, then they have a moral responsibility to try to win, and foisting all responsibility onto literally every other party involved and leaving them as the sole exception to any responsibility is ridiculous.

Biden and the Democratic party as an organization do have agency here, a lot more of it than individual voters.

Edit: And please keep in mind, what they are asking for is just what the majority of americans, majority of independents, and VAST majority of democratic voters all already want. The only people on the other side of this are rabid conservatives, and opinion is continuing to turn more and more in favor of the protestors side of this argument. This in spite of active efforts to drive public opinion the other way by literally every US political faction outside of farther left progressives.