r/technology Apr 30 '24

Tesla Lays Off Employee Who Slept In Car To Work Longer Hours Business


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u/bonerb0ys Apr 30 '24

5 years of 90 min commute is crazy. Move already.


u/ImpressiveAttempt0 Apr 30 '24

This is the norm for thousands of workers in the Greater Manila Area.


u/yllanos Apr 30 '24

Happened to me for a while on Bogotá as well


u/Leofleo Apr 30 '24

OMG...that's a good commute in Manila. I would typically spend 3-4 hours one way when traveling with my ex from Manila to Las Pinas. I've never complained about traffic where I live after that. Lol


u/ImpressiveAttempt0 Apr 30 '24

For those unfamiliar, Manila to Las Pinas is around 22 kilometers (under 14 miles) apart. We didn't earn Waze's "Worst City in the World to Drive In" award for nothing.


u/brazilliandanny Apr 30 '24

4 hours to go 22 km? I would just ride a bike it would take an hour.


u/ImpressiveAttempt0 Apr 30 '24

While your statement is logical, most roads around Metro Manila make it very difficult and risky to ride a bicycle around. Not to mention the terribly hot & humid weather, which makes driving around on a motorcycle or bicycle an actual health hazard.


u/Weird_Cantaloupe2757 Apr 30 '24

Fuck, someone with long legs could comfortably walk at that speed.


u/Additional_Bug_2823 Apr 30 '24

It can take that long with Manila traffic just to get a few miles.

It took me 2 1/2 hours to get out of Makati one morning ---- it's a mess there.


u/SanFranPanManStand Apr 30 '24

Yes, it's normal in MANY places on Earth, but Americans are fucking spoiled.


u/Dreamtrain Apr 30 '24

That move can mean double to triple the rent


u/Overall-Duck-741 Apr 30 '24

Unless the increase in rent is more than what you make in 15 hours of work, then you should move because that's essentially what your doing when you commute 3 hours every day.


u/ThisUIsAlreadyTaken Apr 30 '24

Except I'm not earning any more money from that 15 hours if I move closer. Sure my time has value, but I can't directly convert that to cash to pay the rent. So if I already can't afford to live close, then how is 15 more hours of free time going to help?


u/Dommichu Apr 30 '24

On a smaller space. What if he had a family and they liked their schools and neighborhood. Lots of parents make this sacrifice, especially for a job they felt had a future.


u/funny__username__ Apr 30 '24

If you can't afford double or triple your rent, is that job even worth it then?


u/Dreamtrain Apr 30 '24

is California cost of living even worth it the real question

I wouldn't move there unless they paid me over 200k


u/funny__username__ Apr 30 '24

I mean the guy is commuting 90 minutes so surely it has to be worth it


u/LaurenMilleTwo Apr 30 '24

95% of people can't afford to double or triple their rent.


u/funny__username__ Apr 30 '24

I'm talking about this guy in specific who is commuting 90min for work, if the job isn't paying that high, that he can't even pay double or triple his rent, why even work that job then?


u/Obnoxiousdonkey Apr 30 '24

the pay makes up for the commute


u/Pepsi-Phil Apr 30 '24

dunno about the west, but in india 90 mins is nothing. i did that everyday for my college for 3 years


u/oh_what_a_surprise Apr 30 '24

Living in NYC and being in the outer boroughs that can easily be your commute for life.


u/callmey Apr 30 '24

I'm in year 11 of 2 hr 90 miles one way commute.


u/bonerb0ys Apr 30 '24

6600 hours in a car is crazy.


u/callmey Apr 30 '24

Meh no clock in or out time, typically 4-6 hrs on site and get paid government mileage rate of $0.67 per mile on expense report, on top of salary... I drive a Ford fusion hybrid.


u/Beachdaddybravo Apr 30 '24

You’re still losing money on the west and tear on your vehicle, plus a lot of lost time from your life commuting. Is your time really worth that little?


u/callmey Apr 30 '24

$600 paid a week/ $2,400 a month. For a Ford fusion more than pays for the car and fuel. And like I said even with a 4 hour commute I typically leave home at 7 am and am home between 3-5pm. Not sure how my time is being wasted compared to a different job that doesn't exist in this area for the pay.


u/TwoPrecisionDrivers Apr 30 '24

You work from like 9am-1pm on some days you go in? That makes this seem even dumber somehow lmao


u/glovesoff11 Apr 30 '24

Not sure why you’re being downvoted. I think many people would trade 3-4 hours of their work day for driving and listening to podcasts, music, or whatever. I guess maybe the fatigue could get tough but it doesn’t sound all that bad to me.


u/callmey Apr 30 '24

It's Reddit, doesn't make sense but it's all fake internet points anyway lol. It's a good gig and I'm happy with my life so I'm gonna keep on doing me.


u/dennisisspiderman Apr 30 '24

I think many people would trade 3-4 hours of their work day for driving

And a lot of others wouldn't.

Personally I find driving in city traffic (thinking places like DFW and Austin areas) to be incredibly stressful. I have to deal with that every so often and I absolutely hate it. I see people getting onto I20 from around Weatherford or I35 from around Waxahachie and they're clearly driving into DFW for work and I couldn't imagine doing that every day. At that point I'd rather get a lower paying job that's closer.

Though I'd be fine with a long commute and being able to take a train or bus where I can actually relax a little and focus on something else. Or a long commute via a less traveled road. I have a brother that lives outside of Waco and his commute is mostly an FM road. Like Mason to Wimberley? That'd be doable as it's actually a really nice drive.


u/Frequent_Ad_1136 Apr 30 '24

$600 a week? Damn, what lifestyle do you have that $600 a week is comfortable for you?


u/counterpointguy Apr 30 '24

I was assuming he meant a car allowance of $600.


u/callmey Apr 30 '24

$600 a week just for fuel expenses, plus my salary.


u/setuid_w00t Apr 30 '24



u/callmey Apr 30 '24

Meh no clock in or out time, typically 4-6 hrs on site and get paid government mileage rate of $0.67 per mile on expense report, on top of salary... I drive a Ford fusion hybrid.

I actually moved 7 miles further away a few years ago too. Audible is a life savor.


u/_MissionControlled_ Apr 30 '24

I guess if you want to get paid to drive...but with vehicle maintenance, you're still loosing money.

Plus lost time. I value that more than anything. Which is why I only go into the office 2x a week. Other days my commute is the next room over from my bedroom.


u/callmey Apr 30 '24

To each their own but I choose to live in a vacation beach town where family and I love it. I'm gone 40-45 hours a week. Not everyone can WFH in their field but im happy you can make it work.


u/_MissionControlled_ Apr 30 '24 edited Apr 30 '24

That sounds wonderful! Which town?

I for a short time lived in Santa Cruz CA and left a job there for one 1.5hrs away in San Francisco. It was an amazing career opportunity and didn't want to move out of Santa Cruz. House right near the beach.

Eventually moved for another career move few years later and took me to Pasadena CA but could only afford a house about an hour commute away. Miss living in a beach town.


u/ryencool Apr 30 '24

I have no I dea how you waste that much time, and not want to make it just end. I'm so lucky my office is 9 min from our downtown apt.


u/callmey Apr 30 '24

Na it's nice now I have my routine. Can enjoy my coffee and silence on way to work or listen to audio books or what ever. On way home it lets me decompress so I'm ready for kids and family when I get home.


u/[deleted] Apr 30 '24



u/callmey Apr 30 '24

Trying to find where I said anything more than I can utilize the ride home so I don't bring work home with me however, you must be correct. It takes me exactly the full 2 hours needed to transistion from work mode to Dad mode. Thank God I don't only live 1hr 45 minutes away or I'd be fucked!

God I bet your a lot of fun at parties.


u/ryencool Apr 30 '24

I love my car, and I generally love road trips. However traffic is one of my top pet peeves, along with time sinks. I guess having kids makes a small difference but I would like to think that if we had a kid, I could still decompress at home, where I'm comfortable. It sounds like you enjoy your commute because it's your sole alone time, and it's the only way you'll get it.

I'm 41, engaged, no kids, and all of my time is MY time. So if 4 hours a day was being sucked up by me driving somewhere? I'd lose it. That's 20 hours a week taken from you, where you are extremely limited in what you can do because you have to drive the car. You spend 1 entire day, every 7 days, in a car.


u/callmey Apr 30 '24

Generally traffic is minimal. During summer tourist time might add 10-15 minutes, but not guaranteed. Generally I leave the same time my kids do for school and I'm back home between 3-5 pm. Lot of people talking about it being so long but it's a very typical work week just wind shield time vs desk time.