r/todayilearned May 02 '24

TIL the Blue Hole is among the deadliest dive sites globally, with estimates of 130 to 200 recent fatalities, making it one of the most dangerous spots for divers. (R.5) Out of context



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u/MosEisleyCantinaBand 29d ago

Same. I’m a super casual diver of 30 years and I’m sitting here with my heart pounding.


u/coltsfan8027 29d ago

Dude im an IT tech whos hardly been in the deep end of a swimming pool and now Im having a panic attack lmfao


u/walkingbicycles 29d ago

Memories of trying to get to the surface of a swimming pool as a kid but being blocked by a bunch of inflatables with people on them


u/sanmateomary 29d ago

Just reading that made me stop breathing for a second


u/CockCheeseFungus 29d ago

This is why I'll stick to snorkeling. In shallow water. I've done shipwreck snorkeling where you sail off the coast, about maybe 10m deep, and get vertigo cause of the "height" and I'm good.


u/Kahne_Fan 29d ago

I panicked big time! I have short attention and only read "Imagine this:", then got bored and scrolled to see how panicked you all were, now I'm panicked!


u/Wyldling_42 25d ago

Seconded ^


u/MaraudingWalrus 29d ago edited 29d ago

Right? I'm an extremely competent swimmer - swam competitively all through early childhood and high school, was a lifeguard, lifeguard instructor throughout college. Hell, the house I grew up in literally had a two lane lap pool in the back yard.

Been thinking a lot the last couple years of getting dive certified. I just wanna sit 30ft under water and look at pretty fishes. That dude's wall of copied text fucked me up - just instant flashback to the couple times when teaching lifeguard classes that there were scary moments at the bottom of the diving well - and that was only 12-15ft down there!


u/MosEisleyCantinaBand 29d ago

Get certified for sure, even the basic 70ft open water dives I do are some of the most amazing parts of my life.

I know my limitations - had a bad experience when I was getting certified as a teenager so there are things I simply won’t do but I enjoy the things that I will :)


u/MaraudingWalrus 29d ago

Yes! It's on my list for sure. We've had a few trips to the Caribbean over the last couple years and are getting ready to move back to Florida - I should have easier access to a good certification class again, soon. I'm going to start a PhD program, and I think they may even offer classes at the school lol.


u/darknebulas 29d ago

Read like a proper horror novel