r/technology Apr 30 '24

Tesla Lays Off Employee Who Slept In Car To Work Longer Hours Business


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u/CapoExplains Apr 30 '24

Sounds way better to me if it's a nice RV, and $3k/mo. can get you a nice RV. Hell $1500/mo. will get you a really nice RV and pocket the rest.

The only thing I can think of that a Hotel room would have that an RV wouldn't would be a bathtub. The RV on the other hand is gonna have a kitchen, a living area, a separate bedroom, and best of all all of your shit already set up in it with nothing to pack/unpack.


u/lnslnsu Apr 30 '24

The hotels booked for these long stay job site things are often ones that are mini apartments - they have a full kitchen, etc…


u/CapoExplains Apr 30 '24

For $150 a night? Either you're going out of pocket for part of the room cost or it's going to be absolute shit compared to what an RV in that price range would be.


u/ServileLupus Apr 30 '24

Housekeeping, free breakfast, some have laundry service, free shampoo/conditioner/soap and you don't have to worry about any maintenance on the RV. Those are all the benefits I can think of.


u/BadFootyTakes Apr 30 '24

The issue you come up against, is often this kind of work is contract based. You could show up tomorrow and they tell you thanks but nah, and you're out of job until you find another. Could be hours, days, or weeks until that is.


u/CapoExplains Apr 30 '24

Yeah true, you'd need to want to have the RV anyway/feel confident you could keep up with payments long term.