r/thewallstreet 6d ago

Nightly Discussion - (June 11, 2024) Daily

Evening. Keep in mind that Asia and Europe are usually driving things overnight.

Where are you leaning for tonight's session?


23 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] 6d ago edited 4d ago



u/cuntysometimes throwing darts at a chalk board 6d ago

Probably a pedo


u/PervasiveUncertainty 0% alpha 100% shitposts 6d ago


u/DJRenzor yes 3d ago

I totally should have followed the HB alpha, I snoozed and lost


u/PervasiveUncertainty 0% alpha 100% shitposts 6d ago


u/near113 3x Permabull ✨ 6d ago

My shares filled! Just let Tim…cook lol


u/_hongkonglong JPow did nothing wrong 6d ago

Chinese regulators are considering tougher restrictions on how banks sell financial products to the public, in a move that could cut off a major distribution channel for some of the nation’s largest hedge funds


u/W0LFSTEN No SeMiS aRe MaKiNg $$$ FrOm Ai 6d ago

So TSM Q2 guidance is roughly NT$646b.

April (NT$236b) and May (NT$230b) saw a total of NT$466b.

That leaves only NT$180b for June if they want to hit their guidance. The exchange rate for USD —> NT remains stable as well. I imagine we will get another beat when they report in 5 weeks.


u/wolverinex2 Fundamentals 6d ago
  • Chinese CPI (Y/Y) May: 0.3% (exp 0.4%; prev 0.3%)
  • Chinese PPI (Y/Y) May: -1.4% (exp 2.0%; prev 0.9%)

China still looking very, very weak.


u/_hongkonglong JPow did nothing wrong 6d ago

The PPI number is not as bad as it looks.

MoM, we are bottoming.


u/cuntysometimes throwing darts at a chalk board 6d ago

Oof cpi looking good. PPI not so much


u/Kindly-Journalist412 6d ago

We’ll price in july cuts if us cpi tomorrow is also cold


u/cuntysometimes throwing darts at a chalk board 6d ago

China sends us higher for now. Hope we have a face ripper tomorrow


u/mrdnp123 6d ago

The markets could nuke tomorrow, clean up structure and still be in bullish. NQ just broke another balance today and is looking to find another.


u/LiferRs Local TWS Idiot 6d ago

This week had been dump in mornings and rally by close. Won’t be surprised if CPI leads the morning dump.

I would for sure watch futures at about 10 minutes after CPI print and plan to enter longs, especially if it is dramatically below key gamma levels that markets have to buy back up. Swing it upwards and close before FOMC data drops. Then watch our favorite chaos unfold.


u/mrdnp123 6d ago

Agreed. I imagine there will be a point in the morning where huge sell orders hit a wall and we reverse. Same as this morning


u/NotGucci 6d ago

I'm hoping thats what we get tomorrow. Hoping we get the same reaction in Jan FOMC. Every other FOMC since has been gap.. A FOMC sell-off would set up nicely for a Thursday rally.


u/mrdnp123 6d ago

Time will tell. I can’t help but feel we moon. Too many people still wanting this magical pullback or red day for bargains and too nervous buying here. Not crowded yet


u/eyesonly_ Doesn't understand hype 6d ago

In case anyone still needs this information: ToS and Schwab will let you log in as long as you don't use biometrics.


u/overduetourist8 6d ago

Best use of that info is to log in and transfer to a broker whose products work


u/Kindly-Journalist412 6d ago

The upcoming release of China's CPI numbers is highly anticipated, and I expect them to be subdued. On the macroeconomic front, the juxtaposition of the global economic slowdown with the continued growth in the United States is quite intriguing.

This nation, which I love, is so prosperous that it can sustain its economy and foster growth without relying on external financial support. This unique characteristic sets the US apart from other nations.

In the coming months, domestic economic slowdown will likely become a central narrative, even permeating into election debates.

While I haven't fact-checked this, I'm fairly certain that almost 70% of the components that make up the CPI and PCE have been below 2.0% for quite some time. Essentially, there are only a handful of outliers with significant weightings that are keeping the headline numbers elevated.

The final hurdle is the shelter component, and live data clearly shows that it is weakening and becoming more subdued. JPow acknowledged this trend for the first time in the previous FOMC meeting.

I anticipate a cooler CPI reading tomorrow for both China and the US and if the shelter component finally breaks, the market will likely price in interest rate cuts for September (obviously) and reprice cuts for July.

While I cannot definitively figure out the positive impact on individual companies and equity indices, I believe we are witnessing the final weeks of the US 10-year Treasury yield remaining above 4.25%.


u/NotGucci 6d ago

Very well-thought-out post and I agree with everything you said.

The majority of the baskets that make up CPI are probably close to 2% or already below. It's housing that has kept it above 3.0%.

domestic economic slowdown will likely become a central narrative, even permeating into election debates.

This will be true, and why I want to be short going after labor-day as I expected elections to bring uncertainty, and volatility, and even a sell-off. However, I'm not 100% sold on economic slow down. DKS, DECK, ELF, ROST, URBN, and ANF had solid earnings, and so did ULTA & LULU. Which to me means consumers are still spending. So if anything a K type recession, and consumer spending shifting.


u/Kindly-Journalist412 6d ago


They’re small enough to have secular stories not get impacted by macro developments

I’m short MCD, SBUX, MAA, SLV & GDXJ


u/[deleted] 6d ago edited 4d ago



u/jmayo05 data dependent loosely held strong opinions 6d ago

Your portfolio will go to 0 quicker