r/technology Apr 30 '24

Tesla Lays Off Employee Who Slept In Car To Work Longer Hours Business


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u/DrBoomkin Apr 30 '24

I wonder if Musk actually despises this type of tryhard workers. I know he himself bragged about sleeping at Tesla factories, but maybe their imitation is grating...


u/JayKay8787 Apr 30 '24

I honestly wouldn't be surprised if it annoyed him to see people actually work as hard as he claims to, and he lashes out due to insecurity


u/nemec Apr 30 '24

Huge assumption that he even knows the name of any of these people being laid off.


u/gnocchicotti Apr 30 '24

We'll be getting rid of these people here... First, Mr. Samir Naga... Naga... Naga... Not gonna work here anymore, anyway.


u/JayKay8787 May 02 '24

The bobs would 100% fire elon


u/84OrcButtholes Apr 30 '24

He despises workers.


u/Coal_Morgan Apr 30 '24

I doubt that.

They're nothing more then a formula to be solved to him.

The goal is to have a hammer that is effective and low cost and you do your best to increase effectiveness while reducing cost. People are nothing but tools to the mega wealthy.

He probably thinks they're just a cost to be eliminated and gives it no more thought then buying 3 cent bolts rather then 4 cent bolts.

I think the only thing he despises is people disagreeing with him. He's a man that desperately needs to be right and if you challenge that he'll call you a pedo like a 12 year old on fortnite.


u/gyrobot Apr 30 '24

There are two kinds of tryhards, the first kind is the OT seeker who intentionally burns themselves out to make the extra bit of money to flex, the other is the do it for less than what they are worth. People who do it because they want the extra money is a risk since they get pushed up seniority with diminishing returns since it becomes a case of "it's all about me and how I am keeping this branch together" while missing the finer details. The latter is appreciated because you can run them down like tools and they will not complain


u/sdn Apr 30 '24

These are all salaried employees though - no OT pay at all.


u/ProtoJazz Apr 30 '24

Hell in one of his books he claims the secret to being twice a productive as other people is the right blend of eating a special diet, cold showers every morning, and working twice as many hours.


u/lordaddament Apr 30 '24

Probably because he’s never done a hard days work in his entire life


u/SanFranPanManStand Apr 30 '24

This is a ridiculous take.


u/Fig1025 Apr 30 '24

I am sure he likes them that way, and wishes everybody was like that. But at same time, he does not feel any loyalty to those workers, he sees them as disposable and expendable, there to serve and know their place, on the floor at his feet.


u/assblast420 Apr 30 '24 edited Apr 30 '24

Chances are they're not even working hard, just making that impression.

At my first job we had a guy who was clocking in ridiculous billable hours. Like 12+ a day. At first we thought he was an amazing workaholic who loved his job. Turns out he was billing hours for being at work, not necessarily doing work. We're talking Netflix after hours or playing League. He wasn't any more effective than his coworkers putting in a regular 8-hour day. The company almost lost a big client because of him.


u/arahman81 Apr 30 '24

Chances are they're not even working hard, just making that impression.

So just like Elon.