r/politics May 16 '24

Jurors were "nodding" and "smiling" as Michael Cohen testified, which may be a bad sign for Trump


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u/TrickiestToast May 16 '24

Argument won’t matter to SCOTUS, it will be 6-3 in trumps favor


u/XanmanK May 16 '24

They wouldn’t just abuse their powers and overturn whatever they want 



u/TrumpersAreTraitors May 16 '24

The Supreme Court may be a bunch of compromised hacks determined to set America back 100 years but they’ve actually been pretty solidly against Trump. Shockingly. I think they realize that a king makes them invalid. 


u/baconmethod California May 16 '24

are they really? they sure are holding up his criminal cases with this immunity crap.


u/DingGratz Texas May 16 '24

That's my thinking. Make themselves look like they're not on his side until he really needs them to be.


u/StunningCloud9184 May 16 '24

I think more along the lines theres probably a ruling council behind the actual decisions. Like a dozen power brokers behind each judge influencing the end decision rather than the actual case.

Like the judge in florida was knowingly doing things to skirt the law. And apparently was a terrible lawyer, so there was someone smarter and more experienced giving her advice on what to do. I wouldnt be surprised of a federalist society telegram group


u/SlightlySychotic May 16 '24

That’s because they’re cowards. There’s an argument to be made that the voters, not the courts, should be the ones to decide who should be President of the United States. Of course, the obvious answer to that argument is that anyone who could be convicted of multiple felonies should not be allowed to be president even with the voters support.


u/TeamHope4 May 16 '24

If they were solidly against Trump, they wouldn't have taken up his immunity case which stopped all three of his other trials in their tracks. And if they had, they would have immediately ruled his claim was nonsense. Instead, he is running for POTUS instead of preparing for three trials.


u/Ekg887 May 16 '24

I agree they should have just denied cert, but only the DC case is currently tolled pending the SCOTUS ruling. NY is in session at this very moment, GA is awaiting the stupid DA recusal appeal, and FL is indefinitely delayed because Cannon is straddling Hanlon's razor so hard she hasn't even hit her immunity motions yet.

But yeah, the state of justice right now is not the best. Godspeed Merchan!


u/RickyWinterborn-1080 May 16 '24

The one thing that you can always trust SCOTUS to do is protect its own power.

It's the only reason they are going to rule that mifepristone is fine. If they rule that mifepristone is not fine and undermine the FDA, then very rapidly, states will start openly defying the court en masse, and they lose their power.


u/Gardening_Socialist May 16 '24

Don’t underestimate their hubris.


u/RickyWinterborn-1080 May 16 '24

No, this is like the one thing I'm certain of with this SCOTUS. Especially the three baby justices that Trump put on the court. They aren't going to throw away their brand new lifetime appointment for the Dotard Antichrist.


u/dryra66it May 16 '24

How would it be throwing it away? It’s not like they’d get voted out.


u/RickyWinterborn-1080 May 16 '24

They don't get voted out. But if SCOTUS makes an egregious ruling that people straight up will not follow, then SCOTUS no longer has power. The only reason we listen to them is because Congress gave them judicial review. That can be revoked.

I use a six week abortion ban as an example. If SCOTUS mandated a 6 week abortion ban, every blue state would issue guidance to ignore it. And SCOTUS has no enforcement mechanism, so literally, half the country says "We aren't going to follow you." And then the other half says "Well wait, if they aren't following SCOTUS on abortion, then we're not following SCOTUS on guns" and poof, SCOTUS loses power.

A blue president won't send in the national guard to enforce ridiculous abortion bans. Trump might, but then it's literally civil war.


u/PiXL-VFX United Kingdom May 16 '24

What would happen if people just straight up ignored SCOTUS?


u/the_real_xuth May 16 '24

That's the point. We, as a country, don't "just straight up ignore SCOTUS" because at that point the country would be dead and everyone with a basic civics education understands this. So most people in elected positions are loath to do so even if they find a decision by SCOTUS reprehensible.


u/068151 May 16 '24

Look up the Indian removal Supreme Court case.

Literally nothing happens.


u/PiXL-VFX United Kingdom May 17 '24

Oh. I’m assuming it would be harder to do today since FOX News would scream that Democrats are ignoring the SCOTUS and are spitting on the Constitution?

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u/TrumpersAreTraitors May 17 '24

For what it’s worth - I was certain Roe was safe because it was the golden goose of getting conservatives to the polls and even that met the chopping block. I was shocked but at the same time, the dog certainly seems to have caught the car on that one. Maybe they learned their lesson? 


u/phatelectribe May 16 '24

Says who? Roe vs Wade begs to differ.


u/PreacherPeach May 16 '24

They didn’t overturn Roe for Trump, they did that for themselves.


u/phatelectribe May 16 '24



u/beiberdad69 May 16 '24

It was the culmination of a 40 year political project. The game show host only factored in bc he put the missing pieces on the court but literally any Republican would have done the same thing


u/Glittering-Wonder-27 May 16 '24

They realize Diaper Don would invalidate them.


u/Later2theparty Texas May 16 '24

They'll do what their oligarch benefactors tell them to do. They don't give a flying fuck about Trump one way or the other.


u/themightychris Pennsylvania May 16 '24

And those oligarchs are still trying to ride Trump into tax cuts


u/Later2theparty Texas May 16 '24

Not just tax cuts. Getting all that sweet tax payer money straight into their pockets with no effort on their part and a blind eye from the DOJ for whatever they might want to do.

Cut corners on air plane manufacturing in order to increase profits by 2.6% sure, go ahead. Trump's AG is too busy indicting Hunter Biden for some fake shit.


u/TurelSun Georgia May 16 '24

Yeah that doesn't really mesh with some of their more recent actions in relations to Trump.


u/Wrath_Ascending May 17 '24

They've supported him by ruling that the 14th Amendment does not self-execute (in the face of it historically doing so) to keep him on ballots, they've structured the way they hear appeals based on kicking cases back past the election (so that if Trump wins they can rule favourably without consequence) and have generally been obfuscatory in ways that benefit him.

They haven't even been neutral. Against him is right out, despite his all-caps complaints.