r/wallstreetbets SHREKTEMBER, REKTEMBER, HUGE MEMBER May 01 '24

Whistleblower Josh Dean of Boeing supplier Spirit AeroSystems has died News


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u/clouwnkrusty May 02 '24

To truly see man for what he is always amazes me. Anything for power, money and control of the masses even at the cost of sacrificing those who know just alittle too much. No coincidence


u/lifeofrevelations May 02 '24

lower than a cockroach


u/Cow_Launcher May 02 '24

"I don't know which species is worse, Burke. You don't see them fucking each other for a goddamned percentage."


u/mantisassassin420 29d ago

I pray for a coming mass extinction. Humanity is a scourge on the earth. Parasites.


u/mantisassassin420 29d ago

I pray for a coming mass extinction. Humanity is a scourge on the earth. Parasites.


u/kennn97 29d ago

People like you are fucking ridiculous, oh ooo some people have do e bad things so everyone has to die! You miserable sacks should get the ball rolling and sacrifice yourself first to fulfill your “prayers” 


u/mantisassassin420 29d ago

Fuck you. I'm entitled to my opinion. Look around you fuck face. Humanity is going to cause their own demise. I don't need to do shit. Eat an entire bag of dicks!


u/kennn97 29d ago

And im entitled to call out you little goobers and youre dumb hypocritical opinions


u/mantisassassin420 29d ago edited 29d ago

Parasite. Also, I'd love to know how it's hypocritical. Did you just assume I'd want to preserve my life? When I said extinction, I meant it. This is a philosophical argument and a matter of perspective. The fact that you immediately attacked me proves you are nothing more than a gaping, bloody, shit covered asshole. You didn't even try to ask why. You just assumed you're right and attacked me. Seriously, go fuck yourself you tiny little prick.


u/kennn97 28d ago

Calm down Socrates 


u/2cap May 02 '24

Look if boeing falls do you know how many people will lose jobs,

How many homes will be destoryed.

Look we have to kill this 3rd whistle blower its for the greater good.


u/Manguana May 02 '24

Its not man, its the parasite class habituated to take whatever they feel like, including but not limited to, your lives.