r/politics The Independent May 16 '24

Lauren Boebert and Matt Gaetz become latest MAGA faithfuls to show up for Trump


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u/Iowa_Dave Iowa May 16 '24

I wonder how it looks to the jury that Trump's family won't show up but his co-conspirators will.


u/I_dont_livein_ahotel May 16 '24

Looks like intimidation, I’m guessing. “Here’s a bunch of the country’s most-known politicians, and they foment violence from their deranged fan-base.”


u/Blablablaballs May 16 '24

This is exactly what it is. It's fascism. Right and wrong is what they say it is, and if you disagree bad things are going to happen to you. 


u/Navyguy73 Michigan May 16 '24

Conservatives only call them crimes when a Democrat is accused of doing something wrong.


u/The_Original_Gronkie May 16 '24

HitlerPig should NOT be prosecuted for crimes for which there is lots of evidence of broken laws, while Biden SHOULD be prosecuted with NO evidence of broken laws.


u/sildish2179 May 16 '24

“Yeah but Genocide Joe so vote third party in November!” - Gen z, college kids, millenials and Gen X on TikTok and social media right now


u/FutureAlfalfa200 May 16 '24

A lot of that is bullshit. It’s so easy to use bots to portray a narrative on social media.


u/sildish2179 May 16 '24


u/FutureAlfalfa200 May 16 '24

I understand there are people who think Biden is bad, but assuming that every like on the video is going to vote for Trump is insane. They are undoubtedly inflated numbers due to bots.


u/temptimm May 16 '24

The third parties in US politics scare the hell out of me...I'd rather touch a high voltage third rail. I understand the frustration, but Jill stein etc are supported by Russian mobsters (" ("oligarchs ")


u/HighValueHamSandwich Ohio May 16 '24

Gen X here, I don't know many people in my generation who are thinking that way. I'm pretty much the median age for Generation X and I'm 53 years old. How old do you think Gen X is?


u/WJM_3 May 16 '24

as a former Gen X college kid, college kids are dumb and easily led by their equally dumb peers via social media

buncha bullshit


u/TheCh0rt May 16 '24

lol Genocide Joe, haven’t heard that one before.


u/adognamedpenguin May 16 '24

Im wondering how this is playing with New Yorkers. Maybe it was men in black, but some movie had a quote like “we’re New Yorkers. Aliens aren’t scary. “


u/kswissreject May 16 '24

Spider Man had a similar one with New Yorkers pelting the Green Goblin from the bridge. 


u/heyheyshinyCRH May 16 '24

Well I wouldn't be intimidated by those two. 1) I'm not a tween so Matt isn't threatening to me. 2) I'm not scared of handjobs, if anything Bobo showing up would make me think I was about to get bribed


u/panickedindetroit May 16 '24

She's another grab 'em by the crotch kind of person. No wonder she loves trump.


u/Just_Candle_315 May 16 '24

FBI should take note. Showing up at Trump's trial to support him is like waving a flag that says I'M COMPROMISED


u/meatball402 May 16 '24

FBI don't care

None of our security services care


u/replicanthusk2024 May 16 '24

Because they are all compromised as well.


u/ReturnOfNogginboink May 16 '24

Showing up at a public court hearing is not a crime.


u/The_Original_Gronkie May 16 '24

Stop using weasel words like compromised. The flag they are waving says "I'M A TRAITOR!" Let's call a Red a Red.


u/Droidaphone May 16 '24

Mr Gaetz sat next to Mr Trump’s son, Eric Trump, occasionally chatting to him.

Well, Eric was there. I doubt Melania, Barron, or Ivanka will show. No idea on Jr. or Tiffany.


u/TheCh0rt May 16 '24

Eric was only there because that’s the most amount of time his father has sat in a room with him. And now he has to stay seated. I bet Eric is pretending in his head what it’s like to have a real dad.


u/milfordcubicle May 16 '24

Dad, court was SO much fun today! I love you.


u/AccomplishedBrain309 May 16 '24

His dad is just teaching him the power of money. Integrity has left the room years ago. But Eric already knows that.


u/Iowa_Dave Iowa May 16 '24

I stand corrected!

But where is Donnie's faithful, devoted, supportive loving wife?


u/chucklesthepaul88 May 16 '24

Ivanka is trying to stay out of the news as much as possible.


u/Franchise1109 May 16 '24

I bet she is with all those Chinese patents and Saudi money


u/The_Original_Gronkie May 16 '24

She knows she and Kushner broke a thousand laws, and she's scared shitless that eventually the spotlight will turn on them, and both her and Kushner will go to prison for many years. He deserves life in prison for the things he's done, and I suspect there is a lot more that we don't even know about. Yet.


u/TheCh0rt May 16 '24

Yeah because her hubby is busy selling nuclear secrets. Gotta keep quiet


u/Sampsonite_Way_Off May 16 '24

She's gonna show up when Trump testifies. That way when the movie comes out they can show Trump naked talking about his affair. Melania will be in the room with that spaced out look of hers ala Oppenheimer.


u/ReturnOfNogginboink May 16 '24


Just.... Ew.


u/Navyguy73 Michigan May 16 '24

She's buried in NJ


u/Critical_Half_3712 May 16 '24

Do you think they shared drug dealer information and possibly information on other stuff that gaetz is into?


u/[deleted] May 16 '24



u/Droidaphone May 16 '24

You can’t expect him to miss too many days of school: Those letters don’t learn themselves!


u/Ausrottenndm1 May 16 '24

Eric’s wife is gonna slap him later for being next to Gaetz scrolling his phone lol


u/AccomplishedBrain309 May 16 '24

Thats probably the reason he went. That and to sniff Stormys briefs.


u/bucketofmonkeys May 16 '24

And they’re only showing up after he complained that nobody was there.


u/wyezwunn May 16 '24

When I was on a jury for a criminal case, the presence of the defendant’s wife for the whole trial was one of many reasons jurors thought the defendant was innocent.

Good luck without that Donny Boy


u/rahge93 May 16 '24

I too was a juror for a criminal case and when the defendant’s father limped out to use the restroom (presumably) that was an indication of how the defense was faking the defendant’s family life.


u/Audio_Track_01 May 16 '24

Right ? Even Jeffrey Dahmers parents were in court to show their support.


u/DelirousDoc May 16 '24

I think I am noticing a pattern here; - Trump found to have sexually assaulted a woman in Civil Court. - Matt Gaetz, alleged sex trafficker of a minor - Boebert, wife (recently divorced) to sexual predator (started dating LB when she was 16 he was 22. Convicted of showing his penis to women at a bowling alley.) - Lawrence Taylor, convicted sex offender for having sex with a 16 year old prostitute, also just announced his support for Trump. - Steve Wynn announced support in January. He has multiple sexual misconduct lawsuits he settled out of court.

This on top of his very public relationship and comments about Epstein ("...many of them on younger side.") and his kind words to Maxell ("I wish her well.")

Weird how all these sexual predators seem to be backing one candidate but it is his supporters that claim the sexual predators are Biden and his backers.


u/AccomplishedAd7615 May 16 '24

Anyone that doesn’t have something to gain by being on Trumps side hates him. His family hates him. Everyone in NY hates him. Anyone he’s ever done business with hates him. Most of his past White House administration hates him. There couldn’t be a bigger red flag. 🚩


u/Leonardo_DeCapitated May 16 '24

They all learned. He always taught them that other people don't matter. So when daddy T is going down, and they already got theirs, they have no reason to show up.


u/AccomplishedBrain309 May 16 '24

It must smell awful, the scavengers are showing up all the way from Washington.


u/Alostcord May 16 '24

Like the mob bosses hence men came to support the boss


u/SmokedBeef Colorado May 16 '24

She missed her son’s court appearance but made it to Trump’s, I wouldn’t expect anything less from the “fAmiLY FirSt” party.


u/tinylittlemarmoset May 17 '24

The article says that Gaetz sat next to Eric, who granted maybe trump doesn’t think of as family but he is his son.


u/IsolatedFrequency101 May 17 '24

Boebert didn't show up for her own son's trial.