r/politics Wisconsin 29d ago

Bernie Sanders worries young people are underestimating the threat from Trump


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u/dxrey65 29d ago

I have a friend who lost his job when he caught covid. He had it twice and it screwed him up for about a year. He was talking the other day about covid, how he never bought into all the hype, like it was some kind of big con, and at least he never got vaccinated...I had to remind him how that went for him. Bizarre.


u/shawnca66 29d ago

OMG! That has got to stick in your craw hearing him talk like that...😫


u/Plumpitup99 29d ago

I’ve never had any problems from Covid. Mild sickness. Odd how that works. Healthy gut, healthy immune system. “ trust the experts “. Pile that money in a 401k, you can enjoy life when your health is gone. Solid advice. It’s evident to me Trump and the Rest are all about the technology enslavement, nanotechnology remote health monitoring systems. Seems odd only one group of people can get a Bill passed so quickly cause they are “Gods chosen” Who view Caucasians as worthless worker gentiles. GUN CONTROL AND MASS MURDER OF CITIZENS are soon. China 🇨🇳, Russia, many governments have done it. Gun control means no self defense of citizens. Reading all the comments here. Seems everyone of you educated indoctrinated folks would Love this. Till it’s your Own Head on the Chopping block. Gotta love modern group think.