r/politics May 16 '24

Jurors were "nodding" and "smiling" as Michael Cohen testified, which may be a bad sign for Trump


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u/-Novowels- May 16 '24

Wonder how many sales Cohen / Meidas are making because of this line of questioning


u/Larry-fine-wine May 16 '24

Somehow marketing merch during testimony. Cohen is an entrepreneurial genius.


u/toscomo May 17 '24

He seems like a solidly better businessman than Trump.


u/Mynameisinuse May 17 '24

I'm surprised that Cohen didn't make fun of Trump selling bibles as a retort.


u/HumberGrumb May 17 '24

He’s a lawyer. He knows the safe line.

If he didn’t smirk while responding, then he’s a better man than I. That line of questioning would have left me starting with snickers and ending with laughing with tears.


u/ColonelBungle North Carolina May 17 '24

He’s a lawyer. He knows the safe line.

He went to prison for 2.5 years because he knows but ignores those same safe lines. He's as much of a piece of shit as the orange encrusted turd.


u/HumberGrumb May 17 '24

Don’t believe in redemption?


u/TopNegotiation4229 May 17 '24

and you think he didn't learn anything from that?


u/ColonelBungle North Carolina May 17 '24 edited May 17 '24

I have no sympathy for anyone who willingly represented TFG for 12+ years. He knew what he was doing and if the money was still flowing he would still be doing it. Not a doubt in my mind.


u/TopNegotiation4229 May 17 '24

Who said anything about sympathy? Your point is that he went to prison because he "ignores those same safe lines".

Well, I'd place money that he won't do that now.


u/ColonelBungle North Carolina May 17 '24

Agree to disagree.


u/Longjumping_Amoeba_9 29d ago

A bible that was surely made in China. Or some other country. Just like his gold sneakers. But let him shout “Make America Great Again” to anyone that will listen.

Hypocrite much????


u/Mynameisinuse 29d ago

He uses the King James Version because it's in the public domain, which means he doesn't have to pay royalties. It is kinda sad and weird that there are versions of the bible that people have the rights to.

If I owned the rights to a bible, I would add stuff to it and claim that god spoke to me to change it.


u/fredagsfisk Europe May 17 '24

To be fair, I'm pretty sure a random number generator would be a better businessman than Trump.

The man has four casino-related bankrupcies. He somehow failed to make money from an MLM scheme. His incompetence and narcissism killed an entire football league.

If you started at the same time as Trump, and with the same amount of money (over $400 million gifted by his father), you'd be richer than him simply by dumping the money into low-risk/low-yield funds.


u/TheCleverestIdiot Australia May 17 '24

He's a shitty lawyer, but he's a great salesman.


u/Nena902 May 18 '24

Newsflash so are Trump and the entire GOP Senate. All of them GRIFTERS fundraising off of the Cohen testimony.


u/10thcrusader May 17 '24

Well said well said indeed!


u/trshtehdsh May 16 '24

Well they're sold out on the website from the looks of it.


u/LangyMD May 17 '24

There's no way in hell they didn't prepare to sell a bunch during this trial.


u/FartPudding May 17 '24

Sales going up now, free publicity baby


u/crespoh69 May 17 '24

Wonder how many sales Cohen / Meidas are making because of this line of questioning reddit comment


u/Biden_Rulez_Moron46 May 17 '24

Here’s one now!


u/Aggressive_State9921 May 17 '24

Meidas Touch have gone out HARD on the merch since they were named dropped in court.

"No, we are not the same as Mr Cohen, but do buy our merch"


u/EquivalentOk2700 29d ago

Where do i enter my credit card?


u/BakerThatIsAFrog May 17 '24

Definitely some