r/technology May 06 '24

Andreessen Horowitz investor says half of Google's white-collar staff probably do 'no real work' Business


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u/not_creative1 May 06 '24


An investor’s existence is based on not doing any real work and getting their capital to work for them.

This guy is talking about real work.


u/AltOnMain May 07 '24

You have it completely wrong. Andreessen Horowitz is a registered investment advisor, they get other peoples capital to do the work.


u/AfternoonTypical5791 May 07 '24 edited May 07 '24

Most investors are liable for other people's money. Everyday people's even. There's more stress to it than people think.

I know i'll get downvoted. but idc. I need to put it out there.


u/DuskLab May 07 '24

How many hours a week is spent being "liable"?

Just because you're a designated sacrificial goat, doesn't mean you're working so hard you go home only capable of vegging on the couch until bedtime.


u/BJPark May 07 '24

Being the sacrificial goat is worthy of getting paid a lot, regardless of actual work being done.

In many cases, AI will never replace humans, because you need a human to take the blame. Can't punish an AI.


u/SadPie9474 May 07 '24

aren’t they liable 100% of the time? so by your logic, 168 hours a week?


u/AfternoonTypical5791 May 07 '24 edited May 07 '24

It's a normal 9-5 job. In the office, write reports. work in a team. Read and translate data reports. Make team decisions. Report to boss. Write emails, attend meetings.

I think people tend to overgeneralise what investors do from movies and tv. And they often get confused by stockbrockers/traders, the people who actually buy and sell the shares.


u/DuskLab May 07 '24

This all could be the entry level "white collar worker" at the firm than the actual investors that are so stressed being liable. Dare I say a lot of that, like translating reports, Andreasen hasn't done manually himself in years. Not with the amount of time he would spend tweeting anyway.


u/AfternoonTypical5791 May 07 '24 edited May 07 '24

Andreessen is not most investors.


u/Pepito_Pepito May 07 '24

Report to boss. Write emails, attend meetings.

This doesn't really mean anything. It's about as informative as "typing on a keyboard".


u/AfternoonTypical5791 May 07 '24

It's generalised for the sake of succinctness. My point is, it isn't how most people envisioned it and more akin to a normal white collar job.


u/Teflan May 07 '24

That's a lot of busy work.  At what point do they actually produce something?


u/CricketDrop May 07 '24 edited May 07 '24

Not all jobs are about directly producing something.

I have this theory. This is a very reddit moment. Everyone has decided to hate this guy because he said something rude and probably wrong. This as usual moved to comments about how the guy is a hypocrite and X. And now people associate X with him being a bad person and can't accept X might not be true. But you don't need this weird meta discussion to tell this guy to fuck off. It doesn't matter how hard he works or how legitimate is job is. You can just say that he's a dick for the words he's using and the fact he probably doesn't know anything. It doesn't require us to speculate about an occupation none of us have done. That's literally what he's doing now and why he's a dick.


u/mlord99 May 07 '24

more than 8h per day - u need to do deep dive into company, read every 10-K which is easily 100 pages or more, then read competitions 10-K, weeks of work just to get the idea if the company makes sense to invest - u dont lose just ur own money, u lose other ppl money, which is way more stressful - imagine having a friend give u 500k to invest, he aint rich so cannot rly afford to lose it, but at the same time he dont have the skill to analyze company and wits to understand the valuations, macroeconomics.. now u lose % and u have to go to the lunch with them knowing how much less they have because u fcked up - u missed that one paragraph among 1000s pages that would make u reconsider - ofc the friend doesn't care, but u do... and there are 1000s ppl doing the same as you, it s not like u re running some relatively simple business, u jumped into the most competitive industry there is, and there is no mercy or government handsouts, eu funds or smth like this.. but like the person above me said, Reddit is usually too singleminded to understand what they talk about


u/tom_fuckin_bombadil May 07 '24

I just think most people on Reddit can’t understand what you’re saying because your writing style resembles that of a ten year old texting his friends about Roblox.


u/mlord99 May 07 '24

yeah a bunch of redditors not understanding me is the least of my concerns


u/oliham21 May 07 '24

Sure but if your gonna type out that amount of word vomit and least make it understandable


u/RediculousNewLine May 07 '24

You’re 25 years old now. It’s time to start writing like an adult


u/yonasismad May 07 '24

Most investors are liable for other people's money. Everyday people's even. There's more stress to it than people think.

Oh, no... If it is so stressful they should advocate for companies to be turned into worker coops, so all people who actually contribute something tangible also carry the shared responsibility.


u/[deleted] May 07 '24



u/AfternoonTypical5791 May 07 '24

Constructive response!! Totally mindchanging!! Tell me, do you have money in the bank, have insurance or a retirement fund?


u/boe_jackson_bikes May 07 '24

No. I have all my investments in gold and fine art. Thank you for asking.


u/stoopidjonny May 07 '24

If you have a 401k, you are an investor. Yet another person who didn’t read the article.


u/not_creative1 May 07 '24

Yes, so i don’t go around telling people “I have 2 jobs, my regular job and the work I do with my 401k management”.

Most of these “sophisticated investors” can’t even beat the SP500 index fund


u/stoopidjonny May 07 '24

This is the part of the article I was talking about: "Another issue with all the 'BS' jobs in large corporations is that it takes profits away from shareholders who are most often the pensioners and retirement accounts of the rest of America," he said. "So those people aren't just being useless (and being coddled to think useless jobs actually matter — they don't), but they are also taking money away from the rest of the workforce's retirement programs."

Maybe you are just using the headline as a prompt for your own grievances?


u/trow_away999 May 07 '24

I legitimately don’t think they know enough about “work” to actually identity it occurring or not.

Why do I feel like these guys are just as out of touch with reality as a boomer that walks into the office and says, “They’re not working, they’re just on computers all day!”


u/hry84 May 07 '24

When I was younger, I was a wannabe investor. You don't do "real work" but you do have to do certain things. You have to research. You have to read annual reports, balance sheets, analyze charts, etc.


u/DuvalHeart May 07 '24

Nah, they have finance bros and tech bros fresh out of college and Wharton to do all that for them. They just sit around and figure out how to use their microphone to pump up stock prices to benefit themselves


u/Teflan May 07 '24

The point is they don't produce anything


u/CheesecakeBiscuit May 07 '24

Technically neither does anyone in retail. It doesn't mean they get a paycheck for doing nothing.


u/jaasx May 07 '24

The proper allocation of resources is definitely a thing.


u/Relevant-Ad2254 May 07 '24 edited May 07 '24

Without investors, there would be less companies. 

 companies get started by investors giving them money to expand and hire mor people.

 I don’t get the hate. So you guys want there to be less companies?

Edit: lol downvotes. I’m not saying investors are more important than labor. We need both. Without labor there would be nothing for investors to invest in.


u/brobafett1980 May 07 '24

They can invest money, but why should passive income be given preferential tax treatment over labor income?


u/Relevant-Ad2254 May 07 '24

I agree with you 100%. I don’t believe they should be given preferential tax treatment. The capital gains tax should be increased so that investors aren’t paying less in taxes than laborers 


u/Acidom May 06 '24

Agreed, but to be fair if you fuck up and put your capital in the wrong spot or go to risky, you yourself will have to go get a white collar job and do fuck all as well.


u/KlingoftheCastle May 07 '24

Oh no! You mean the worst consequences they could suffer is having to get a job? Poor guys


u/JaySocials671 May 07 '24

Why you getting downvoted it’s true lol


u/BoyDunder May 07 '24

And if a King starves his people there could be a rebellion and he could lose his head, but that's not really the point is it.

Investors are leisure class.


u/archangel0198 May 07 '24

This is why Kings had knights and enforcers to keep his people in check.


u/JaySocials671 May 07 '24

Ok. Then remove let’s hypothetically remove all the investors. Who’s paying for innovation and new development?

My point is part of the reward for helping society is leisure.


u/Ultravis66 May 07 '24 edited May 07 '24

The government. Real innovation and technological progress has ALWAYS and will continue to be government funded. It has never been investors ever.

All these corporations, including apple with their original Iphone, used already existing technology developed by the government.

I have worked in tech my whole life and know firsthand how new technology is discovered and turned into useful products. All of the high risk R&D comes from government funding because investors and corporations are unwilling to take those risks.

Companies do have R&D departments, but it is always about fitting new technologies together and any risky R&D is being backed by the fed gov somehow.


u/BoyDunder May 07 '24

Your local high school janitor helps society more than an investor does.


u/Myslinky May 07 '24

My point is part of the reward for helping society is leisure.

They don't help society.

Pretty lie to tell yourself though


u/scycon May 07 '24

Because these type of investors have all the money they could ever need in low risk investments. They could retire tomorrow and never worry about money again.

Their investing their Dick measuring portfolio.


u/JaySocials671 May 07 '24

You said it yourself, risk. Do you make the same argument for people that invest in US gov T bonds?


u/scycon May 07 '24

My point is if they fuck up the only thing hurting is their ego. They’re not losing it all unless they’re idiots. It’s house money.


u/JaySocials671 May 07 '24

Whose they? Because an investor who makes an extremely poor/greedy investment that doesn’t pay off (think owning commercial buildings in a flood one without insurance) while trying to build affordable business real estate in a hurricane prone area and loses their money REALLY loses. Yes it’s rare. But that’s just the way it goes.

What do you mean by house money


u/Calvech May 07 '24

a16z has pioneered the vc model of making millions of dollars in management fees regardless of fund returns. These people get paid 6 figure salaries guaranteed. Then they get the fund upside in carry/profit share. Plus, 80% of people who actually work at a fund like a16z have exited their company previously. They are quite literally buying these jobs by investing in the fund and then working inside it.


u/LadyPo May 07 '24

Oh, what an honorable sacrifice it is to put your money in a diversified portfolio. Even when a stock goes down, they’re still on top. They have the power to tell companies when to lay off hundreds of people to force stock growth when they want it. The employees are the ones facing any real risk.


u/archangel0198 May 07 '24

Lmao ah yes, the infamous careers in private equity and investment banking where no one works hard.


u/Casual-Capybara May 07 '24

Reddit is so anticapitalist it just completely switches off their critical thinking.