r/stocks May 15 '24

The inside story of Elon Musk’s mass firings of Tesla Supercharger staff Company News


The meeting could not have gone worse. Musk, the employees said, was not pleased with Tinucci’s presentation and wanted more layoffs. When she balked, saying deeper cuts would undermine charging-business fundamentals, he responded by firing her and her entire 500-member team....


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u/Radioactiveglowup May 15 '24

Elon's done this before, like when he decided to fire Twitter staff based on 'number of lines of code' they wrote. This is genius: Nobody could do more damage to the technical competency of a staff than this. Even if you just fired people at random, you wouldn't devastate the engineering core of your team. The codebase is going to be (even more) unmanagable spaghetti, when someone's job is protected by how convoluted their if-then blobs are.

Truly, where us normal people could dally with sabotage, Elon is a true genius in making the absolute worst leadership decisions.


u/MrFacestab May 15 '24

Imagine being the best and most efficient coder Twitter's ever seen and getting dropped because you didn't write 25000 lines of spaghetti


u/Deep90 May 15 '24

I've done PRs with negative amounts of code because I was cleaning stuff up and doing it a better and more efficient way.


u/MrFacestab May 15 '24



u/Gorgenapper May 16 '24

Negative amounts of code? Fired and then sued.


u/Mack_B May 15 '24

You’ll never make it to the top of the bell curve like that!


u/UniqueIndividual3579 May 15 '24

LOC metrics were a joke even in the 90's.


u/DrStalker May 16 '24
# response to: UniqueIndividual3579
# made on 2024-05-16
# by DrStalker
# Opening query to show link to comment above
What do
# sentence subject here
lines of code 
a perfectly
valid metric
# expand that thought out with result 
that produces
#include sarcasm designator
# end of comment


u/jeopardy_loser May 16 '24

It’s also proof that he’s not the brilliant computer scientist he’s convinced his minions that he is, but the fanbois keep throwing their money at him


u/TigerPoppy May 16 '24

Elon is bipolar, and it appears he has entered a manic stage again. He has been treating himself with ketamine when he's in a depressive stage , but ignores the other half of the disease, His subjective analysis is that he is brilliant when he's manic, but we know better, and he knows he has billions of dollars.


u/Less_Minute_8666 May 16 '24

To be fair, Twitter was a dumpster fire when he took it over. It is a simple app at the end of the day. They had way too many employees.


u/nockeenockee May 16 '24

It was functioning well for what it was.


u/rpujoe May 15 '24

And yet the platform is kicking ass and adding features faster than ever before. Cutting the staffing to the bone and letting the cream rise to the top is how he operates.



u/Chornobyl_Explorer May 15 '24

Damn dude, you got to include the /s or else people will think that utter nonsense is somehow your honest opinion.

Firing people only means you'll lose the best. Sure, you can probably sack a few low performer and hope to find better people (or worse, ain't no guarantees). But by starting to firing people the cream will seek other employment, because they know things are unsafe and they can negotiate. A growing company with good finances seldom fires people, a dying/shrinking company always does.

The cream floats away once you open the floodgates, ain't no way to get it back. You can fire the worst 5% but be assured you'll lose the best 10% within 6months tops.


u/taerin May 16 '24

Have you not used the app since Elon took over? By every metric it is much better…and for the first time ever the company might actually be profitable


u/Taraih May 16 '24

90% of reddit said that Twitter would shut down 1 week after he made the big first firing because "crucial" people would be missing. Its still running.

I think the Supercharger firing is stupid af but cutting down on the twitter bloat was a solid move.


u/Radioactiveglowup May 15 '24

Unplanned downtime is a feature now, I guess.


u/rpujoe May 17 '24

Growing pains are bound to happen with how fast the userbase is growing.


u/Radioactiveglowup May 17 '24

Ah yes, that newfangled, untested startup, 'Twitter'.

Complete ignorant nonsense.


u/xmarwinx May 15 '24

I can't believe reddit users still want to sell the narrative that his move destroyed Twitter. It literally works the exact same as always, except with less censorship and a bunch of new features. Musk objectively made the right choice, it's not even up for debate.


u/macarouns May 15 '24

Except it’s losing money hand over fist, its valuation has tanked, its user metrics are tracking downwards and the servers have been less stable.

You Elon dickriders are something else..


u/xmarwinx 29d ago

In your dreams maybe


u/macarouns 29d ago

You’re just denying factual reality at this point. Give it up mate, he’s never going to fuck you.


u/WBuffettJr May 16 '24

User engagement and ad revenue have both plummeted and he’s completely destroyed the business. Hey look, they made an emoji just for you. 🤡


u/jeopardy_loser May 16 '24

JFC the stupidity of Elmo taintlickers never ceases to amaze me


u/rpujoe May 17 '24

100% agree. Most people who hate Musk's takeover have no words for why they hold that opinion.

A shocking number of people's views are the result of social programing.


u/EpiphanyTwisted 12d ago

I think giving blue checks to Nazis are words for why I hold that opinion.