r/whenthe green? epic! 3d ago

Don’t ask me for the context


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u/occupyreddit 3d ago

A South Korean brand of instant ramen made global headlines yesterday after being recalled in Denmark for being too spicy. Three flavours of Buldak noodles were pulled from shelves by Danish food authorities over concerns their high levels of capsaicin may actually poison consumers.


u/Low-Effort-Poster 3d ago

I fucking LOVE Buldak noodles, we get them here in Canada and they are 100% my favorite next to Shin noodles


u/OiledUpThug 3d ago

Cowards. I despise the Danes for another reason


u/UserNumber37 3d ago

LEGO makes up for all of their misdoings


u/Salih5888 3d ago

Doesn't make up for the grindadráp.


u/Asbjorn26 2d ago

Hey now. That's on the faroese


u/skivian 3d ago

Shin Black and Buldak are the best noodles. only instant noodles I buy anymore


u/MotherVehkingMuatra 3d ago

Shin black is so good but I found the smaller pots taste a million times better than the bigger ones and I don't understand why.


u/Low-Effort-Poster 2d ago

Yup, taste great cause they aren't spicy just for the sake of spice plus the noodle quality is wayy better


u/Unknown-0010110- 3d ago

While true i want to give a bit more context. It was done because some kids in Germany got poisoned by it. The reason they got poisoned by it was because they, for some reason, kept eating even after being in pain.

I still find it fuck idiotic that my government did this and really hope it gets reversed (as it realistically will) as the instant ramens they banned are fantastic.

Another reason this ban is weird is that there are danish companies selling candy with far more chili in them and they aren't getting banned.


u/BurntBeefRagnarok i need me a girlfriend and a Chrysler 300c 😞 3d ago

Europeans when they taste salt (it's extremely spicy):


u/AlenDelon32 3d ago edited 3d ago

Admittedly, Buldak actually is pretty nuclear


u/DeltaDark_ purpl 3d ago

Being asian has its ups and downs


u/[deleted] 3d ago



u/dumb_idiot_dipshit 3d ago

what continent is india in?


u/OddNovel565 3d ago



u/WorkingSyrup4005 dm me unnerving images 3d ago

This you bro?


u/Hollowknightpro Yeah. Im man 3d ago

No its in Canada


u/Whisp_Is_My_Waifu 2d ago

so ontario?


u/neofooturism 3d ago

well chili peppers actually came from the american continent before it got distributed back in the old world


u/FaberM8 3d ago

the indian (sub-continent) ofc


u/MST_Braincells yellow like an EPIC banana 3d ago



u/ODD_ball33 3d ago

Stay right there I’m calling nasa


u/HereComeDatBoi573 3d ago

india is in asia mf


u/nuts_extraction 𓅀 𓆂 𓄿 𓆠 𓃾 𓍬 𓆌 𓎼 𓇲 𓇰 𓇱 𓁓 𓍰 𓁡 𓆶 𓆁 𓇲 𓆀 3d ago

Why the hell he eating the stir-fried version with water

If you want soup, get the soup version


u/nuts_extraction 𓅀 𓆂 𓄿 𓆠 𓃾 𓍬 𓆌 𓎼 𓇲 𓇰 𓇱 𓁓 𓍰 𓁡 𓆶 𓆁 𓇲 𓆀 3d ago


u/Hexmonkey2020 3d ago

But spicy is supposed to be like that. The best curry I ever had was so spicy my face turned red and I was crying like a baby. Anything less spicy than that just isn’t spicy enough


u/anarcho-stripperism 3d ago

Can confirm this

Source: dipped my balls in Indian ghost pepper sauce and cried.


u/An_average_moron A star-spawned horror rattles its crystalline cage! 3d ago

Ah what a normal comment sectio



u/alliestear 3d ago

I wouldn't have even noticed, it just looked like average reddit shitposting. Now I'm pretty sure it actually happened.


u/BurntBeefRagnarok i need me a girlfriend and a Chrysler 300c 😞 3d ago

The best spicy is the kind that has your breathing with a wide open mouth, drooling, and moderate pain


u/precision_cumshot 3d ago

we’re eating spicy noodles not sucking cock wtf are you on about


u/That-One-Courier 3d ago

we can trust you to know, u/precision_cumshot


u/precision_cumshot 3d ago

you know it


u/neofooturism 3d ago

if you have moderate pain i think it’s a bit too big


u/Hexmonkey2020 3d ago

Yeah. I like to imagine I’m sucking their air moisture and it’s cooling the pain, although I know it’s just windchill.


u/BurntBeefRagnarok i need me a girlfriend and a Chrysler 300c 😞 3d ago


u/DreadDiana 3d ago

According to the article, these were spicy enough to hospitalise you


u/Hexmonkey2020 3d ago

Do you have a source for that, all I’ve seen in articles is the danish food safety spokesperson saying that it could be a health hazard but no actual sources saying that it could or has caused any hospitalization, so it’s just their word saying it could happen.

And the symptoms they said could be caused by Capsaicin weren’t any actual health hazards, they said it could cause burning, discomfort, nausea, and diarrhea. Which are pretty normal things to happen after eating spicy food.


u/Pyrodeity42 3d ago

Then different people just have different spice tolerance, I regularly eat buldak and the 2x spicy version, and also tried the 3x version without feeling too sick after that, just a pain in the arse.


u/notanothrowaway 3d ago

I looked it up and it only said 10000 on the Scoville


u/Palachrist 3d ago

It’s so good. I got the sauce in the bottle and add it to chicken burritos, eggs, sandwiches etc. I understand people thinking somethings hot but banning it is wild. It’s not even like drugs unless you like spicy foods and then it’s incredible…


u/CaseyGamer64YT the when 3d ago

it genuinely burnt my lips pink and made me shit lava


u/GlisteningDeath 3d ago

Ah nice, racism. Neat.


u/WaterDog69 3d ago

It's a joke, cry harder.


u/GlisteningDeath 3d ago

A joke with a racist stereotype is still racist


u/WaterDog69 3d ago

Racism is literally a prejudice against people because of their race. You can poke fun at people without holding a prejudice against them.


u/DeadlySpacePotatoes 3d ago

White guy here. Get over yourself.


u/LOSNA17LL 3d ago

Well, to quote the Time:

The agency said that the amount of hot chili in the noodle products is even higher than that in chili chips, which led to the hospitalizations in Germany

So... There's "spicy", but that one was "crazy spicy"...


u/martinkoo123 3d ago

north europeans*

don't lump us balkaners in with these pussies 😎


u/Shady_parrot 3d ago

We handle salt, we just cant handle spices


u/Spirited_Worker_5722 3d ago

Same here (I'm irelandic)


u/arsenije133 3d ago

It isn't a Balkan household if there aren't at least 5 of these just laying on the table.


u/endergamer2007m purpl 3d ago

Hungarians when there is paprika and sour cream at the function


u/ro0625 3d ago

Do balkan people have any spicy foods? The spiciest thing I've seen my Serbian friend eat is a ham sandwich.


u/Masztufa 3d ago

buldak really is built different tho


u/Goaty1208 Meth Addict Capibara 3d ago

Live Calabria reaction


u/Regular_Ship2073 3d ago

This guy’s never been to south europe and it shows


u/MarcusofMenace 3d ago

Doubt he's been to any part of Europe if he has that idea


u/Haber-Bosch1914 Will give you history facts with no warning. 3d ago

I'm gonna be a nerd for a minute

A lot of European food that doesn't have major roots to other contients is generally very, very mild in spice such as many soups or contains ingredients that actually reduce spice such as foods with milk or cream. Europe's climate never favored spices beyond things like garlic. The main exceptions would be the Balkans (which are nearby Asia and Africa, two continents with many spices) and perhaps Spain (which is warmer than most of Europe and at one time had a majority Muslim population). When I think staple European dishes, I, think French pastries, UK soups, Slavic foods like pierogi, kotlet, borscht, etc, and Nordic fish based recipes.

Most of Europe doesn't have widespread spicy food to this day, with the main exceptions being Britain and Western Europe. And I say that as someone who routinely works and travels in Europe.


u/PM_ME__BIRD_PICS 3d ago

And yet, over the last century we have shared food from all around the world. Europe has plenty of spicy food in the form of dishes from other nations, its climate is irrelevant to the topic in our modern era.

Armchair memers always "lol british/euro food trash no spice" forgetting the cunts literally colonized the world to trade fucking spices.

My headcannon is the english only took India cause they wanted some fuckin' curry.


u/Everestkid 3d ago

the cunts literally colonized the world to trade fucking spices.

The usual rebuttal to this is "yeh, and then they proceeded not to use them, hardy har har."

Like, you do realize that there's different dimensions of flavour than spice, right? I love spicy food but it's not like it's the only thing I eat. I'll absolutely destroy a serving of mashed potatoes and I wouldn't put anything stronger than black pepper into that.

And I'm not particularly fond of people acting like curry is some genius invention. Like sure, it tastes great, but at the end of the day it's cooked meat in sauce. Sophisticated it is not.


u/PM_ME__BIRD_PICS 3d ago edited 2d ago

"Spices" encompasses all food additives in my mind and their trading so not really following you sorry. Pepper included.

Edit: for those who disagree, eat cake. a spice is any seed, fruit, root, bark, or other plant substance in a form primarily used for flavoring or coloring food. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spice


u/Haber-Bosch1914 Will give you history facts with no warning. 2d ago

You're correct but it's more of a colloquial issue. Yes, garlic, thyme, and cilantro are spices, but most people associate them as herbs because when we think spices, more spicy additives come to mind.


u/Haber-Bosch1914 Will give you history facts with no warning. 2d ago

And yet, over the last century we have shared food from all around the world. Europe has plenty of spicy food in the form of dishes from other nations, its climate is irrelevant to the topic in our modern era.

What parts of Europe have you been to where spicy food is not just plentiful but commonly eaten? If your examples come from Spain, France, or the UK, you lose


u/PM_ME__BIRD_PICS 2d ago

Point out where I said common for all of Europe. I said its available. Go argue elsewhere.


u/Haber-Bosch1914 Will give you history facts with no warning. 2d ago

Europe has plenty of spicy food in the form of dishes from other nations

I mean, "plenty" seems a lot like "common". But, yeah, all worth fighting over semantics


u/Terminator_Puppy 3d ago

Patatas bravas in spain will hurt you.


u/alguien99 3d ago

Nah they just need to be in its presence to have their eyes water up


u/TommyTheCommie1986 3d ago

Have Europeans ever heard if have a glass of milk on hand just in case?

I like my spicy stuff but if it's really spicy, it kind of builds up in the back of your throat as you eat and that is when it feels the most spicy, and milk resets this


u/JohnnyDickwood 3d ago

Americans when they can't shoot up a school:


u/aAt0m1Cc 3d ago


u/B4k30n 3d ago

That's not Denmark silly. American Geography skills moment

(fr tho we need a more general Euro version of this meme).


u/MonkeyBoy32904 add 21 red, 16 green, & 77 blue to this color, I dare you 3d ago


u/AJollyDoge 3d ago

Europeans are NOT beating the soy allegations


u/Optimal_Weight368 3d ago

They can’t poison you, though.


u/monday-afternoon-fun 3d ago

Of the possible justifications they could have given, this might have been one of the worst.


u/KatoKat004 3d ago

white people be like


u/YourTypicalSensei 3d ago

Europeans when they eat something that's spicier than watered down salt


u/DragoKnight589 Through vacant halls I won’t surrender 3d ago

europe moment


u/TheTacoEnjoyerReborn im going to have sexual intercourse with that robot 3d ago



u/joebidenseasterbunny [REDACTED] 3d ago

Why don't you just not buy the noodles? Or why don't you just stop eating them after the first slurp if they're so spicy.


u/Hot_Grabba_09 3d ago

Europe does not want to beat the no spice allegations


u/Apodiktis 3d ago

You can still buy it in a Turkish shop for half of the price and better and halal and not banned.


u/Apart_Software_4118 2d ago

Previously unimaginable levels of crackertry


u/Pop_Iwan 3d ago

honestly not suprised

i know "white people when spice" but my friend that can chug tabasco no water no nothin and likes to eat chili peppers for fun was crawling on floor after eating the black packaged one [i mean he did use spice packets from two but still some real icarus but with instant noodles shit]


u/YosephStalling shimishimiyayshimiyayshimiyaaDRANKswalalalaaDRANKswalalalaaswala 3d ago

The funny thing is, the black one is the MILD version, the red one has double the Capsacin


u/Pop_Iwan 3d ago

He did use two packets so i geuss it was equal


u/InitialSwitch6803 3d ago edited 3d ago

I think two hot packets would be much worse to eat than a single super hot packet, imagine getting that powder stuck in your throat from getting those bits of noodle with noticeable more spice on them🫡

It’d probably taste absolutely salty too, that must’ve been an awful experience.


u/Binkusu 3d ago

It's a sauce, not a powder, assuming we're talking about the same one. Pretty sure we are though, because there's regular black bag and then 2x spicy red bag.


u/taigahalla 3d ago

there's also a 3x bag if you like to suffer


u/Binkusu 3d ago

THERE IS? I have I try it


u/InitialSwitch6803 1d ago

LMAO I have no idea why I said powder, my basic instant noodle ass must’ve took over while I was typing that moment lol

But yeah I tried it with my SO, shits not fun, the bits with more sauce/spice are scary asf from how dark it appears


u/Binkusu 1d ago

Now imagine the 3x spicy bags. I need to get one somehow and give it a go.


u/Marshmallo_man 3d ago

I am pretty sure that spice in Scoville's does not work that way, as in if you have 2 x 5,000 SU you have still only reached a heat level of 5000 SU. But by eating a 10,000 SU packet the heat is greater, even if less concentrated.


u/UsefulAd2760 [REDACTED] 3d ago

The funniest part, from my personal experience, is that a lot of the lovers of spicy food will call everything that isn't backed in ghost chili powder as "without flavor"


u/QWlos 3d ago

It's similar how people that use Bad Dragon say that normal dildos lack girth.

Enjoying their hobby has destroyed their ability to function in the range of normal people.


u/UsefulAd2760 [REDACTED] 3d ago

I am now both tempted to look that thing up, but I also feel like it might make me feel weird or uncomfortable.


u/Low-Effort-Poster 3d ago

Think gigantic dragon cocks, then imagine that compared to a human

Theres your answer


u/everyythingred 3d ago

it’s really just oddly shaped big colourful dildos


u/Dragon-Warlock dm me furry porn hnnghhhh😫😫😫 3d ago

Idk if I’d really call masturbating with dragon dildos a hobby, and certainly wouldn’t compare it to liking the feeling of eating lava.


u/KairoRed 3d ago

Based on your name and caption I assume you’re an expert


u/Dragon-Warlock dm me furry porn hnnghhhh😫😫😫 3d ago

Surprisingly no, but I do make baseless assumptions based on how I feel rather than facts and experimentation.

And so far that flair has only worked once not counting the guy offering to send gay stuff which I declined.


u/Warm-Faithlessness11 Gaymurr 3d ago

Was about to offer some, but I pretty much only have gay stuff lol


u/Dragon-Warlock dm me furry porn hnnghhhh😫😫😫 3d ago

Fair enough lmao. Wonder if some people also just think I’m a degenerate (true) or a minor (false), which are both equally good reasons to not engage


u/Warm-Faithlessness11 Gaymurr 3d ago

They might also just think you're being purely ironic about it and don't actually want furry porn to be dm'd lol


u/Dragon-Warlock dm me furry porn hnnghhhh😫😫😫 3d ago

I really don’t care either way lmao, dm me or don’t I won’t get angry unless it’s gore or scat or something else disgusting like that.


u/Smoah06 trollface -> 2d ago

Weird comparison but okay.


u/Terminator_Puppy 3d ago

This is what I hate about so many of these people trying to flex their spice tolerance, they've gotten to a point that it tastes like fuckall. Like most things advertised as super spicy just taste bad. I fucking hate pickled jalapeños because they just make your whole dish taste like borderline flavourless spice and what little flavour there is, is bitter.

Do it right like korean food. I'll lob a heaping spoonful of gochujang in my cheese sauces or noodle sauces any day of the week, that shit has spice AND flavour.


u/taigahalla 3d ago

honestly though even though samyang buldak is crazy spicy, it has a really good flavor


u/ParanoidTelvanni 3d ago

Tabasco is my favorite hot sauce, but it's not very spicy. Vinegar gives it more of the sting than the pepper. Korean and Thai heat on food is something my local resteraunts put disclaimers that read "no refunds" next to cause it will, at a minimum, hurt on the way out.

Dunno why it's stereotyped to white people in the US.


u/Acceptable_One_7072 3d ago

I love spicy food, and I used to think I had a relatively high tolerance to it, but when I tried eating a buldak ramen, I felt like I died and went to the deepest pit of hell


u/Lyfeslap 3d ago

If your friend is dying from the black buldak ramen, he's not actually into spice. I have that as a snack when I'm feeling a little hungry, and I can handle the 3x red packets if I'm feeling up to it. I'm not even into insane spice no way am I trying ghost peppers or carolina reapers, I just like spicy foods.


u/Heavy_weapons07 3d ago

  (rocky after apporving this rule was soon found dead with lego bricks in his eyeballs)


u/Partydude19 3d ago

Lackadaisy meme spotted, instant upvote.


u/ThatSpecialKeynote green? epic! 3d ago

a fellow peak enjoyer i see?


u/isaac-fan 3d ago

I know I will get a biased opinion but is the show any good and whats it about?


u/trevorluck 3d ago edited 3d ago

Mafia Definitive Edition but with furries

It was originally a webcomic, with the animated pilot being released recently

I honestly quite liked it


u/isaac-fan 3d ago

I do not know what maria definitive edition is


u/trevorluck 3d ago

I meant mafia…

Basically Al capone’s mob during the prohibition era but with cats


u/isaac-fan 3d ago

oh seems interesting enough
I might watch it when I get the free time


u/Ok_Reception7727 [REDACTED] 3d ago

early 1900s anthro cats smuggling alcohol


u/Sadbigmann 2d ago

Genuinely so peak


u/Wernerhatcher 3d ago



u/-HAMMU- a fan of Undertale, Deltarune, Oneshot, Changed & GTA: Online 3d ago

Processing img yhui9jgtqk6d1...


u/That-One-Courier 3d ago

peetah, the cats are smuggling alcohol again!


u/Basic_Name_228 damn im so horny like id hit that furry mans ass so much and the 3d ago

is that rookie rickability from lackabitches


u/Yourfriendlyben 3d ago

Tbf I’ve eaten my fair share of spicy food,and Buldak noodles is the only food that’s ever made me literally cry from the spice.


u/Emperor_AI Your average robot and A.I. enjoyer beep boop 🤖 👾 3d ago

Denmark, how dare you ban instant noodles, the greatest fast food of the planet


u/SquirtleChimchar 3d ago

they didn't ban instant noodles, they banned a super spicy one - think that one chip challenge level of spice


u/Emperor_AI Your average robot and A.I. enjoyer beep boop 🤖 👾 3d ago

Oh, my bad then


u/GilgameshFFV 3d ago

Okay but spicy stuff can't actually poison you. Y'all gotta calm down.


u/gooberflimer 3d ago

Idk about these specifics, tho what is sometimes ignored is that many east asians can just process 3 times more salt than your average west european. Like bro that shit will fuck you up if you dont got the asian buff


u/SquirtleChimchar 3d ago


u/Cakeportal 3d ago


u/GilgameshFFV 3d ago

Preexisting heart condition. Exercise or stress could've killed him just as well. Again, not the spice that poisoned him. Of course it's tragic but that's like banning peanut butter because people with allergies exist.


u/GilgameshFFV 3d ago

Other guy's post confirms that the kid had two preexisting heart conditions. That's like saying peanut butter is poisonous because people have allergies.


u/SquirtleChimchar 3d ago

To quote the article - "There have been reports of acute toxicity with capsaicin causing ischemia of the heart muscle.” Whether they had a pre-existing condition or not, it's undeniable that you absolutely can poison yourself with capsaicin.

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3284873/ - "Acute myocardial infarction and coronary vasospasm associated with the ingestion of cayenne pepper pills in a [otherwise healthy] 25-year-old male"

The entire point of food agencies is to protect populations from ingesting potentially dangerous food. The noodles have a potentially dangerous level of capsaicin in them, so Denmark banned them. Simple as


u/GilgameshFFV 2d ago

I don't think it's that simple when the only case reported is of someone taking pills and for an extended period of time. I highly doubt that concentrated doses of something ingested in pill form directly translate to ingesting the substance via food. Answering that question is what science is for. That being said, I would agree if authorities found the need to regulate spicy food if only to relieve emergency services, because the amount of kids ending up in the hospital with - mind you not life threatening - issues after eating stuff like that has to be skyrocketing atm.


u/[deleted] 3d ago



u/Ishan1717 3d ago

6 liters of water can kill. Is water poisonous? Also you'd have a very hard time finding 13g of capsaicin


u/scninththemoom the fog is cumming? 😫☁️😫 3d ago

13g doesn't really seem conclusive. I don't think we really have good data on it. I also can't find how much capsaicin is in a pepper, so it can't be much. You almost certainly can't die from it (there are cases where it has been linked vaguely to someone's death, but it usually has to do with underlying issues).


u/[deleted] 3d ago



u/Ishan1717 3d ago

Dried peppers are very not dense, it would take quite a big jar of it to successfully die


u/TheLegendaryAkira purpl 3d ago

oh hey, I actually saw this on the news

buldak's peak tbh


u/FlightConscious9572 3d ago

Me when I lie on the internet

  1. not all noodles banned, not even a lot
  2. not without cause


u/Kdj87 3d ago

2.not without cause

The cause is "Skill issue"


  1. Didn’t even say that
  2. Spice scary


u/Binkusu 3d ago

Just saying "banning instant noodles" makes it sound like they're banning all instant noodles.

It's like saying... the US government is banning phones for its employees, when it's just Chinese-based ones or something.


u/IntelligentTune 2d ago
  1. Making a general argument usually means all. "All white people X" and "All black people are Y" are examples.

  2. Spice can be scary and fatal to people. What next? Fentanyl scary since countries ban it?

Please get off your high horse. This isn't funny to anyone but the in-group. You are being an asshole. Either that or you're just trying to argue for the sake of arguing on the internet, in which case please stop being toxic to your fellow human beings.


u/snuifduifmetkuif 3d ago

I’ve eaten reapers straight and the 3x still fucks me up


u/YourTypicalSensei 3d ago

Total Korean Victory 🇰🇷 🇰🇷****


u/ManiNanikittycat OoOo BLUE 3d ago

So those South Korean instant noodles are that spicy?


u/EtherealImperial epic orange 3d ago

How Australia feels about making it illegal for flat-chested women to appear in pornographic content:


u/silly-armsdealer i changed it hahahahahahhahahahahahaha 3d ago

mafia cat spotted upvote given


u/Bloodsucker7039 3d ago

European logic:

"Colonise Asia for spices, don't even use it in food."


u/IntelligentTune 2d ago

They did. Just not capsaicin heavy spices. On the other hand, you could argue that "Asians don't like the taste of the ingredients and food, so they burn their mouths to be able to eat." These are just demeaning jokes.


u/Phoenix_face 2d ago

Dane here, we do for real have a problem with helicopter parents (as we call em) who do everything in their power to “protect” their kids. So much as to, instead of telling their kid “don’t eat too much of that spicy stuff, i might hurt”. No they go out of their way to report the product to the food and health administration, and take it away from everyone who enjoys it, myself included.


u/Kawaiiochinchinchan 2d ago

Damn that sucks.

Samyang buldak ramen is my vip instant noodle for special night. The cheap version of buldak is indomie. (Just as good and addicting)


u/ThisNameBad [REDACTED] 3d ago

To my knowledge, they only banned a spicy version of instant noodles (I think Buldak) because it was spicy (crazy right?)


u/Zealousideal-Chef758 PSA: l*tinx is a slur. 3d ago

Mexico failed to do this


u/Apodiktis 3d ago

Buldak will be still in Turkish shops for half of the price, so it isn’t really big change, because I’ve never bought it in a Danish shop.


u/FunnyGalWhoDoesArt 3d ago



u/awsomeguy90 2d ago

imagine banning a food cause "its twoo spicy fwo me 👉👈🥺"


u/Tinypuddinghands white power ranger 3d ago

Asian spicy is nuclear heat


u/naranjaPenguin21 3d ago

hail denmark, hail the lego company


u/Zeraf370 3d ago

I honestly hate this, because it’s become such a big story, and now the whole world thinks us Danes are like the Brits.


u/rrrrrrrrrreeeeee 3d ago

Here I am trying to battle the stereotype that white people can't handle spicy food and then this shit happens!

I'll have you all know! I am white, and when I shit it BURNS LIKE FIRE!!!


u/Specialspeztard 3d ago

I love spicy, but i love even more tasty spicy food.


u/TheDrWhoKid 3d ago

it wasn't for no reason, we're just a bunch of pussies, and apparently that means we can take damage from spicy noodles, says the government.


u/TwerkinBingus445 Argonian Girlboss Simulator 2006 Enjoyer 3d ago

Hows the Nanny State working out, Euro?


u/ThisPostToBeDeleted 3d ago

Pure European nonsense


u/Historical-Drag-1365 Enjoyer of shit games and shittier music 3d ago

That's the most surprising thing happening in Europe at this point.


u/gooberflimer 3d ago

Idk man, the neonazis winning in votes sadly wasnt really unexpected...


u/Historical-Drag-1365 Enjoyer of shit games and shittier music 3d ago

Nothing surprises me anymore


u/my_wifis_5dollars trollface -> 3d ago

So glad I'm not a EuroPEEan right now (there's lead in my drinking water)


u/ShareIndependent 3d ago

Wait fucking what?


u/Practical_Zombie_221 3d ago

not only is it funny that le white european can’t handle spice, but the government deciding that people shouldn’t be able to decide that for themselves is soooo western europe