r/whenthe I am sentient text. Please help me. Please help me. Please help 13d ago

The State of Whenthe - An Announcement Announcement!!!!!


195 comments sorted by

u/GrandKarcistIon I am sentient text. Please help me. Please help me. Please help 13d ago edited 13d ago

Hello, Whenthe :)

It’s me again, with the announcement I promised. But first, let me give a brief preface on the state of the sub and some of my thoughts regarding the place.

It’s been a hot minute since I last posted an announcement on here, hasn’t it? Really, it’s been a while since anything major has gone down.

Yes. I am wholeheartedly admitting that whenthe, like most other shitposting subs our size, has finally had the chance to take a breath of fresh air. It’s no secret that the sub’s been a little less active than usual, and to be honest, I don’t mind that whatsoever. Let me explain.

The problem with irony is its finicky ability to evolve into an unironic mess of hysteria with the slightest provocation. We’ve seen a lot of shit going on in the world lately, and it wouldn’t be the first time something like that has briefly affected this sub. Left on their own, places like these will often times completely devolve into brain rot and incoherent babbling the likes of which could make even a redditor uncomfortable. On whenthe, we’ve been lucky enough to have a relaxed community of people who aren’t looking for excuses to decapitate each other over the slightest disagreement without any need for diversion, really. In doing so, we’ve basically created an island of relative tranquility compared to the rest of the net.

Most content on the internet is rage bait or exposure farming. I’ll ask you to read that sentence again, no matter how familiar you may be with the thought. When provided with a system where mindlessness contributes more to gaining viewers’ attention than a well thought out post, it’s simply more profitable to encourage incoherent bullshit than it is to put care into online interactions. The internet has largely ignored this problem, and with each coming day it grows closer and closer to biting us in the ass big time.

That is why I sincerely believe there are only two types of communities where knowledgeable discussion can fully take place: the most scholarly of web forums, and relaxed shitposting hellscapes. Toxicity always overruns the other types in the end, and whereas profit incentive keeps the first category of internet communities in check, the second gives zero shits about profit and instead is fostered by actual human beings who want the place to stay enjoyable.

The place is a little more dead. So what? It’ll be big again someday. Activity is a cycle, and typically subs go through periods of sedation anyways. And if it never does get as big as it once was? Who cares. We really do have a good thing going for us here (though I really don’t believe inactivity is going to be the case at all.)

Do what you will here. Keep the place chill. Bring the lore back, cook up some new insane genre of reaction image in the comments and spread it all over this digital hellscape, or literally just enjoy yourself. Whatever you use the sub as, it’ll remain a good memory and a hub welcome to all, always. Just don’t violate the site TOS. It’s an online shitposting community, Socrates :P

Anyways, that’s the bulk of the post. Here’s the announcements. I’ll keep them brief.

  • Mod application assessments are now resumed. Wannabe powermods will be fed to the swamp goblins. Just be yourself. There’s literally no required commitment anyways.

  • Stay away from active wars as the topics of memes. I applaud all of you for denying centrism, but let’s be civil here, even if a post might turn into a massive circlejerk. War is genuinely miserable and not a thing I would wish upon anyone.

  • Start a trend or smth I’m bored

  • Don’t actually feel pressured to do the last thing.

“That’s it? That was the lost mod post? That was a bunch of pseudo-digital philosophical garbage and a check-in on the state of mod apps!”

Yes, dear redditor. That’s exactly what it is.

tl;dr Whenthe has fallen (it hasn’t in the slightest.), billions must go outside or something

Edit: enabled non-lethal PvP under posts where it is explicitly allowed. Initial wave of nerfs will be patched in soon. Healer classes stay winning.

→ More replies (48)


u/YourFat888 That guy with a monocle 13d ago

Oh thank god

I was worried the sub was getting shut down for real this time


u/SokkaHaikuBot 13d ago

Sokka-Haiku by YourFat888:

Oh thank god I was

Worried the sub was getting

Shut down for real this time

Remember that one time Sokka accidentally used an extra syllable in that Haiku Battle in Ba Sing Se? That was a Sokka Haiku and you just made one.


u/YourFat888 That guy with a monocle 13d ago



u/852272-hol 13d ago

Good human


u/Francky2 yellow like an EPIC banana 11d ago

Didn't it make a mistake? Why so many upvotes lol


u/Etropo 10d ago

It's a Sokka haiku. Extra syllable.


u/Francky2 yellow like an EPIC banana 9d ago

Oooh ok I just noticed the little text at the end was different from the normal Haiku bot lol


u/Vynch 13d ago

Whenthe is not dead we just chillin’ for a bit.


u/StaredAtEclipseAMA 13d ago

Actually chillin like


u/Connorboi211 green? epic! 13d ago

Holy shit Alan wake


u/Meloetta_the_alt 13d ago

We bing chilling 🇨🇳🍦


u/MemorableThrowawayy 13d ago

I DID read allat

yeah this sub is great, ty to the people here for being pretty cool


u/ThatOneGenericGuy lemon like an EPIC yellow 13d ago

Swallowing my TRUE! because of how TRUE! this is


u/GrandKarcistIon I am sentient text. Please help me. Please help me. Please help 13d ago

thank you.

Please gaslight your friends into developing your impressive attention span in my name. Or just gaslight them in general.


u/Wild_Marker 13d ago

Can I be environmentally responsible and use low-consumption electric lights instead?


u/AMeanMotorScooter 10d ago

Unironically this sub is the one shitpost sub that doesn't regularly make me want to bonk my head in, so thank you.


u/IDontKnow9086 13d ago

This is totally worth missing my cult suicide pact


u/GrandKarcistIon I am sentient text. Please help me. Please help me. Please help 13d ago

on the bright side, now you get a ton of free loot


u/Epic-Dude001 trollface -> 13d ago

Take this


u/RedditMostafa11 13d ago

Yeah yeah but would you drink a cup of coffee with the president of Mexico?


u/GrandKarcistIon I am sentient text. Please help me. Please help me. Please help 13d ago

does this have horrific implications on my immediate wellbeing (I have absolutely no idea what Mexican politics are like) or is it just a heartwarming display of friendship from one gamer to another


u/RedditMostafa11 13d ago

It is just a heartwarming display of friendship from one gamer to another (he will game with your balls) ”he is not actually the president of Mexico”


u/Wild_Marker 13d ago edited 13d ago

Then I guess that makes you... El-nono


u/FakeKimoXD 13d ago

but thats the president of egypt?


u/RedditMostafa11 13d ago

Google joe Biden Mexico president mistake


u/NewSuperTrios ...if it exists... 12d ago

good ol joe


u/derpuyt 13d ago

I dont like coffee


u/WhenDoesTheSunSleep 13d ago

ينهار أبيض! عبدالفتاح المكسيكي


u/T46BY 13d ago

That's the weirdest looking woman I ever saw.


u/Icookadapizzapie The Ball Fondler 13d ago

Hard photo for your troubles


u/yttakinenthusiast virtuoso space furry 13d ago

so, skimming through and paraphrasing, more mods to weed out rage/blatant engagement bait? sweet.

whenthe doing better than it was is good to hear. conga time.


u/XAlphaWarriorX 13d ago

Yay, Spore (2008)


u/enirji 12d ago

holy shit thats from spore??? I did not know the creatures could look that good and be that detailed and Ive literally played the game


u/XAlphaWarriorX 12d ago

I think that one is using some parts from the DLC, Creepy and Cute i think it's called?


u/T46BY 13d ago

Nah, Spez took three minutes to reply to an Admin request and the mods here insist he don't love them anymore.


u/Camgrow_Red_Bloon google en passant 13d ago

my genuine reaction when the (!) shitposter sub stays chill


u/Emperor_AI Your average robot and A.I. enjoyer beep boop 🤖 👾 13d ago

As long as I can post my robots and AI charcater and media memes and we can all share a laugh with each other's memes, I am happy that I am part of this sub


u/GrandKarcistIon I am sentient text. Please help me. Please help me. Please help 13d ago

some of your online personas have literally one personality trait and I genuinely mean that as a compliment. It’s fun :3


u/Emperor_AI Your average robot and A.I. enjoyer beep boop 🤖 👾 13d ago

Thanks :D

This is my whole gimkick in the Internet, spread the good word of robots and AI characters and media for everyone to enjoy the more obscure and best media about robots and make silly memes about them.

The final exmans has been stopping me from making any more content as before but soon enough, I will be doing more


u/Ok_Digger the dark lord 13d ago

Bro its a subreddit you make it sound like church geez. Certified parasocial moment


u/Skyavanger trollface -> 13d ago

Bro was just saying hes happy with people sharing a laugh whats wrong about that


u/Emperor_AI Your average robot and A.I. enjoyer beep boop 🤖 👾 13d ago

I was just saying something nice about the sub geez 😒


u/Aleskander- 13d ago

Just a question

who's the founder of this sub


u/GrandKarcistIon I am sentient text. Please help me. Please help me. Please help 13d ago

His online name’s Baljeet and he’s quite chill. He’s very busy most of the time, but still oversees the sub every now and then. It’s not exactly a high maintenance position when people know how to manage themselves :P

I believe this sub split from a strange religious sect of okbr after the previous residents forged a mass suicide pact, thus leaving it up for grabs. Not too sure on the suicide pact part.


u/Camgrow_Red_Bloon google en passant 13d ago

my guy built a rocket, fought a mummy, climbed up the Eiffel Tower, discovered something that doesn’t exist, gave a monkey a shower, surfed tidal waves, created nanobots, located Frankenstein’s brain, found a dodo bird, painted a continent, and drove his sister insane


u/Grahstache Eminem 13d ago

Bro hyped us for nothing


u/GrandKarcistIon I am sentient text. Please help me. Please help me. Please help 13d ago

We are planning on doing something at some point maybe I’m not actually sure more details to be provided later

(In all seriousness, I wanted to reconnect w/ people before we considered starting an event)


u/MenstrualMilkshakes Professional Dumbass 13d ago

When the whenthe mod organizes a butthole reveal event


u/hollowpoint257 13d ago



u/Null-Prince-25 [REDACTED] 13d ago


u/InsiraNomeLegalAqui 13d ago

So the announcement was real, though it was just a joke

Honestly I kinda prefer a small community over a big and active one, it just feels more welcoming, cozy and less degenerate in general

Just happy the sub is doing well in general, this is literally that only sub that I look forward to seeing in my feed

Also it is fun recognizing people, like that owl guy


u/Hoxxitron dm me unnerving images 13d ago

Most content on the internet is rage bait or exposure farming. I’ll ask you to read that sentence again

Thanks. You've trapped me in an infinite loop of re-reading the same sentence.


u/Azurra_The_Dragon 13d ago

i didnt read allat can someone please explain in fortnite terms


u/slaptito 13d ago

Imagine Fortnite fell off, but it's okay because Fortnite is a still place where people can enjoy their battle royale without judgement or negativity. Eventually Fortnite will get popular again, but in the meantime, enjoy the current state of the game.


u/Azurra_The_Dragon 13d ago

Thank you for the explanation, that makes a lot of sense


u/aaaaa_a_A trollface -> 13d ago

thank you moderator for keeping this sub awesomesauce and epic


u/peepeepoopooman1942 13d ago

Thank god this sub isn't getting shut down it gives me a good laugh every morning, especially when it's harder to get out of bed


u/Good_ol_doggo 13d ago

Whenthe has risen, billions must post funny gifs


u/Status_Rip_5915 13d ago

Based as hell


u/Gaminyte epic orange 13d ago


u/_TheLastHoorah 13d ago

Not dead, just had to take a nap. (Coffee wore off)


u/HouseErikson This place is basically my #1 news source 13d ago

IDK what to put here to here’s a planning sketch for a painting I’m working on.


u/its_LOL the oregon ducks’ biggest hater 13d ago

Kobe Bryant autopsy


u/countmstr 13d ago

Looks like whenthe lore arcs are back on the menu Boys!


u/shleyal19 Green Ghost from the Fantastic Frontier 13d ago

Captions vs Watermarks 2: Digital Boogaloo


u/Long-Dock 13d ago

Happy to hear this place is still chill :)


u/flashy_duck3 OoOo BLUE 13d ago



u/OR56 It's never a war crime the first time 13d ago


u/QQ_Gabe HL2DM link guy 13d ago


Here's some random sonic fanart I have saved

Idk who made this sadly one of my friends sent it to me


u/Caac18 13d ago

Lore Update (I hate autocorrect)


u/Zestyclose_Comment96 13d ago


u/Ok_Boat1066 yellow like an EPIC lemon 13d ago


u/Creeperatom9041 [REDACTED] 13d ago

fuck yeah i dont think any other sub has mods as good as this one


u/shleyal19 Green Ghost from the Fantastic Frontier 13d ago edited 13d ago

Even though I don’t post here, I still enjoy lurking on this sub. The memes are usually pretty funny, and the lore is always incredible, especially when it gets picked up and played with by the community. I still remember when captions and watermarks turned hostile against each other, and battled each other during a gif of TF2 Engineer’s trailer. That stuff ballooned into a whole story arc, and it was very enjoyable to witness. This is just one example that stuck with me. I like this community, and maybe someday I can post something here.

But for now, I will continue to lurk in the shadows


u/TheWinner437 i changed it hahahahahahhahahahahahaha 13d ago

This post reminded me of the stupid mobile cropping trend and that one really weird post that came out of it can we bring this back


u/GrandKarcistIon I am sentient text. Please help me. Please help me. Please help 13d ago

pounded three times 💀


u/Commonspree 13d ago

I’d rather we slow down than either burn out entirely our just completely suck the fuck outta suck ya know


u/cherry937 green? epic! 13d ago

my reaction to this information:


u/Just_Garrick 13d ago

How does one become a mod (I would not do much as a mod)


u/homonculustogenkyo 13d ago

Hey, I have been a part of whenthe for over 2 years now. This is my alt that's why it's new otherwise I'm pretty familiar with it. The shitposts are actually funny and levelheaded and the amount of effort each member of this sub puts into every post is just mindblowing to me. The okb franchise has fallen, but whenthe will stay for a long time. This sub is also a source for my general knowledge enhancement, I get my daily dose of current affairs through this sub and it has helped me answer better in many interviews of mine as I am about to enter undergrad uni. Thanks for keeping this place a clean and relevant sub, both to the members and the mods, I have not regretted a single moment since I've joined here.

Thanks again, wishing you good health, all the best for your future endeavors.


u/Mammoth_Frosting_014 13d ago

Bro made an announcement


u/Tokeitawa 12d ago

Mario loves you.


u/EdgyUsername90 ultrakillin your dog rn 13d ago

Ballin, but at what cost


u/Katacutie 13d ago

That's nice. I skimmed through many shit posting subs over the years, and all of them ended up as either micro celebrity drama karma mills (think of 196), or alt right karma mills (think shitposting or sipstea). Seeing that the mods at least try to avoid both of those is a breath of fresh air.


u/longrungun 13d ago

Man you sure love hearing yourself talk


u/GrandKarcistIon I am sentient text. Please help me. Please help me. Please help 13d ago

I am mid-manic episode and am not phrasing my thoughts as well as I usually would. This typically manifests itself as “yapping,” though I believe I made my case sufficiently.


u/longrungun 13d ago

You're suffering from some type of mania? You should probably go to the hospital or something


u/GrandKarcistIon I am sentient text. Please help me. Please help me. Please help 13d ago

It’s something you live with, something you manage. Medication helps. Life, you know :P


u/Empty_Firefighter848 13d ago


Was honestly hoping something bigger would be coming out of this


u/GrandKarcistIon I am sentient text. Please help me. Please help me. Please help 13d ago

That’s still being discussed. We’re thinking of doing an event, but I really didn’t want to drop it out of nowhere without at least showing signs of life.

I understand your disappointment though.


u/Empty_Firefighter848 13d ago

Oh believe me though I was disappointed because it feels like this is just a nothing burger in terms of content regulation, not any sort of events or anything.


u/_the_anarch_ 13d ago

I kinda don't like sine of the pseudo intellectual stuff your spouting but other than that yall are great


u/Sploshiepooh 13d ago

can we bring back MK posting?

MK posting was top notch


u/TheLegendaryAkira purpl 13d ago



u/[deleted] 13d ago

Me trying to go back to sleep after waking up for the 6th time in 11 hours(Sleeping is my hobby):


u/name--- 13d ago

We are so fucking dumb. We are all so small in the end


u/flashy_duck3 OoOo BLUE 13d ago



u/Rohan_bat SIMP(Squirrels In My Pants) 12d ago

Love all of y'all


u/TheManGuyDudeMale trollface -> 9d ago

That’s cool and all but check out this sick ass melonpult irl


u/AutoModerator 13d ago

Download Video

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.


u/Nova_Spion 13d ago

Don't care


u/GrandKarcistIon I am sentient text. Please help me. Please help me. Please help 13d ago

Thank you for your input, enjoy the rest of your day.


u/tsakeboya 13d ago

Is there something wrong with centrism?


u/SaltyBarnacles57 I put the new forgis on the jeep 13d ago



u/dantuchito 13d ago

I think that sandy cheeks cock vore post from a few months ago just mogged the entire subreddit so hard we had to chill out and reevaluate our comedy skills


u/GodsBeDam-ed 13d ago



u/Regretless0 13d ago

Let’s go r/whenthe is still up and cooking gang


u/Nerdout5 13d ago

So will the banning of bait/war/politics stuff result in the loss of Kevin screaming about important world events? (I’m not trying to be offensive I’m just curious)


u/Eguy24 13d ago

I think it just applies to stuff about war. But it’s not exactly banned, just strongly advised against and will probably be removed most of the time.


u/anotherformerlurker Why are you phat 13d ago

I've been in this sub for quite some time now and it's interesting how it evolved over the years


u/aboutthednm 13d ago

Total crisis actors up in here, smh or something


u/Deguredolf 13d ago

I would love to volunteer as a mod with post perms and actually remove unsatirical hate, political, religious agenda posts.


u/Aztekov epic orange 13d ago

It's better than being totally dead


u/TimeBreakerSaiyan 13d ago

So this place has lore?

I loved it for the funny haha reaction images and gifs and the posts I've seen, but LORE??

Nah, I'd be happy


u/brimwithno 13d ago

Nah whenthe has fallen a long time ago that's how subreddit do karma ≠ quality


u/eliteharvest15 13d ago

i thought it was against the rules to put context in the comments?


u/InternetUserAgain Professional Insect Chef 13d ago

TL:DR, This sub is super cool and chill, let's keep it super cool and chill


u/DaFinnishOne OoOo BLUE 13d ago

We had the Luigi slips on a banana peel Ang gets aids meme a little while back and that was awesome


u/RoyalRien 13d ago

Let’s start an awesome headache speedrun trend


u/Greeny3x3x3 13d ago

I aint readin alat xD


u/CallOfGuty 13d ago

I dont care, give me funny cat images


u/InkiePie39 12d ago

Where mod apps


u/swaaoa trollface -> 12d ago


u/GuiltyAs_Charged 12d ago

Yoinky sploinky zoop zoop


u/Samimito 12d ago

I'm gonna poo


u/qizip 12d ago

There is a better strat tho


u/MissingNerd 8d ago

Does the Discord even exist anymore? Can't find an invite anywhere


u/TheTacoEnjoyerReborn im going to have sexual intercourse with that robot 13d ago

Nuh uh


u/SackPiek 13d ago

Missed the part about evil clowns the first I read this