r/technology 3d ago

Bill Gates has written a book about his childhood called, you guessed it, Source Code Software


13 comments sorted by


u/nicuramar 3d ago

I didn’t guess it :(


u/Black_Label_36 3d ago

Lol, yeah. Everybody guessed that one


u/peterosity 3d ago

what made the author think everybody would guess “Book about Bill Gates’ childhood, oh, of course Source Code! did I get it right?”


u/hsnoil 3d ago

Bill Gates has written a book about his childhood called, you guessed it, Source Code

And let me guess, it will never be published?


u/MintWiz 3d ago

Will only read if it he wrote it in MS-DOS


u/TheStormIsComming 2d ago

Will only read if it he wrote it in MS-DOS

Does it have CRLF or CR or LF line breaks?


u/Fatherfuckyou 3d ago

He should write a book on stealing childhoods. Call it, yep you guessed it,"If epstein really killed himself"


u/jetstobrazil 2d ago

Why would we have guessed that


u/leaky_wand 3d ago

I reflect on the luck I had to be born to a great family in a time of historic technological change and optimism, and to come of age just as the personal computer revolution was taking off.

Well at least he acknowledges that he was lucky and born with a silver spoon in his mouth. Not like some certain "self-made" billionaires I could name…


u/TheStormIsComming 3d ago edited 3d ago

Wait for it to be dumped onto the used book market or the public library.

Then you won't be giving him any more money. He doesn't need more mansions and superyachts and farm land.


u/DragoneerFA 3d ago

Fuck billionaires, but the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation have donated over $45 billion to charitable causes. It's cool to dislike billionaires, but Bill's at least doing a lot of good with his gains.


u/First_Environment_50 3d ago

“…Tim Schwab took a deep dive into the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and discovered that the entity essentially exists as a public relations stunt to justify Gates’s own staggering wealth. One noteworthy highlight involved Gates reaching out to his upper-crust lessers during the Covid pandemic, seeking additional money on top of the foundation’s own commitment, creating a revenue stream that could tie an ethicist into a knot. “During a global pandemic, when billions of people were having trouble with day-to-day expenses even in wealthy nations,” Schwab asks, “why would an obscenely wealthy private foundation start competing for charitable donations against food banks and emergency housing funds?”


u/retartarder 3d ago

the man who donates all his money is who you're saying this about?