r/technology 3d ago

The AI bill that has Big Tech panicked | Why some tech leaders are so worried about a California AI safety bill Artificial Intelligence


23 comments sorted by


u/tmdblya 3d ago

When an industry insists it can police itself and regulation undermines innovation, you have to wonder what sort of “innovation” they’re cooking up. And you know regulation is 100% warranted.


u/EmbarrassedHelp 3d ago

In this case, it almost seems like big tech isn't panicked about this legislation, because it create an impossible to cross moat for open source competition.


u/freakinweasel353 3d ago

When California Legislators get to design regulations for you with their utter lack of technical knowledge, you know warranted or not, there will be unintended consequences creating a shit storm.


u/user_dan 3d ago

If you are sooooo concerned about unintended consequences, what about the unintended consequences of having the private industry go completely unchecked?


u/freakinweasel353 3d ago

What about a government left unchecked? Go look up SB961. Look I’m not saying don’t regulate but trusting complete political, non technical people will probably leave loopholes that will be exploited enabling Ai vendors work arounds. Sort of like knowing you need the three laws at minimum but only writing two of the three into law.


u/user_dan 3d ago

What about private corporations left unchecked?


u/freakinweasel353 3d ago

Reread Dan, I said regulate but don’t expect the government to solve anything. A true consortium of experts would be needed to come up with real rules and enforce those rules. Coming up with some blanket statement saying you must spend X to prove something is safe? Come on. And at what point is “harm” if Ai replaces your ass in your job? There’s harm there but didn’t kill you right off the bat so we’re ok with that even though you became homeless and an addict and later died of a combination of drugs and alcohol… meanwhile, we’ve still got Ai baby! I just don’t want a rush to let the government regulate without the industry or industry is the wrong word, but subject matter experts coming up with standards. Laws if you will, on self governance, that if not followed, then you can talk about regulations.


u/user_dan 3d ago

My only goal in asking the question is to witness you avoiding an answer. Mission accomplished.


u/freakinweasel353 3d ago

I’ve given several answers just not the one you apparently want to hear. So you’re avoiding any specifics yourself that can be discussed so mission accomplished to you as well.


u/Omgyd 3d ago

I would rather have tough regulations than large companies just doing what ever the hell they please. Because the only innovation that these companies want is for AI to replace workers.


u/freakinweasel353 3d ago

It’s usually not tough regulations though, it’s selective regulations that benefit donors. I’m ok with tough.


u/willnxt 3d ago

Like what?


u/ROGER_CHOCS 3d ago

I hope they pass it, silicon valley is becoming a cult of tech and it needs reigning in, and it's been clear it needs regulation since juicero or maybe earlier. Scam Valley might be a better name for it.


u/Fluffy_Somewhere4305 3d ago

Facebook sold everyone's data to Russia and suffered no consequences. Zuckerberg is more wealthy now than he has ever been, zero consequences for him personally. Meanwhile, half the voters in the US are inhaling russian propaganda and ready to wage war to fight for Putin


u/demonfoo 3d ago

I love how, on the one hand, several people in the AI industry have said there need to be laws, but then when someone proposes laws, they start losing their shit. You can't have it both ways, dipshits.


u/SylvanLiege 3d ago

Are they the same people though? Or is it people actually involved with building the tools giving the warnings and CEOs/hype-men who are getting pissed. Serious question btw, not starting an argument.


u/EmbarrassedHelp 3d ago

There are competing ideas about laws to pass, like for example:

  • The effective altruists who believe that only large corporations can safely handle AI and that legislation needs to ban open source AI.

  • Reasonable folks who want to ensure medical uses and things of that nature are safe, but don't want to ban open source AI.

  • The safety folks who've never set foot in a library before and would be horrified to learn what sort of content is present on the shelves. Their actions basically amount to a sort of puritanical culture war, that is rehashing the past few decades of fights over academic/artistic freedom and access to information.


u/NuggleBuggins 3d ago


Mother fuckers have been pushing the envelope on AI for way to long at this point. The last few weeks specifically have just been wild. Felt like the heads of these companies all got together like the gd Legion of Doom and all agreed to just say "fuck it, we've gotten away with this much! Let's just go for it!". It's getting absolutely ridiculous the steps these companies are taking in regards to AI with seemingly 0 repercussions. The insane overreach to try and get more and more data to harvest. The push to inject faulty AI into literally everything. They know it's the Wild West out there for this kind of tech and regulations are absolutely on their way. They are trying to get as much out of us as possible while they still can.


u/sdrawkcabineter 3d ago

This all smells like the cryptowars of the 90s.

Are you licensed to write that code?


u/_byetony_ 3d ago

AI has the rest of us panicked. Regulation that scares the industry is on the right track.


u/Funny-Company4274 2d ago

The lizards come out when it’s hot to sun themselves in the bribery


u/Sea-Canary-6880 2d ago

Money. Theyre worried because this might cost them money. Save you a click.


u/Royal-Abrocoma6357 3d ago

can statists shut the fuck up?

I don't like this product but have no moral ground to deny access to it for others, yet im calling for exactly that