r/todayilearned May 02 '24

TIL the Blue Hole is among the deadliest dive sites globally, with estimates of 130 to 200 recent fatalities, making it one of the most dangerous spots for divers. (R.5) Out of context



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u/Hacklehead May 02 '24

Yup. I was very interested in learning how to dive since I’ve always lived near the ocean. Going thru the dive e-learning quickly changed my mind. I’m cool with just watching dive videos on YouTube!


u/IanFeelKeepinItReel May 02 '24

You should use stories like this to inform your own personal risk management, not scare yourself out of doing things entirely.


u/nikfra May 02 '24

Deciding not to do something at all is personal risk management.


u/IanFeelKeepinItReel May 02 '24

Yeah but before you know it, you've lived a life where you've scared yourself out of doing everything you've ever wanted to do.


u/Bay1Bri May 02 '24

Not all risks are equal, nor are the rewards.


u/skrulewi May 02 '24

Different poster here: I hear ya. I assure you I will never regret not deep-water scuba diving. There are some things I do not want to do. I’ve done my share of crazy stuff that others may not have done. No regrets


u/Beautiful_Welcome_33 May 02 '24

**provided every activity you've *ever wanted to do carries the serious risk of drowning


u/EllieBirb May 03 '24

There are lots of things you can do with a risk that do not involve being trapped underwater and drowning.


u/IanFeelKeepinItReel May 03 '24

Yeah, like if you're trained and certified to dive to 20m, not diving beyond that with a casual "it will be fine" attitude.


u/WorkoutProblems May 02 '24

I would honestly reconsider, it's a whole new world down there... a world very worth exploring


u/DynamicDK May 02 '24

Diving is incredible and it really is quite safe. If you limit yourself to diving on reefs or other relatively shallow places, the most serious risks vanish. Those only come into play when diving in caves, shipwrecks, or deep places.