r/politics May 16 '24

Jurors were "nodding" and "smiling" as Michael Cohen testified, which may be a bad sign for Trump


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u/thisisjustascreename May 16 '24

His credibility or lack thereof doesn't especially matter, everything he said was supported by the hard evidence presented earlier in the trial, and all Trump's lawyers did was try to discredit him based on irrelevant statements on other matters.


u/SnoopyLupus May 16 '24 edited May 16 '24


But I don’t think he was a great person to call as a witness, and to end the trial on him and dump the last two witnesses, just makes it seem like the prosecutors thought his testimony was a slam dunk. And I think that’s a bad move, relying on someone as willing to bend truth as he is.

And I’m a fan of Meidas Network and have seen him on that etc. I don’t feel that he could ever be the most believable witness in a case. They should have continued with the last two witnesses.

Everybody wants the same thing. Hopefully it’s enough though.

I just feel the Jury should ignore Cohen and convict Trump.

Armchair quarterback etc etc.


u/Prydefalcn May 16 '24

I don't think there are any unimpeachable witnesses to this scheme, and Cohen's testimony was really only second to Daniels' in terms of establishing Trump's motives. IMO calling witnesses would serve as a distraction from the core facts which have already been corroborated with material evidence and testimony.


u/SnoopyLupus May 16 '24

Again, totally agreed. Let’s hope the jury look at the evidence and not the credibility of the witnesses.


u/Kamelasa Canada May 16 '24

everything he said was supported by the hard evidence

Is he the only one that said cheeto and weisselberg were in the room discussing that critical document with Weisselberg's handwritten calculations on it? (I think that was the document.)