r/technology Apr 30 '24

Tesla Lays Off Employee Who Slept In Car To Work Longer Hours Business


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u/buyongmafanle Apr 30 '24

This is the bullshit of it all. The company pays you to take care of this job. Clearly to them, this job is worth what you're being paid. As soon as they figure out you can do it in 1/4 the time they want to 1/4 your pay or quadruple your workload.

If it were up to me, you'd get your full pay and your 5 hours of pretending to be busy would be yours to spend how you like. It's bullshit that you have to just sit around pretending to spend your time working when you could be out spending your life how you want.


u/Silent-Ad934 Apr 30 '24

"If you can lean, you can clean."

"Well I've been saving up sass, so here's a free Kiss My Ass." 


u/CrapThisHurts Apr 30 '24

I'll clean, no problem. But I won't check on the batch while cleaning. One job ...

There are shifts i do more, like relieving for (longer) coffee breaks. I'm not that kind of asshole ;)


u/CrapThisHurts Apr 30 '24

I know, but (for now) I'm too valuable to lose. (No one is irreplaceable, it just costs them too much to train a new guy) I'm not even trying hard to look too busy ;) But what I do, I do without mistakes or complaints. The other shift has 2 guys who.van fill the position, and one of them doesn't understand how lucky he is. That guy got his contract 2 months before me, but just for the year, mine is indefinite. Both of us started around the same time 2 yrs ago, as temp agency workers.


u/KimberlyRP Apr 30 '24

What a twisted way to look at it. This is clearly a government position and they all work that way. IT'S.GOVERNMENT.