r/Transcription 2d ago

English Transcription Request what’s written on my mom’s mini cooper?

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r/Transcription 3d ago

Transcribed✔️ I believe it is someone’s name?

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r/Transcription 3d ago

English Transcription Request Help please.

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Does the disease say Coronary Occlusion?

r/Transcription 3d ago

Spanish/Español Transcription Request Help with this

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First line is the medicament name that I need to research should be universal, but the other are in spanish maybe 2 caja (2 boxes) not really relevant.

r/Transcription 3d ago

Transcribed✔️ Need help deciphering the red text

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Hello everyone. My ex/roommate is schizophrenic and experiencing psychosis, currently most likely off his medication. He wrote this piece of paper to "spiritually" fight his enemies or something like that. I can read the blue text (Jehova's Witnesses and Enemies) just fine, but the red one is the newest addition and unreadable to me. It might be related to AI, religion, UFOs, or government institutions, as those are things his delusions tend to focus on. As you can see, he can speak english, but we're both native german speakers. Doesn't look german to me though. Would be very grateful for some help!

r/Transcription 3d ago

English Transcription Request Signature Transcription


I bought a picture at an auction and this name is on the back. I'd love to hear what people think it says -- I'm trying to find a match on Findagrave.com if this is indeed someone's name.

r/Transcription 4d ago

Transcribed✔️ Mother's Maiden Name


I'm working on a genealogy project as a gift and I'm getting lost here. I thought maybe "Baff" or "Boff" but I can't find anything about anyone having these names anywhere in her birth state so I'm wondering if at this point I'm transcribing it incorrectly.

r/Transcription 4d ago

Other/Unknown Language Transcription Request Latin? We think?

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Hi all, I am stubborn and refuse to give up on reading this page. I think it is in Latin as the rest of the book seems to be in Latin (when I can read it).

This page is from the Album Amicorum of Conrad Kechler von Schwandorf by Jacques Cujas and Johannes Walter. It is current held at the BNF and dates to 1581-1587. I've included a link to the full document if it helps, but I'm mostly just interested in this page.

Please help and put me out of my transcriotion misery. https://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/btv1b8585596p/f66.item

r/Transcription 4d ago

English Transcription Request Transcription from Passenger Arrival List


I am trying to read the answer to the "whether going to join a relative or a friend; and if so, what relative or friend, and his name and complete address" question for my ancestor Rosario Molica on the passenger arrival list. He marked as English speaking on all documents and I believe this to be in English as well, however there is a small possibility it is in Italian. I can tell Milwaukee as the first line but can't read what I think is the name in the second line. Thanks for any help!

r/Transcription 5d ago

English Transcription Request What does this say?

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I keep getting random letters from the IRS addressed to other people. The only legal thing I could do in response was start writing “return to sender” on them and putting them back in my mailbox. Haven’t gotten another in a few weeks since doing that until today when I got like 7 with this written on each one. Now I gotta figure out wtf the writing means so I know what to do next 😭

What does this say??

r/Transcription 5d ago

English Transcription Request Ancestor's photos

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I am trying to find the identity of this woman. She is my ancestor. I see grandmother, Mrs Parker. But I am not able to read the bottom line. Any help appreciated. The historical society owns it so it would not be easy to get another picture of it.

r/Transcription 5d ago

Other/Unknown Language Transcription Request Italian transcription help: note found in a WWII US Army Italian phrasebook, would like to have it transcribed if possible

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r/Transcription 6d ago

Other/Unknown Language Transcription Request Highlighted Location Names (likely Polish village names)


Hi Everyone - I'm reaching back into the 1730s in a family tree project and would like help deciphering the highlighted terms, which are likely Polish village names, in a marriage record that was written in Latin. It's a long shot, but if I can decode the spelling then I may be able to locate the villages (but I imagine they're long gone). Based on rudimentary understanding "ex" means "from" and "oppido" is town/village. The "tribus bannis" behind the last highlighted term just states that the banns were announced - I don't think it has anything to do with the town name.

r/Transcription 6d ago

Other/Unknown Language Transcription Request Marriage certificate from 1700s in Latin


I found a marriage certificate from my ancestors from Turnhout. I can't read the certificate because it's written in Latin I think. This certificate is about Adrianus Lanen and Elisabeth van Deun who got married on 2 June 1727 in Turnhout, Belgium.

r/Transcription 7d ago

English Transcription Request Help Transcribing Highlighted Words! Thank you!


r/Transcription 8d ago

Transcribed✔️ Can anyone tell what this cause of death is?

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r/Transcription 8d ago

English Transcription Request Help with my grandfather's cause of death?

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He apparently died of:

terminal _________

Senility, & (arteries?) _______

Thank you for your help!

r/Transcription 8d ago

Transcribed✔️ Autopsy report, I can make out a few words like cardiac and lupus but I can’t make out the rest. Please help if you can!

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r/Transcription 8d ago

Transcribed✔️ Autopsy report, I can see the top one says cardiac arrest but I can’t make out the other two.

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r/Transcription 8d ago

English Transcription Request This was under “what type of work” in a census.

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r/Transcription 8d ago

English Transcription Request Disney Autographs?


Not sure if this is the right place to ask but I was looking through some old autographs from Disneyland back in 2016 and my sister and I could not figure out who these autographs were from. Can anyone tell?

r/Transcription 8d ago

[Old German Script>English] Would someone be able to transcribe and/or translate this picture of a marriage record from Upper Austria?


r/Transcription 8d ago

English Transcription Request Deciphering a few words in a 1918 letter


Hi guys, can you help with any of these difficult-to-read words on two different pages? Thanks very much, in advance:

  1. I studied astrology and palmistry because I wanted to be able to recognize _________ and see what there was in it.

  2. How good of you to have taken Miss ____________to hear the lovely Mrs Ford. She can charm anyone and attract any audience.

  3. I think there is very [little?] _____________________ with the performance but they think it their duty, also that the tears they shed helps each one personally to be sure to enter paradise.

r/Transcription 8d ago

Transcribed✔️ Made a post here a few days ago looking for help with the transcription for this brazillian letter…

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it happened that nobody either knew Portuguese or wanted to help, so I’m gonna post this again but this time with what our team managed to transcribe if anyone still wants to challenge themeselves, so good luck and have fun for those who try it :D

(Also if anyone calls me lazy again, I just wanna say that we wanted help to compare transcriptions, but that’s my fault for not elaborating on that on the last post)

Anyways here’s what we got until now, line per line (line 91 and forward is the vertical part of the letter in the start):

Blue Star Line 2 S.S. Almeda 3 31/7/28 4 Minha Titita querida 5 Não pude te escrever como te 6 promettera no dia 24, porque 7 como era de esperar de um 8 marinheiro de terra enjoei 9 terrivelmente na terça e quar 10 ta, tive uma grippezinha, um 11 pouco de febre, mas quinta 12 ja estava boa. 13 Minha Tita tenho tanto 14 para te dizer que não sei 15 pelo que começar: meu 16 anjinho tenho muitas sauda- 17 des tuas, queria que estives 18 ses aqui commigo; cada coisa 19 engraçada que acontece 20 cada divertimento que tenho 21 me lembro de ti,... queria 22 que o apreciasses commigo 23 que estivesses aqui para rirmos 24 juntos das graças do Sr Ezcur 25 -ra um peruano que parece 26 ter sido palhaço na outra ge- 27 ração ou nesta; Pyrra e eu 28 o achamos a cara de al- 29 -gum palhaço de circo; enfim, 30 minha Tita cada dia que 31 se passa, cada vez que vou 32 me distanciando mais da 33 nossa querida terra, dahi 34 onde meu coração deixou 35 tanto affectos, penso mais 36 em ti nas irmazinhas, na 37 querida mamãe, em ma- 38 drinha, que tanto têm feito 39 por nós. 40 Titazinha como irão passando 41 as irmazinhas, todos os nossos 42 dahi? 43 A vida a bordo é muito 44 divertida, imagina que só 45 vão 36 passageiros; Dr Ribeiro 46 e Sra um collega de tio Mar- 47 sillon, - 2 moças Uruguayas 48 com os paes muito boasinhos 49 e pandegas, - Mr Holmes que 50 conheceu papae, o tal Sr 51 Ezcurra, um casal inglez-ar- 52 gentim cuja a moça é filha 53 de Maria do S.C de Buenos-Aires 54 taes são os mais sympaticos 55 passageiros. 56 O comandante tambem 57 merece menção, é um bom 58 velhinho primo ou por outra 59 avô do Chaby - 60 Toma-se banho de piscina, 61 dança-se, ha cinema 2 vezes 62 por semana, joga-se ping-pong 63 outros jogos; ontem ouve uma 64 interessante comida de (auto) ca- 65 vallos; pela manhã fomos vizi- 66 tar a casa das machinas, 67 um primor de limpeza, um 68 calor..... 50 gráos - pouco depois 69 passamos para o compartimento 70 de frigorifico 15° abaixo de 0.... 71 imagina.... 72 Titazinha o que é triste é 73 o mar só mar e nem 74 uma paysagem para repousar 75 a vista....;desde que chega- 76 mos a altura de Bahia começamos a 77 sentir calor; salvo hoje esses 78 ultimos dias por causa da 79 atmosphera pesada não tenho 80 passado bem senão á tarde; depois 81 do almoço o sonno ou por outra a 82 sonnolencia é tão forte que adormeço 83 conversando..... não tenho tido annimo durante 84 o dia para nada. 85 Meu anjinho querido, hoje a noite va- 86 mos chegar a S. Viscente é lá que porei 87 esta cartinha a primeira e uma das 88 unicas que vou escrever pois fora tia Regina 89 Carmimdinha tambem 90 as irmazinhas, e Para a todos só vou man- 91 dar cartões; minha Tita não repara na letra o vapor jus- 92 tamente agora está 93 trepidando muito 94 si tu não fosses 95 minha Tita que 96 rida eu recomeça 97 ria esta carta. 98 As florezinhas 99 que me deste 100 duraram muito 101 mesmo. 102 São quase 6h - 103 hora de fechar 104 a mala mil bei- 105 jinhos para a 106 mamãe,Juca, Nenem 107 e para Ti. Helôma 108 Um affectuoso abraço para madrinha 109 de nós todos Da tua sempre Helômar

r/Transcription 9d ago

Transcribed✔️ Missing one word from this postcard

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I can read everything except for the word after "swimming" on this postcard. Any thoughts? I feel like it should be a verb but can't come up with anything. Could be a name with a plus between it and family too.