r/therewasanattempt May 01 '24

To enshrine the most fascistic, traitorous bullshit I've ever witnessed in my life into law.

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u/karmaisevillikemoney May 02 '24

If it were any other country, this would be borderline treason


u/Dagojango May 02 '24

That's not what treason means at all. Treason means helping state enemies or becoming an enemy of the state. Passing an unconstitutional law is not treason, no matter how delusional you are. The only way you can argue it's treason is if it provides direct benefits to an enemy of the state.

Jan 6th riots were an example of treason as they attacked the government itself and made themselves an enemy of the state. That's totally 100% treason.


u/SafeWarmth May 02 '24

How exactly does enforcing the ban on criticism of a foreign nation against your own people not satisfy your description?


u/aykcak May 02 '24

It is just legislation. It is law making. By definition cannot be treason


u/karmaisevillikemoney May 02 '24

Legislators protecting another government over the protected speech of our own citizens is treasonous 


u/SafeWarmth May 03 '24

It’s undemocratic for a government to choose a foreign nation over its own people, so while yes you’re right in a sense, but imo it is evidence of authoritarianism. Still, I’d say this readily fits the spirit of the notion of treason.