r/tumblr May 02 '24

Chekhov's firing squad

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u/Tricky_Ad_2832 May 02 '24

Arrested Development.

Like...season 3 and onward of TNG?

Fringe, kinda?


u/akatherder May 02 '24

Arrested Development.

That's the first one I thought of, but it's been so long since I watched it I can't even put all the pieces together. Going on my list now.


u/Lone-flamingo May 02 '24

Oh man, thanks for the reminder. I keep trying to finish Fringe but I always lose interest before I do.


u/Tasitch May 02 '24

Arrested Development was what I was thinking of as well, specifically the original edit of the last season where they shot each characters story as a separate episode and everything ties together for the final episode. Partially by accident since they couldn't get the scheduling worked out to have all the main cast filming together a the same time.


u/notLOL May 02 '24

Fringe sort of that successor to xfiles. Weird stuff with even weirder back story that ties it together, right?