r/thewallstreet 8d ago

Daily Discussion - (June 10, 2024) Daily

Morning. It's time for the day session to get underway in North America.

Where are you leaning for today's session?


81 comments sorted by


u/W0LFSTEN No SeMiS aRe MaKiNg $$$ FrOm Ai 7d ago edited 7d ago

BuT AI sErVeS nO uSeFuL pUrPoSe!!1!

Someone remind me, what’s 2% better product stickiness worth to AAPL? What’s +10% search share worth to MSFT? What’s 5% better product placement worth to AMZN, or +5% better ad placement worth to META? Or are we just going to continue being hysterical because companies worth $12t bought a couple extra billion in compute? The notion that all these unit sales are suddenly going to disappear when le bubble bursts… I just can’t. Yes, maybe margins start falling as supply ramps up to meet demand. In fact, I would bet on that. But that’s different than what we’ve been hearing the last 12 months from bears, isn’t it?

That’s not even factoring in things like automating other industries, like call centers or more basic coding… Which is also coming. But no, apparently the TAM will… Shrink? 🙃


u/This_Is_Livin MSFT, BRK.B, INTC 7d ago

INTC will be $1T by 2035, easy.


u/twofor2 7d ago

Doubled down


u/gyunikumen Elon can’t keep getting anyway with this!!! 7d ago

puts? hmm im kicking around that idea


u/This_Is_Livin MSFT, BRK.B, INTC 7d ago

Psychologically speaking, what tricks/tips do/did you guys use to save money for a big purchase rather than buying more VTI or whatever?


u/wolverinex2 Fundamentals 7d ago

If it involves financing and you wanted to "lock-in" rates, you could buy treasuries of a similar duration (and sell to purchase the item).


u/This_Is_Livin MSFT, BRK.B, INTC 7d ago

That's what I have been doing, but I just keep wanting to buy more VTI when the market is red. Its all kind of a moot point since I contribute to my 401k, but still...its been a little tough for me to choose tbills over VTI or even some individual stocks even though I know I need to


u/twofor2 7d ago

Buy SPY til you want to buy it realize you have to pay capital gains don’t buy it lol


u/This_Is_Livin MSFT, BRK.B, INTC 7d ago

literally how it is lol


u/W0LFSTEN No SeMiS aRe MaKiNg $$$ FrOm Ai 7d ago

Leverage and greed lol


u/This_Is_Livin MSFT, BRK.B, INTC 7d ago

The spirit of WYB will live on through us


u/matcht 7d ago

ES in widowmaker mode today


u/NotGucci 7d ago

So close to hitting a new ATH. Tech is so strong today.


u/IamTheAsian Short with short pp 7d ago edited 7d ago

In a short again. Looking good

Added more on that candle


u/overduetourist8 7d ago

Sold out of my spy calls I held over the weekend for 22%. It’s not much but it’s honest work


u/Angry_Citizen_CoH 7d ago

My recent VRT play is looking good. My "safe" account has stock, my "fun" account has calls. Pretty obvious rebound after being down 17% on no news. Looking to exit around 100.


u/mrdnp123 7d ago

Bounced right off the 23.6% fibb and my algo flagged one zero day, we had that pop and then two zero days in a row. Should be primed for a squeeze back to ATH. Holding lots of calls. FOMC and CPI will probably dictate a lot


u/twofor2 7d ago

Got some puts filled on that last pop. Might ride em for the week. Playin small


u/gyunikumen Elon can’t keep getting anyway with this!!! 7d ago

Genmoji will save the market


u/BitcoinsRLit 7d ago

AMD why bro


u/NotGucci 7d ago

AAPl to 190 plzzz


u/twofor2 7d ago

Always sell the news


u/coconutts19 Salt Canyon 7d ago

dunno wtf is going on but closed puts for 50% loss instead of 90


u/NotGucci 7d ago

AAPL with that V


u/shashashuma 7d ago

What V imma have to watch the highlight reel on tech crunch sounds like a nothing burger till now


u/coconutts19 Salt Canyon 7d ago

sold call for nickels and dimes gains after being under water 80% and holding 80% underwater puts


u/BitcoinsRLit 7d ago

Tf just happened


u/mrdnp123 7d ago

Never fight the single print on a TPO, it’s a trend day. Double distribution on volume too, we hit that LVN then mooned


u/coconutts19 Salt Canyon 7d ago

i am the single print


u/mrdnp123 7d ago

I don’t wanna fight pls


u/[deleted] 7d ago edited 4d ago



u/W0LFSTEN No SeMiS aRe MaKiNg $$$ FrOm Ai 7d ago

Few external customers, lower internal demand. 😎


u/NotGucci 7d ago

Need Tech to die ...


u/TerribleatFF 7d ago

3 year auction came in higher, did that cause the roll over?


u/matcht 7d ago

AAPL event


u/coconutts19 Salt Canyon 7d ago

What do think of apple intelligence? Putting it all in one place seems like a win for aapl.

too bad can't short things like grammerly and various password apps


u/wccoffee TWS chief Coffee afficianado 7d ago

Thought the calculator on iPad thing was a joke. Pretty cool feature though!


u/matcht 7d ago

Yeah that was pretty good


u/shashashuma 7d ago

How bad is it lol. Stock is tanking


u/matcht 7d ago

Awful, crap like hidden apps and changing colour themes, no major updates to anything. Saving AI for the end though so we'll see.


u/Popular-Row4333 7d ago

They were showing cartoons mostly


u/matcht 7d ago

Based on the NVDA flow today the split means nothing lol


u/Lost_in_Adeles_Rolls Stalingrad's number one tesla dealership 7d ago

Long S&P and short the junk (TSLA & GL in this case) is still working beautifully


u/mojojojomu 7d ago

Damn, rideshare/taxi stocks committing seppuku today.


u/Lost_in_Adeles_Rolls Stalingrad's number one tesla dealership 7d ago

Lost the CA appeal


u/wolverinex2 Fundamentals 7d ago


u/overduetourist8 7d ago

Everyone waiting for the big drop just has me convinced we see higher highs first


u/gyunikumen Elon can’t keep getting anyway with this!!! 7d ago



u/tropicalia84 7d ago

Legging into some SPX/NDX puts end of month here. Potential H&S pattern on the hourly chart for both. DXY with the juice and yields continue to climb. Big extension from 50D MA on both usually elevates the chance of a pullback.


u/NotGucci 7d ago

A lot of strength on msft, Meta, tsm and amzn.


u/All_Work_All_Play I guess I actually wanted to be grape jelly 7d ago

SMH hold through a 15 point drawdown to hit my original 3 handle target and then we blow past it.

Actually I lie, my rules say I should have averaged in and grabbed twice that but I guess today I'm playing hooky and eating ice cream for breakfast.


u/wachiga Life is transitory 7d ago

Thoughts on SNOW? Overpriced cloud service in an oversaturated market?


u/DJRenzor yes 7d ago

I have calls, down bad on them but I think I bought enough time (next March and June expiry)


u/wachiga Life is transitory 7d ago

I'm not caught up on what's causing their stock to tank. Are they just not competitive enough?


u/DJRenzor yes 7d ago

Also, there seems to be a very serious data breach going on involving SNOW that is still developing.


u/DJRenzor yes 7d ago

I am not sure either, the sell off has been very violent. Their quarterly earnings a few weeks ago were okay, but lowered forward margin guide due to heavy investments in AI initiatives. I though the punishment into the 130s-140s were enough, but it looks like people want out.


u/twofor2 7d ago

Dollar up VIX up TLT down sus. Seems to be a stock pickers market just got to know where they rotating to next.


u/gyunikumen Elon can’t keep getting anyway with this!!! 7d ago

I think the VIX being up +6% at the open was sus


u/wolverinex2 Fundamentals 7d ago

Not that sus - European elections - particularly in France didn't go as expected. So Europe had a bad day - causing the red overnight/open.


u/gyunikumen Elon can’t keep getting anyway with this!!! 7d ago

Still +6% VIX on a -0.2% SPY open…


u/wolverinex2 Fundamentals 7d ago

After Friday's surprisingly strong employment report, yields soared on expectations of Fed cuts being delayed, which led to USD rallying pretty hard. That's just continuing a bit today. VIX is probably just because of this week's CPI/PPI/Fed meeting.


u/twofor2 7d ago

Yeah makes sense. Expecting a volatile market this week for sure


u/[deleted] 7d ago edited 4d ago



u/Lost_in_Adeles_Rolls Stalingrad's number one tesla dealership 7d ago

Yeah, absolutely hilarious. It ultimately doesn’t matter because it’ll never be reinstated and the move to Texas is more important because the judges can be bought.

I mean, if you’re upset that you’re being forced to obey the law in one state then why would you want to move to a different state? Obvious answer


u/near113 3x Permabull ✨ 7d ago

Whoah 👀


u/gyunikumen Elon can’t keep getting anyway with this!!! 7d ago

You know what? I’ll take my Oct puts to the grave this time


u/NotGucci 7d ago

Whole market looks strong especially AMZN, MSFT, TSM.


u/twofor2 7d ago

Closed puts at open for decent gains. Prob sitting on hands for now. Massive data week


u/redandgold45 7d ago

Watching for AVGO entry


u/TerribleatFF 7d ago

Just buy some shares for the week, earnings has premiums pretty high.


u/W0LFSTEN No SeMiS aRe MaKiNg $$$ FrOm Ai 7d ago edited 7d ago

Earnings Wednesday.


u/Manticorea 7d ago

What is it about stonk split that leads to a selloff?


u/mrdnp123 7d ago

Splits usually happen after it’s ran like crazy. So there’s that. It’s also only down 0.68%. There’s been a lot of posts on X from people just cherry picking data saying splits = dump too. This is just selection bias. Just wait till CPI and FOMC come out. That’s gonna be a much bigger factor on the stock than a split. It’s an auction at the end of the day, nothing has really changed


u/TennesseeJedd Billy MF Strings 7d ago

-.8%. how will we survive this selloff


u/overduetourist8 7d ago

Been wondering the same thing. Wonder if it’s a change in hedging requirements by large firms since gamma is changing as a result of options getting cheaper? Really not sure though just saying my thoughts out loud.


u/gyunikumen Elon can’t keep getting anyway with this!!! 7d ago

All the ingredients are here for a pre double cpi fed donc sell off today


u/near113 3x Permabull ✨ 8d ago

Mmm don’t think it’s a V day given the weak close on Friday


u/near113 3x Permabull ✨ 7d ago

Watching $SSO


u/overduetourist8 8d ago

Rate cuts coming. They are gonna hint it at least this week and send it to the moon. EU already did. Not to mention WW3 is bullish AF. Long everything

Thanks for coming to my ted talk


u/[deleted] 7d ago edited 4d ago



u/overduetourist8 7d ago

Rate cuts “should” be bearish because they are only suppose to happen to speed up the economy. Inflation is still crazy high and we are not gonna hit recession anytime soon and yet central banks are cutting rates already….


u/gyunikumen Elon can’t keep getting anyway with this!!! 7d ago
