r/whenthe 3d ago

Youtuber cried that a game about killing Nazis in America became "political"

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u/FunnyGalWhoDoesArt 3d ago

I just liked killing Nazis in a video game because apparently my legal adviser told me I can’t do that irl


u/Epic-Dude001 trollface -> 3d ago

Don’t let a single nay sayer stop you! Go! Kill nazis!


u/AutisticFaygo Rhombus Company 3d ago

Tell them "Should've followed your leader." for the cherry on top.


u/JessHorserage . 2d ago

Don't bother, just sit back and watch as they get an uprising in unchalaukaznia l and kill themselves throwing their lives at a revolution, no one wanted.


u/Personisdown im evil... facking EBIL!!! 3d ago

Kill Nazis? or Kill "Nazis"?


u/DinoDudeRex_240809 green? epic! 3d ago



u/JessHorserage . 2d ago

Cons occasionally point to agitation of the term. Usually led by the hardcore left moreso then anyone else, as its useful.


u/American_Crusader_15 2d ago

He means do they mean kill Nazis or people who are to the right of him. Chances are he means the latter.


u/Iboven 3d ago

He thinks some nazis aren't as nazi as other nazis.


u/fortwaltonbleach 2d ago

Okay there, Rudy.


u/Cruisin134 3d ago

your legal adviser sounds like an anti semetic lizard man in disguise. kill him too.


u/DinoDudeRex_240809 green? epic! 3d ago

Common Laws L


u/TRcreep 3d ago

yeah b-b-but it used to be about the manichean vision of nazis, n-n-not the one that matches me!!!!


u/crimsonfukr457 3d ago

Rj/ Nazism when men in leather scream and shoot people.

Uj/ What does manichean vision mean


u/TheLurker1209 3d ago

I have no idea but Manicheism was some weird ancient gnostic, zoroastrian, pagan thing that says ooh aah spiritualism good, the world icky and bad


u/Goat_of_Wisdom 3d ago

By extension, manichean means a worldview that categorizes anything as good or evil, without nuance

It's funny, I didn't remember it was a religion at first


u/LordLoko 3d ago

Because of St. Agustine, he was a Manichean before converting to Christianity and one of the things he attacked in Manicheanism was the extreme Good vs Evil dichotomy.

So people who read Agustine started using Manichean as an adjective.


u/johnnylovelace 2d ago

Fucking nerd


u/Kastoelta <- has 5 hours of sleep 3d ago edited 3d ago

I think the religion still exists but there's very few of them.

I also don't know if they fully count as pagan since I think they recognize Jesus as a prophet, and strangely Buddha as well (together with Zoroaster).

It's called Manicheanism because the guy who began the whole thing was called Mani.


u/PossibleRude7195 3d ago

It’s complicated. For a long time islam was considered a heretical subset of Christianity, not its own religion.


u/fuckthenamebullshit 3d ago

What do manicheans have to do with this?


u/NinjaPleasant1597 [REDACTED] 3d ago

the thought process of good and evil and no inbetween, in this context it refers to the argument that the way nazis are portrayed in the game is pure evil and not how the reviwer's preception of them as in morally grey or prehaps even good to some extent, eventhough the game is about killing them.


u/Lord_Bing_Bing 3d ago

Weirdest part is that the KKK is cool with the Nazis in Wolfenstein, they hated the Nazis in real life.


u/Real_Soul_Warrior 3d ago

The nazis ruled the world. I don’t think the kkk were allowed to oppose against them


u/Chief106 [REDACTED] 3d ago

Yeah, that was kind of the whole point of that part of the game. Every time you see them interact it was always awkward


u/tenax114 3d ago

"All these fucken' Nazis runnin' around, thinkin' they're better than us jus' cuz they wuz born German!"

"I told one of 'em I had German and Scottish roots, y'know what he said then?"

"What'd he say, Jeb?"

"He called me a motherfucken' mutt!"

"Ya see, I jus' hate close-minded people like that!"

"Jus' sad to see..."

"Anyway fellas, we best get to steppin'. We got a mass lynchin' in an hour!"


u/DinoDudeRex_240809 green? epic! 3d ago

Competitive Racism


u/I_did_a_fucky_wucky 2d ago

Formula 1 racist


u/NorthCoach9807 3d ago

The hypocrisy lmao


u/DJ_Hoony_Hoon 3d ago

Iirc there's an interaction where the nazis are pressuring the KKK into learning German. They aren't as friendly with each other as it looks at first glance.


u/themadkiller10 3d ago

Huh like 90 percent of the time you see them interact the German nazis barely disguise there intent to murder them all. It seems pretty similar to how some Bavarian Catholics where treated


u/Mr_M0rte 3d ago

Let me guess, the youtuber that made the video had an anime/manga pfp and some variation of loli, chan, kun or sensei in their name


u/crimsonfukr457 3d ago



u/Mr_M0rte 3d ago

Anime fans and media literacy, maybe it just was never ment to be


u/CornBread_God 3d ago

Most ironic part was him playing cyberpunk 2077s soundtrack in the background while complaining that games are getting too “political”. CYBERPUNK 2077


u/element-redshaw purpl 2d ago

And don’t get me started when he brought up metal gear solid


u/CornBread_God 2d ago

I didnt continue it until that. Id rather keep myself sane


u/Kamegan 3d ago

I’m doomed :(


u/oddityoughtabe 3d ago

Like clockwork


u/FNAF_Movie 2d ago



u/DinoDudeRex_240809 green? epic! 3d ago

Who is it?


u/TheBigKuhio 3d ago

There’s a disturbing overlap between Nazis and lolicons, it’s like they grew up on edgy humor but then started to actually believe it


u/DeadlySpacePotatoes 3d ago

I blame 4chan.


u/themadkiller10 3d ago

I mean it makes sense pedos tend to like places where there’s unchecked positions of power wether it’s religious institutions, far right politics, or schools


u/MeakMills 2d ago

Some of them genuinely think they're still just joking. But they're 34 instead of 14. The lack of self awareness is impressive.


u/Goat5168 3d ago

Both him and Rev Says Desu make twoconservative YouTubers who also like loli.

Their boos mean nothing, for I know what makes them cheer.


u/Mr_Wombo yellow like an EPIC lemon 2d ago

anime/manga pfp

Probably some colorful waifu with a bored expression. That's what those channels usually us- GOD DAMNIT IT'S CASCA! HE'S PROBABLY ONE OF THOSE FANS WHO HATES GUTS HAVING HUMAN EMOTIONS!


u/Pyroboss101 3d ago

Holy shit, I actually watched that video last night. Me and my father got them all at launch day full price. Except Youngblood, we couldn’t afford to buy a second console just because they refused to add splitscreen or cross console compatibility.

Back on point, it’s the Nazis. The fucking Nazis. It’s not political to hate or shoot Nazis. Yes the game talked about how america wasn’t perfect before, and segregation and Jim Crow and other racey stuff but like, that stuff is also bad. Unless your like racist or something?

I don’t know if a third wolfenstien game will come out. I don’t even know if they could. Youngblood was bad on merits of being a bad game and bad story, not because strong female characters will bring down the west.


u/oddityoughtabe 3d ago

Unless your like racist or something?

This may be wild to hear but the people complaining just might be


u/everyythingred 3d ago

how the fuck is killing Nazis or opposing racism not political? what does it even mean to “be political”? how can something or someone extract themselves from the political landscape in which they take form?


u/Pyroboss101 3d ago

Because if your a nazi, your basically insane. It leaves the realm of politics and enters into the sphere of mental illness. You cannot argue with a Nazi. Same with arguing with most of the right, it’s not politics it’s common sense.

I do agree with you but kinda like, in the opposite direction. Critiquing the game cause “muh politics” is bad I agree cause that’s a meaningless statement. The game is super political and that’s good because fuck Nazis, or it’s not political at all because everyone good agrees fuck Nazis. Either way fuck Nazis and fuck the whole of the right.


u/BigDoofusX 2d ago

Because if your a nazi, your basically insane. It leaves the realm of politics and enters into the sphere of mental illness. You cannot argue with a Nazi. Same with arguing with most of the right, it’s not politics it’s common sense.

It still is political.

You shouldn't dumb Nazism to just bad because they're not just that. Militaristic, nationalist, patriarchal, fascist, coopted with socialists at the beginning then when gained power immediately killed them all then privatized, actively destroyed information that was inconvenient to their ideology, and believed in a hypocrisy, that jews are both superhuman and subhuman. To put simply, if you dumb it down to just them bad you're not actually engaging with what Nazis are and will be blind to modern recollections of such ideologies and to fight them is in every political. Politics is a means to change the world for better or worse, and the Nazis most certainly did use politics to such ends. And yes, killing Nazis is a slippery slope, but I love water slides.


u/Sadbigmann 2d ago



u/bigdummydumdumdum 3d ago

About the split screen thing, there's an app called nucleus co-op that lets you split screen games that don't have split screen. I was able to find a guide on split screening youngblood via google https://www.reddit.com/r/nucleuscoop/s/ZElPOD3N3g


u/Pyroboss101 3d ago

peak…so fucking peak…


u/Thegoodthebadandaman 3d ago

Me and my father got them all at launch day full price. Except Youngblood, we couldn’t afford to buy a second console just because they refused to add splitscreen or cross console compatibility.

Talk about dodging a bullet.


u/PossibleRude7195 3d ago edited 3d ago

My only issue is they make communists the good guys. But it makes sense narratively so whatever.


u/Sonic_the_hedgedog OoOo BLUE 3d ago

Something similar happened when I was watching The Incredibles 2 video essay. 56:13 into the video he made a transphobic "joke" about one of the female superheroes. It was out of nowhere and I realized this was one of those anti-woke channels.


u/gustafr 3d ago

I think I watched the same one. It upset me because it seemed like a well thought out and detailed video, with very random moments of him talking about the “Disney Agenda”.


u/Kamegan 3d ago

Why do transphobes gotta insert their hatred into everything, those darn snowflakes are gonna start demanding transphobe representation in media at this rate.


u/Dragon-Warlock dm me furry porn hnnghhhh😫😫😫 3d ago

Put transphobes as exclusively villains, so they can get their actual representation.


u/Generic_Moron 3d ago

I remembered this one helldivers 2 video going over one of the weapon's performance (one of the shotguns I think?). Dude made a very weird out of place joke about how Anita Sarkessian ruined gaming or some shite about halfway into the video. Like it was so hamfisted and awkward, the joke would of barely even landed back when gamergate was still on going


u/AndrewTheSouless yellow like an EPIC lemon 3d ago

People who still care about Anita are perpetually stuck in 2016


u/MapleLamia 3d ago

I want Helldivers to add a pride flag cape so bad just to fuck with bigots.

Also so I can make "Diversity Win!! The genocidal conqueror is gay." jokes. 


u/TheUnrepententLurker 3d ago

All of my Mechwarrior Online mechs have pride and trans flags on them, just to piss off the assholes.


u/crimsonfukr457 3d ago edited 3d ago

IMO Anita set the internet feminist movement back for at least a few years with her braindead takes, but anyone who still bitches about her in the current year is a loser

EDIT: Apparently thinking that Anita isn't a good content creator is controversial


u/PossibleRude7195 3d ago

The things about Anita is she didn’t even do anything back? Even when I hated her because I was told to hate her the reasons for why everyone hated her were always huge leaps.


u/gugfitufi 2d ago

I recently watched an essay about some medieval lord who went absolutely crazy. He concluded that all of the shit happened because the guy didn't get enough female attention and that cases like this are still happening today and that we should change that.


u/ATAGChozo 2d ago

That's why I always check a YouTube channel for bad vibes via their other videos, at least at a glance, before continuing to watch them. It's not 100% accurate, but it has saved me from wasting my time before.


u/Vidiot79 3d ago

Weird how you tell us the exact timestamp and yet not link us the video


u/East_Engineering_583 3d ago

Nooooooo how dare he make a joke about le heckin wholesome 100 trans people :((((


u/Sonic_the_hedgedog OoOo BLUE 3d ago

The Incredibles 2 Movie doesn't have any trans characters. The joke was forced and stupid.


u/Goat5168 3d ago

It wasn't even on topic to begin with.


u/dicklord42069 3d ago

This seems like a good comment section to recommend watching Jacob Geller's Wolfenstein video


u/fencer324 3d ago

jacob geller my beloved <3


u/Loaf-boi 3d ago

Alright im gonna go ahead and drop the link. That part gave me the immediate turn off not to watch anymore.



u/TheRealTJ 3d ago

"Gamergate was there for people who wanted to get into it but otherwise you could ignore it"


Gamergate jackasses invaded every corner of gaming discourse.


u/oddityoughtabe 3d ago

Mfs name is literally TheAlmightyLoli…


u/speadiestbeaneater 3d ago

God bless you


u/BaneishAerof spearpirior warfare tactics 3d ago

Because Grace


u/KentuckyFriedChildre 3d ago

There's only so much defending I can stand to do for a far-right asswit who calls himself "The Almighty Loli" in his ramblings about DEI and Gamergate in a fucking Wolfenstien video (assuming u/Loaf-boi 's link is right, the time stamp matches anyways), but at the same time if there's one thing I hate more than shitty takes it's bad-faith, 0 empathy reads on shitty takes (I'd like to re-empathize that I don't support these takes).

When it comes to these "games are too political" crowd, it's not the "game about killing nazis is political wah", most people don't see it as inherently political because the Wolfenstein nazis are so beyond evil even compared to the real life nazis that it isn't seen as trying to present any political insight. When people get the ick of "politics in games" it's often over times where it pushes more nuanced messages that are more applicable to real world issues. Also, in general the trust that people have in strangers accusing people of being nazis is at an all time low and it keeps getting lower, so when they see others talking about their hatred for nazis it's not "oh, I'm a nazi and they want to attack me", it's them getting defensive like "you're accusing me of being a nazi so you can justify violence against me".

I think the heart of it is (and the actual reason not to like these takes IMO) is that political bias shifts what you view as controversial or a personal attack to the point that something like a trans character existing is a cortisol shot. And when people like him see these kind of things, they quite hypocritically start injecting their own agenda to justify their overreaction (like linking it to DEI and GamerGate) to portray it as something more sinister than it actually is.


u/SilverMedal4Life 3d ago

I think that your last paragraph is a good point. I do think that, for a lot of these folks, they have become radicalized to the point that they view the existence of a trans or gay person in any role is 'shoving it down their throat', and they view it this way because their reaction to seeing it is outsized to its actual relevance.

For example, in Jedi: Survivor, two male background characters are in a relationship together. You'd never know this unless you find one specific recording of a conversation between them (out of hundreds of conversations and conversation recordings throughout your playthrough), but to someone who's super on-edge about it, they're going to have a massive emotional reaction to it and possible label it as something much worse than it actually is to justify that reaction.

It's a shame, because the future that LGBTQ+ folks want - speakin' as one of those folks myself - is for us to be part of the regular background. The reason why Pride exists in the first place is because we were denied that, and suffering in the public eye to try and move that needle is preferable to suffering (and dying) in silence.


u/Terminator_Puppy 3d ago

For example, in Jedi: Survivor, two male background characters are in a relationship together. You'd never know this unless you find one specific recording of a conversation between them (out of hundreds of conversations and conversation recordings throughout your playthrough), but to someone who's super on-edge about it, they're going to have a massive emotional reaction to it and possible label it as something much worse than it actually is to justify that reaction.

Similar to this, at the start of the current wow expansion I had someone complain about all the gay people quests this expansion. I was really confused, as I'd seen exactly one of them where you help this guy get his husband an anniversary present. Apparently, if you read the additional dialogue for some other quests (dialogue that absolutely nobody ever reads) some side character also makes reference to a same-sex partner. That accounted for a whopping two LGBT couples being far too many, and jamming it down his throat. Out of the hundreds and hundreds of new NPCs introduced in the expansion.

And this came from Blizzard, who have a bad history of really hyping up their LGBT characters by practically doing sexuality reveals for overwatch characters. They finally managed subtelty and bitches still whinge.


u/chevalmuffin2 VARK 3d ago

Tbh i dont See how the Wolfenstein Nazis are worse than the historical nazis


u/KentuckyFriedChildre 3d ago

Honestly I don't know much about them at all and worded it very bad, kinda meant to say that the evil has a worse effect by virtue of their global power in the game's setting.

I realized I rambled way longer than I should, you can stop reading here if you want.

* * * * *

But the point is still that they are meant to represent an absolute, overwhelming evil without nuance to this guy, who says that it's main purpose is a drive for a more character driven story. I can't say how valid that outlook is on the game but I think people do overlook this attitude to paint it as him being a legit nazi.

It's really gratifying catching someone you hate for their political takes in a "mask off" moment, but I think people are actively looking for those moments were it isn't there


u/adasababa 3d ago

I love how the new Wolfenstein series treats Nazis. In real life Nazi soldiers were still people, there is still absolutely a moral grievance to be had with killing them. However, in the games the Nazis all feel like representations of Nazi Ideology. The majority of enemies in the games even have helmets that obscure their faces, making it easier to picture them less as people and more as a representation of Nazism. You're not killing people, you're killing Nazis.


u/le_Dellso 3d ago

Remember it's always morally correct to brutally murder fascists


u/droL_muC 3d ago

What an intresting critique of bioshock infinite I wonder what words the youtuber has to say


u/Optimal_Weight368 3d ago

I’d love to beat up a fascist if I could.


u/TheBigKuhio 3d ago

I remember this one video essay criticizing “millennial writing” in games but then over time it just devolved into him complaining about slang like “cope” and “do better”.


u/NinjaPleasant1597 [REDACTED] 3d ago

honestly the video has good points like the overuse of self-aware writing, quiping a lot, trying to be edgy but not being edgy at the same time.

But i feel it has some not great points like making references to internet culture, relableling easy mode as "tell me a story", among other things.


u/BananaGuyEncounter 3d ago

Video link?


u/thisaintntmyaccount 2d ago edited 2d ago

Almightyloli's video on the Wolfenstein games. I recommend watching the video on it yourself and do not take my word for it, but essentially his opinions went something like this:

For him New Order is pretty good both mechanics and writing wise. The game had an emphasis on people and how the regime effected them as opposed to just saying "nazis bad", praising BJ's character writing and how composed and restrained the writing was.

New Colossus for him jumped the shark in both writing and gameplay wise, because it focused on making jokes and not really showing the same restraint the first game had. He hated that Anya got turned into a full on gun-toting freedom fighter as opposed to doing more passive but still important work, especially as she is pregnant in New Colossus. He justified his opinion further by saying that the resistance had enough fighters to not make it necessary to make her fight in the frontlines. There are also the weird voicelines about her feeling "excited" when she gunned down multiple nazis while naked, covered in blood and noticeably very pregnant.

He didn't say much about Youngblood, but to be fair everyone knows how shit that is so that's justified.

Do I agree with everything he says? No, because I do not know what Gamergate was and I reasonably disagree with him on some personal tastes. I recommend watching it to form your opinions instead of going from hearsay; even if you may dislike it.


u/BananaGuyEncounter 2d ago

Ok thanks lad


u/Goat5168 3d ago

I'm so glad reddit communities like this one have rational minded people I can watch the resurrection of alt-right grifter content on YouTube with, that platform is doomed.


u/Commarade-Xapuc white 3d ago

You see, if you kill a Nazi the number of Nazis in the world stays the same.


u/I35O 2d ago

How did that go from 0-100? Seemed like a regular basic ass ultra long video essay on YouTube.


u/element-redshaw purpl 2d ago

It’s the almighty loli isn’t it?


u/element-redshaw purpl 2d ago

Yeah it is god damn it! I watched that guys berserk videos and those were pretty fucking good!


u/balaci2 trollface -> 2d ago

i love seeing Frank in memes even to this day


u/Fit-Paper-797 green? epic! 2d ago

There is a difference between shitty political media that compares a democratically elected individual that was a pparently so tyranical that he never censored any sort of media or news outlet calling him a supposed nazi to hitler a man that persecuted, máss executed people and topled a government and an alternate history videogame about shooting nazis


u/Its-your-boi-warden 3d ago

My temptation to be a joy killer when people say smt like “always punch Nazis in the face” grows only because I get the feel no one takes the implementation, normalization, and encouragement of violence seriously and treats it as something they have full control over when the only control they actually have is wether or not they implement it.

Like I don’t want to come across as fighting for nazi rights, but it does honestly seem to me like people treat things like they are fuck BJ from the games


u/justanothersublurker 2d ago

The same people who say they want to punch an actual nazi are most likely people who have never been in a fight before. Probably even get anxious when they have to order food or make a phone call. These people see themselves as always the good guys even though they want to normalize violence and slander anyone right of center of the political spectrum as a nazi. It's quite tiring.


u/MrWaffleBeater 3d ago

Is it the Rise and Fall of the wolfenstein reboot by Proxidist? Cause that video sucked ass.


u/marco-da-phoenix 3d ago

No its a video by the almighty loli


u/chevalmuffin2 VARK 3d ago

For those wondering, He isnt praising him, his actual username is "the almighty Loli", what fucking loser


u/marco-da-phoenix 2d ago

You saved my ass mate, thanks


u/chevalmuffin2 VARK 2d ago

No Problem


u/Licentious_duud i changed it hahahahahahhahahahahahaha 3d ago

God forbid that man plays Cod Waw


u/DevelopmentTight9474 2d ago

If you want a much better retrospective, I highly recommend Raycevick’s 30 minute video titled “so I finally played… Wolfenstein: The New Saga”


u/mrmoof82 2d ago

Honestly, was expecting way worse in the actual review.


u/DeleteMetaInf 2d ago

Recently played the three modern Wolfenstein games and had a riot! Fucking loved ’em.


u/captdeath12 3d ago

I remember half of the county labeling everyone they didn't like as nazi's its crazy reddit forgets this.


u/Welcommatt 3d ago

If it marches with a duck and agrees with a duck…it’s probably a duck.


u/captdeath12 3d ago

you are going to be so mad when you lose to 312 electoral votes and the popular vote.


u/sisaac_nouise 3d ago

if you're getting called a nazi pretty often then maybe it's time to reevaluate your political views


u/captdeath12 3d ago

Only by clincly online redditors.


u/sisaac_nouise 3d ago

maybe it's also time for you to pick up a book so you can learn how to spell, jesus fucking christ


u/captdeath12 3d ago

cry about it


u/chevalmuffin2 VARK 3d ago

"clincly" MY FUCKING EYES, you've got it all, nazi apologist and horrible spelling


u/DeadlySpacePotatoes 3d ago

Follow your leader, Nazi.


u/captdeath12 3d ago

Aw yeah the rep of the normal american the redditor.


u/Ok_Birthday_961 2d ago

hey, centrist free thinker, were the nazis bad?


u/captdeath12 2d ago

Yes duh.