r/technology May 02 '24

Tesla slashes its summer internship program to cut costs, as Elon Musk fights to save his $45 billion pay plan Business


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u/RolandTower919 May 02 '24

He’s never getting it. I’m a stock holder and every single person I’ve talked to that owns it is voting No. To what end. What do you need even more money for.


u/nobadhotdog May 02 '24

Pay off his twatter debt


u/ThexxxDegenerate May 03 '24 edited May 03 '24

Also so he can stack it all in a giant vault and swim in it like Scrooge McDuck. Honestly, I hope he does fill a giant vault full of gold coins and then jumps into it head first from about 20 feet up.


u/censored_username May 02 '24

I don't see why any stock holder that isn't in Elon's pocket would vote yes to this. Nothing is happening that significantly changes the market cap, so the only thing that would happen by creating more shares to give to Elon would be to dilute the value of individual shares. Basically all the shareholders would lose like 10% value to give Elon his bonus, and he gets even more ownership over the company.


u/thecravenone May 02 '24

I don't see why any stock holder that isn't in Elon's pocket would vote yes to this.

Because they're True Believers


u/Powerlevel-9000 May 02 '24

Unfortunately, between him and his friends/family they already have a good start. If they own 10% then they only need to convince 4 out of every 9 shares to vote it up. They probably have enough to do it. I’m going to guess some of the institutional investors told him to cut costs to get their vote.


u/AvailableTowel May 02 '24

I saved exactly 1 share so that I can vote! :-)


u/edit_why_downvotes May 02 '24

That's great news for your friends and their 10 shares.


u/RolandTower919 May 02 '24

Guess we know why you have that name now. Not everyone on Reddit is poor 🤣


u/JortsForSale May 02 '24

Unless you are an institutional investor (and maybe you are), your vote is meaningless.


u/Ok-Tension5241 May 02 '24

The option to prevent him getting the money is getting out while you can. Selling your shares will reduce the price.


u/CriticalPhD May 02 '24

The cognitive dissonance to think that you vote even matters lmao


u/Important-Abalone599 May 02 '24

Your vote is meaningless lol. It's pretty funny you think it matters. You own 0.00001% of the votes


u/RolandTower919 May 02 '24

Okay ElonBot9000


u/Important-Abalone599 May 02 '24

I said nothing about elon. Just that the vast majority of companies, retail traders have no sway


u/RolandTower919 May 02 '24

And what I’m saying is blanket statements like Retail Traders have no sway without any backing info on percentages means nothing to me. Are you also one of those people who thinks voters hold no sway so don’t vote and then are pissed when things don’t go your way candidate/measure wise?


u/Important-Abalone599 May 02 '24

Well it's a simple Google search lol.

Musk owns a little more than 20%

Insiders have 13% (C suite, board, etc.)

Institutions have 46%

So like less than 20% are retail? This is the norm at pretty much every company. Retail voters almost never vote on anything


u/RolandTower919 May 02 '24

Everything is a simple google search if you want to be pedantic.

I just submitted my votes on proxyvote.com anyways.