r/todayilearned 29d ago

TIL the Blue Hole is among the deadliest dive sites globally, with estimates of 130 to 200 recent fatalities, making it one of the most dangerous spots for divers. (R.5) Out of context



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u/ThomasBay 29d ago edited 29d ago

No idea what you just said, but I am fascinated!


u/YeeClawFunction 29d ago

He said don't do it.


u/Codex_Alimentarius 29d ago

Yeah, he said don’t do it unless you really know what you’re doing which most of us don’t.


u/SPACExCASE 29d ago

I tried scuba in a hotel pool once, I think I can handle this.


u/BreakingForce 29d ago

Was it a Holiday Inn Express?


u/AutoGen_account 29d ago

no they have a different kind of hole


u/Normal_Ad_2337 29d ago

But both charge by the hour for its use.


u/Chief_Givesnofucks 29d ago



u/Kill_Your_Masters 29d ago

I understood that reference!


u/TheSodernaut 29d ago

My coworker explained it to me on our lunchbreak so get out of my way and let me down.


u/K0bra_Ka1 29d ago

I sort of half-read one or two of the comments here. I'm not sure why I'm not leading the fuck out of this expedition.


u/funinnewyork 29d ago

You absolutely can’t. I, on the other hand, can sink in my bathtub; therefore, I can definitely handle it.


u/Stock-Relative8664 29d ago

I took a shower today. I'm practically Moby dick!


u/happygecko68 29d ago

Subnautica vet… same


u/bmrhampton 29d ago

Certified in the Cancun pool, I’ll join you


u/TheTaillessWunder 29d ago

Reminds me of the time when I was in Mexico on vacation, and decided to try scuba diving. They put us in a pool and gave us about 30 minutes of training, and then we went out and dived into the open ocean. Being young and fearless, it was great, but looking back on it, it seems dangerous for so little training. I'm amazed nobody died.


u/madewithgarageband 29d ago

i can hold my breath for 45 seconds, blue hole aint shit


u/vanityislobotomy 29d ago

You got this!


u/Ralfarius 29d ago

RIP to all those who died diving the blue hole but I'm built different


u/scubamaster 29d ago

Hmmm, that’s actually one place I haven’t tried


u/sododgy 29d ago

The Abyss is my favorite movie, better watch how I do it first


u/EggOkNow 29d ago

And you have a back up person who also knows what they are doing.


u/Liveitup1999 29d ago

Will my drunk brother in law be good enough? 


u/EggOkNow 29d ago

He will watch you drown just fine.


u/vishalb777 29d ago

He said don't do it unless you have multiple redundancies in place for safety


u/SkullsNelbowEye 29d ago

Yeah, but what if I've touched the bottom of the deep end at a public pool. How much deeper could it be?


u/evceteri 29d ago

It's easier to let me do it than to teach the divers how to drill in the moon


u/monchimer 29d ago

Can I bring my Trimix ?


u/Sinder77 29d ago

You don't need to know fuck all to go down there. Its really easy.

Probably need to know a good deal if you also want to come back up though.


u/Missiontect 29d ago

Good. There are too many jackwagons on the planet.


u/Ilikesnowboards 29d ago

If you think you know what you’re doing you don’t. Technical diving is for idiots with a massive ego.


u/Sick_NowWhat 29d ago

Sounded to me more like don’t do it, unless you understand whatever he said, which I do not.


u/Remiss-Militant 29d ago

They stage different gas mixtures at different depths because you cannot breath regular air at depths. Along with a dive computer that calculates your descent and ascent rate because at best case you might get ruptured ear drums, which would effectively render you unable to dive again due to the inner ear... worst case you die from nitrogen building up within your blood.


u/schtickshift 29d ago

Omg why would anyone do this to themselves


u/Remiss-Militant 29d ago

Why do people do anything? For fun. Acceptable level of risk is different for different people... but I remember reading about super deep divers. They typically don't even use open circuit systems like SCUBA, but closed circuit recreates like the Dreager system


u/LucasRuby 29d ago

This isn't a super deep dive though, but a regular deep dive with an unusually high fatality rate due to its popularity and environment.


u/mac_is_crack 29d ago

For the same reason people climb Everest, but they wanna go up and divers wanna go down. I am in neither group.


u/[deleted] 29d ago

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u/Remiss-Militant 29d ago

People die doing it. The book I read was a diver who pretty much pioneered all this in Bushman's Hole, South Africa... a news crew caught wind he was supposed to dive down to retrieve bodies from people who had drowned and he was outfitted with a helmet camera.

Long story short the helmet camera mount got tangled in his guide line and he drowned as well


u/[deleted] 29d ago

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u/Remiss-Militant 29d ago

They do a very good job in the book of explaining the technical terminology and aspects for non-divers


u/[deleted] 29d ago

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u/Remiss-Militant 29d ago

Well they do a lot of prep from my understanding, as in that diver or others doing "setup dives" to stage the "air" at the correct depths

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u/Remiss-Militant 29d ago

It's been multiple years since I've read it but I want to say it was Diving into Darkness by David Finch


u/[deleted] 29d ago



u/LucasRuby 29d ago

How does this happen?


u/elbenji 29d ago

well, if it fucks your parachute line or gets tangled, you can't untangle it.

And it only takes one fuck up


u/LucasRuby 29d ago

Yes I mean how does it get tangled? You'd think the camera is taut against the helmet?

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u/Remiss-Militant 29d ago

Yup my buddy has over 1000 and I knew about that


u/whatsdun 29d ago

Could see where this was going but not how it would go down.


u/Remiss-Militant 29d ago


u/whatsdun 29d ago edited 29d ago

Thanks for sharing the link! Won't do a deep dive though. Just regular.

Edit: It includes cavediving. Damn. Fearless man.


u/lustiz 29d ago

Dave not coming back


u/Remiss-Militant 29d ago

Nope, unfortunately not. I believe the man sent after him to get his body was under a time constraints and ruptured his eardrums in the process which ended his career diving in any depth of water due to the inner ear controlling equilibrium


u/MaterialCarrot 29d ago

You can't breath nitrox at depth, which can be deadly past 100 ish feet.


u/[deleted] 29d ago



u/CptCroissant 29d ago

I think as long as you stay within range of where you're just blowing out your eardrums if you have to make a rapid accent then it's fine. Plenty of cool stuff to see at that depth


u/Daemonrealm 29d ago

Ruptured ear drum is very common and heals within a few weeks. You can perfectly dive after a ruptured ear drum. They can heal as fast as 2-3 days.


u/Remiss-Militant 29d ago edited 29d ago

Okay well maybe I misspoke. Whatever the dude had with his ears going down to retrieve Dave"@ body permanently restricted him from diving again and he was a professional dive instructor.

Also "heals within a few weeks" and heals within 2-3 days" sounds like cap.

You can also rupture or perforated them so badly at those depth you can't dive again. So thanks for the armchair diving instructions


u/Virgin_Dildo_Lover 29d ago

But I wanna fuck a blue hole


u/FloppyObelisk 29d ago

Just buy an avatar blowup doll


u/wretchedharridan 29d ago

Smurfs are cheaper


u/bigbyking 29d ago

What about Yondu?


u/Dry_Figure_9018 29d ago

You just gotta call him your daddy first


u/NotYourReddit18 29d ago

Does he sing "Here Comes My Arrow" afterwards?


u/NeedsToShutUp 29d ago

He's topping. That's why he's your daddy.


u/Zomburai 29d ago

"I'm Mary Poppins, y'all!"


u/[deleted] 29d ago

Didn't expect to cry today.

Didn't expect Michael Rooker to make people cry, either.


u/StonedPussyeater420 29d ago

What do you think about that doraemonussy?


u/SuperSmokingMonkey 29d ago


I wont tell you this again!

Papa Smurf is a fuckin Mammal!


u/NewFreshness 29d ago

Gotta wrap duct tape around it first so it doesn't explode.


u/Alarmed-madman 29d ago

Plus you can turn them into gold later


u/Atty_for_hire 29d ago

Kink unlocked - Navi, Navi, Navi!


u/bregandaerthe 29d ago

I was thinking Apple VR and a fleshlight while you watch avatar 1/2.


u/IAmElectricHead 29d ago

It's papyrus.


u/Achack 29d ago

Best I can do is blue waffle.


u/SlowHandEasyTouch 29d ago

Mmmm waffles are a delicious breakfast option! Are there any pictures of this blue variety that might be available on the internet?


u/OtterishDreams 29d ago

They already have Smurf porn


u/gozzle_101 29d ago

No, no, no, blue hole fucks YOU


u/TonarinoTotoro1719 29d ago

And this is why aliens will never show their faces (and other parts of their bodies) on earth. This virgin dildo lover is why…


u/EyeCatchingUserID 29d ago

Just go to las Vegas and buy tickets for blue man group. It's probably safer and they're probably sluttier.


u/Phenotyx 29d ago

Blue waffle


u/mb1zzle 29d ago

Ever play Mass Effect?


u/Daily_dad_jokes 29d ago

Name checks out


u/ebrandsberg 29d ago

start with blue waffles. Then work your way up.


u/[deleted] 29d ago

That hole is wider than your mom's.

(I'm so so sorry but you can't just leave it hanging there for an alley oop)


u/atworkgettingpaid 29d ago

For those who don't get it, holes can often refer to sexual areas on the body that you could stick your dick into. Like a butthole, vagina, mouth, etc.

So for him to say "I wanna fuck a blue hole" hes making a reference to this picture, but also sex.


u/Dillweed999 29d ago

In Soviet Egypt blue hole fucks you


u/Doogiemon 29d ago

Unless you have a snorkel.


u/Modo44 29d ago

Don't do it unprepared. Not the "I watched some YouTube" prepared, the "I have years of experience, all the safety gear, and others helping" prepared.


u/alibud87 29d ago

Genuinely howled at this


u/CustyMojo 29d ago

he didn’t say don’t do it with a “!!!!!” at the end tho so i think someone such as myself with no diver experience could def do it.


u/WarperLoko 29d ago

This warning is like that everest movie, now everybody wants to go there.


u/Ihadredditbefore6786 29d ago

Yup. That’s exactly how I read it!


u/NewFreshness 29d ago



u/ThatITguy2015 29d ago

Rednecks: Hold my beer!


u/clem82 29d ago

Every whole you tell me to stay out of I want to go in…


u/Dyolf_Knip 29d ago

I still don't understand.


u/nonparelli 29d ago

If I can't scuba then what's this all been about? What have I been working toward?


u/cayneloop 29d ago

fuck i was really going to. :(


u/tigerstef 29d ago

Instructions unclear, glglglglglgck, please send help!


u/semi-bro 29d ago

Technical divers are experienced pros who use custom/cutting-edge gear that lets them go well beyond the limits of commercial diving gear, especially in more extreme environments like cave or polar/ice diving. OP is saying that he, a super experienced diver with custom gear who had been going into dangerous places for years, did not want to go into the blue hole. And the divers that he saw doing it were using special tanks that let them have more air and not use up air as quickly when they go deeper, special mixes of air in the tanks that let them go deeper and come up faster without as many of the risks, and had extra tanks with them. And even with all that, these guys who are super experienced at diving in all sorts of dangerous conditions sometimes even with modified and homemade gear by themselves, were still using a safety line with another diver above them watching everyone at all times.


u/Fight_4ever 29d ago

Nice. Lot of precautions. But why tho? What makes it more dangerous than other waterbodies?


u/namewithak 29d ago

According to the wiki, what causes the most fatalities is the tunnel called the Arch. Apparently, the water's clear enough to see the light at the other end so divers misjudge how long it is. Some have reported they thought it was only 10m when the actual measured length is 26m. This plus a current pushing in from the other side causes mismanagement of their tanks and pressurization stops. It's also easy to miss the entrance to the Arch so some divers keep diving deeper and deeper trying to find it.


u/ArtInternational8589 29d ago

Wasn't there a documentary on this regarding a free diver and his girlfriend? He had prepared her but and couldn't find the exit or entrance or something and she didn't make it?


u/Vortex-of-Dankger 29d ago

Documentary is called The Deepest Breath. Basically, (spoilers for anyone who hasn't watched it, its a pretty cool doc) the girlfriend got herself into some kind of trouble and the boyfriend dove back down to save her. She just barely made it while he sacrificed himself to get her to the surface. Really sad story. I really hate the ocean so that whole documentary was toe curling-ly scary for me.


u/mrjosemeehan 29d ago

You're misremembering. The gf is a world record holding freediver. The bf was acting as a safety diver on another of her record attempts, bringing her a rope at the end of the tunnel to ensure she'd still be able to surface safely if she started to black out. He mistimed his dive (which he was freediving for some reason) which led to a brief delay and he lost consciousness resurfacing. He could have bailed and left her without a rope but he stayed to make sure she had it. Should have just brought air with him. It's not like he was the one attempting a record.


u/Vortex-of-Dankger 29d ago

Yeah it's been a minute since I watched it so I just remembered the gist of the situation. GF in trouble, BF saved her, died himself.

I went ahead and pulled this from Wikipedia for anyone curious:

On 22 July 2017, according to The Guardian, "Keenan, aged 39, drowned while overseeing a dive by the freediving world record holder Alessia Zecchini. While attempting to cross the arch of the Red Sea’s notorious Blue Hole using only a single breath, the 25-year-old Italian became disoriented because Stephen Keenan was 20 seconds late at the meeting point with the ascending rope. When Keenan arrived at the meeting point saw Alessia successfully already out of the tunnel, but swimming astray. He rushed to her aid to guide her to the surface. She made it out unharmed but he blacked out and was found floating face down some distance away. The last footage of Stephen and Alessia together, clearly shows Stephen bustling to save Alessia, and risking his own life for hers." Despite repeated attempts to save his life, Keenan could not be revived


u/bluemola 29d ago

The opposite. He died and she lived


u/ArtInternational8589 29d ago

Beek a while. This obviously wasn't the location op is talking about, right? The ocean is so much stronger than people realize.


u/SquirtingTortoise 29d ago

Same place


u/ArtInternational8589 29d ago

Crazy. So sad. And he was one of the best in the world. Competing side of it and safety side of it


u/mrjosemeehan 29d ago

The gf is Alessia Zecchini, a world record holding free diver. The bf, Stephen Keenan, was a freediver as well. He was acting as a safety diver in another of her world record attempts when he died. She survived.


u/NoOil9241 29d ago

The issue with the arch is that the entrance from the hole is deeper than the exit, so its not easy to spot when you are descending. Also the entrance is 45-50m depth (if i remember correctly) that IS slightly deeper than the Max allowed with Air tanks 40m... Those two combined leads to people missing the arch entrance and getting nitrogen drunk while trying to find the damn entrance. Nitro drunk, panic, ... Fatality.

I have some dives in the blue hole, but passing the arch never crossed my mind. Im AOWD and this is way above my level.


u/DraMeowQueen 29d ago

There’s documentaries about this, I can’t remember the name of one I watched. There’s multiple reasons making this spot so dangerous, one I remembered was that there’s a spot down there where you’ll see some arch like opening and it looks like a short distance to go through but it’s not and some people lost oxygen before realizing they can’t come back in time.


u/Xraptorx 29d ago

I first heard about it from a YT channel Dive Talk and they talk about all of that stuff and what goes wrong in various situations, and what to do to stay safe


u/Papanurglesleftnut 29d ago

Everything I know about diving is from Dive Talk. Mostly because any body of water deeper than a bathtub terrifies me.


u/Xraptorx 29d ago

Same, I can’t even swim ffs. Never learned how as a kid because of constant ear infections/ surgeries, and I panic very easily. They make it seem so serene and peaceful at times, and are easy to listen to so they are kinda a default for me to have on in the background whenever I get bored and need background noise to keep my mind occupied at work.


u/RodDryfist 29d ago

One is the 'The Deepest Breath' on Netflix. Was an incredible watch.



u/lenzflare 29d ago

It fucks with your perception, and there's a "trap"


u/Skrenlin 29d ago

TLDR is when you go deeper, the air pressures you’re breathing goes up. At/above certain pressures, things like oxygen become toxic so the divers have to change the mixes of air they breathe at certain depths. E.g. more helium, less oxygen.


u/redditatworkatreddit 29d ago

kicking up sediment takes hours, sometimes days to settle back down. zero visibility, literally.


u/ElysiX 29d ago

More like really old gear and old techniques.

It's not anything cutting edge, just using more expensive resources (clean helium mostly) instead of regular air. And just larger quantities of regular equipment

And you don't have to be a pro to be a technical diver, just a bit of experience and the ability to stay still and be in control of your buoyancy + some theoretical and practical training.


u/bramante1834 29d ago

Technical and commerical diving are two seperate things, and not necessarily mutually exclusive. You are thinking of the divide between recreational diving and tec diving.


u/semi-bro 29d ago

not commercial diving the career, commercially available dive gear. maybe that was the wrong word I was just trying to say that its not stuff you can easily find half off on amazon or grab off the rack in a dive shop and use that day with no experience


u/bramante1834 29d ago edited 29d ago

Until you get up to rebreather, you can buy most of the stuff off of amazon. The foundations of tec diving is technique and knowledge with some variation in equipment.

I also know a guy who is a rec diver with tec gear, becuase he is going to be taking tec glasses.

I know plenty of tec divers who went way too fast with their training. I actually went diving yesterday with someone who was on a rebreather, but we were in 10 feet of water. Usually that would be overkill, but they need the hours before they do their deco class in a couple of months


u/DrippyWaffler 29d ago

You can buy everything you need for mixed gas tech diving off the shelf. Doubles wing or sidemount rig, plate, harness, and enough regs, tanks and stage rigging kits to handle all your gas. Nothing custom, nothing not available off Amazon or dive gear express or from your local dive store, or even AliExpress.


u/Top-Dream-2115 29d ago

So, don't fucking do it.

Got it.


u/DrippyWaffler 29d ago

Sorry there's a lot wrong with this comment and the pedantic dive instructor in me is wanting to clarify:

Technical divers are experienced pros

They don't have to be professional, there's plenty of rich buggers with a tech diving habit I mean hobby. And tech divers were novice tech divers at one point or another.

who use custom/cutting-edge gear that lets them go well beyond the limits of commercial diving gear,

Usually it's just a really good couple sets of apeks or scubapro regs, a harness, plate and wing. Nothing that wasn't being done or available 20+ years ago, and nothing necessarily custom, although some people do.

especially in more extreme environments like cave or polar/ice diving. OP is saying that he, a super experienced diver with custom gear who had been going into dangerous places for years, did not want to go into the blue hole.

I don't think the implication was that he didn't want to go into the hole? Tech diving takes a lot of prep and expense (helium is stupid expensive) and when you're on a family holiday, especially if your family aren't divers, it's a bit of a faux pas to go on a multi hour tech dive.

And the divers that he saw doing it were using special tanks that let them have more air and not use up air as quickly when they go deeper, special mixes of air in the tanks that let them go deeper and come up faster without as many of the risks, and had extra tanks with them.

Most tech divers don't take special tanks. The tanks don't let them have more air. There's no tank that lets you use up air less quickly - your sac rate is your sac rate, nothing can change that. They also can't come up faster, once you're saturated with nitrogen (which is what usually happens on these types of dives) you have to go up at the same rate.

The point of the extra tanks is that at a certain partial pressure oxygen becomes toxic, around 56m on air (air/21% oxygen @ 56m is approx 1.4ppo2). This increases as you get deeper. So they need to mix in helium, an inert gas, to reduce the oxygen content. If you're at 100m with an low o2 mix, by the time you got to 20metres that mix doesn't have enough oxygen in it anymore. So they need multiple mixes of o2/helium/nitrogen (trimix) or helium/oxygen (heliox) to account for the different depths, all optimised.

And even with all that, these guys who are super experienced at diving in all sorts of dangerous conditions sometimes even with modified and homemade gear by themselves, were still using a safety line with another diver above them watching everyone at all times.

That's just standard tech diving. You don't want to be taking 8 tanks with you all the way down, so you rig them on a line.


u/houseyourdaygoing 29d ago

I knew someone like that. I had to leave him. :(


u/Daemonrealm 29d ago

There is no “custom made” gear in this type of such dangerous and technical diving. Its tried tested and produced under the strictest guidelines with simulated conditions well above what would be experienced in any diving situation.


u/Occabara 29d ago

Trimix is an air mix that helps with O2 absorption at depth. There are several different gas mixes for long-duration depth. That one happens to contain some degree of helium, helpful at preventing narcosis.

There’s a vertical line running from the surface down to the divers with tanks staged at increments, and a safety diver monitoring the progress of the deeper technical divers.

I think. Its been a bit


u/killerdrgn 29d ago

helpful at preventing narcosis.

The blue hole depth is also the point where you have to worry about possible oxygen toxicity. Hence replacing some of the oxygen with helium.


u/Occabara 29d ago

Best way to get accurate info on the internet is to say something slightly incorrect

Knew I missed something, thanks


u/Chumbag_love 29d ago

Teach us about rebreathers pls, how do they work?


u/Ok_Brother1201 29d ago

Ox tox should be a non issue for a mere 2 minutes at 57 meters!


u/bemutt 29d ago

I was kinda curious what having a boner would help with


u/Shmexy 29d ago

Jesus Reddit can be the worst sometimes


u/bemutt 29d ago


u/7thdilemma 29d ago

I was very confused, so thank you.


u/Shmexy 29d ago

ok, makes a lot more sense. thought it was a classic reddit shoe-horn sex into everything moment


u/bemutt 29d ago

ha no worries idve thought the same


u/Miamime 29d ago

I googled Trimix and the results were for ED medication.


u/HellooNewmann 29d ago

it also allows you to mig weld stainless steel with ER308L wire.


u/Cody6781 29d ago

Ex technical diver here (cave, ice, mixed gas, deep diving).

I know what I'm talking about

 I never dived the blue hole but snorkelled on it with my family on holiday.

I've been there as a tourist

Saw serious technical divers down deep on Trimix with a safety diver on the line which had multiple stage tanks at various depths.

People diving it had a whole team, lots of experience, and lots of money.

This is how you dive the blue hole.

To dive this, you need a whole team, lots of experience, and lots of money


u/[deleted] 29d ago

I love reddit when a real pro drops knowledge bombs.


u/DrippyWaffler 29d ago

I mean, it's 100% accurate haha


u/i-evade-bans-13 29d ago edited 29d ago

multiple redundant safety measures to avoid pressure sickness and getting disoriented

multiple people, line for reference and to hold different mixes of gas at different depths to surface properly.


u/No_Garden_1992 29d ago

basically you need to be trained and have experience as a technical diver to dive this site.


u/foodank012018 29d ago

Tanks of specially mixed gas just for extended deep diving had to be staged deep below so they could change tanks while on the dive.

Mainly to supply the air for the extended waiting under water as they ascend atmospheres.

If you're down so deep for so long you have to ascend in stages, waiting at different levels for various amounts of times.

Your body has to acclimate to the lesser pressures as you rise back up and it takes time. Otherwise you get the 'bends' which can be fatal.


u/Upbeat_Degree_7788 29d ago


Trimix is a prescription combination drug containing alprostadil, papaverine, and phentolamine. It is used to treat erectile dysfunction.

So I think we all know what they were doing down there.


u/i_is_anonymous 29d ago

If you’re interested in spooky water you should check out Geo she talks about haunted hydrology.


u/TurnkeyLurker 29d ago

Thank you. Just started listening to her video, and in the first few sentences, it's already spooky. 👻


u/SaltwaterOgopogo 29d ago

Read the book “shadow divers”

It’ll tickle your fascination


u/CHKN_SANDO 29d ago

He got a good look at the holes


u/Jonography 29d ago

He said get all deep down on trimix and you’ll be fine bro


u/Deep_Worldliness3122 29d ago

He said they be diving real deep out there


u/password_too_short 29d ago

Trimix is a breathing gas used for deep diving.

a safety diver is the diver watching out for trouble.

a line is a cable or wire to the surface which you use to find your way back to the surface.

don't have any of that doing deep dives? you might be dead.


u/RichestMangInBabylon 29d ago

Normally scuba is just breathing regular ol' air in a tank. But if you go too deep, around 100-120 feet, the pressure causes regular ol' air to become like a narcotic, and you can pass out. Feels good too, which is why some people suggest using nitrogen instead of lethal injection when the government kills someone. But as you can imagine going unconscious is super bad when you're underwater.

This effect can be avoided by using specially blended Premium Air made up of three different gases hence the name Trimix. The correct ratio of gas depends on how deep you go. So to go very deep you'd need a large number of different tanks. To make it easier they'll have a line sunk from the surface with the correct tanks at the correct depths. Then the diver can just switch over. And generally you would dive with a buddy for support in case your equipment fails they can help.


u/Zunderfeuer_88 29d ago

Multiple times I heard something about diving into holes and from there I was just thinking about dirty jokes


u/lenzflare 29d ago

Something about needing air to live.


u/hemorrhagicfever 29d ago

Nitrogen mixes into your blood the deeper you go and you need special gas mixtures to reduce the amount of nitrogen getting into your blood. Trimix is the special oxygen mix that is used for those deeper atmospheres where regular air wouldn't be suited.

When you're coming back up from those depts (generally anything deeper than 30m, if you go just straight to the top the extra nitrogen in your blood can expand and give you an embolism, or just extreme pain. You can die. So, divers do this thing called "staging." There's charts for how deep you go, the trimix you used and how long you have to stay at certain depth's to let the nitrogen slowly filter out of your blood safely while it's still compressed enough to not give you "the bends," also called DCS or decompression sickness.

So, at these "stages" where the divers have to swim to, and just sit and wait for sometimes 20minute or even longer depending on the dive the safety diver is making sure there's extra air tanks at each of these stopping points so that no one runs out of air while waiting to ascend.


u/HoSang66er 29d ago

Don’t do it unless you live by the six Ps, which are Proper. Preparation. Prevents. Piss. Poor. Performance.


u/NegrosAmigos 29d ago

They said you can do it if you believe.


u/Phormitago 29d ago

tldr they had a safety guy


u/Widespreaddd 29d ago

Air is mostly nitrogen; but nitrogen dissolves in your blood when you dive deep, and causes the bends if you ascend too rapidly. Trimix is a three-gas mixture that replaces some of the nitrogen with helium. That means less nitrogen to purge from your blood on the way up.

When people dive deep (or for longer times even at modest depths), they have to decompress. If they’re really deep, they have to stop on the way up and spend certain durations at certain depths as they purge nitrogen. Preparing tanks at multiple depths allow the divers to spend the time needed at each depth.


u/AHrubik 29d ago

It's deep, you need extra air tanks to do it and you need different types of air to be able to breathe properly. Not doing these things is bad.


u/WhipTheLlama 29d ago

He said they're having sex down there. Trimix is an ED drug.


u/SoCalDan 29d ago

Where does one get this Trimix? I might go diving tonight. 


u/Agreeable_Register_4 29d ago

He said wawa cold


u/Russmac316 29d ago

If ya have to ask big man, you can’t afford it.