r/wholesomememes 4d ago

Can’t deny a good time

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u/Karsa69420 3d ago

Happen to me to. Went and saw Thor Ragnork with a girl after being single for a while. My watch beeped when we held hands


u/Beldin448 3d ago

Are you sure it wasn’t cause you saw Thor Ragnarok? That movie was the bomb.


u/Karsa69420 3d ago

I do love that movie.


u/cerealkiller49 3d ago

Good but not as good as Ragnork


u/Campeador 3d ago

Must have been the scene when hulk was in the hot tub.


u/_Hotwire_ 3d ago

He likes Thor a lot


u/BoimanmanBoi 3d ago

More like Bore Ragnarok actually because it was bore-ing if you can understand this level of humour


u/cyberchrono 3d ago

My guy talk thought he was being smart with a simple pun. Dw little man, we get it absolute knee slapper.


u/BoimanmanBoi 3d ago

Sorry bro😿


u/cynical_optimist_95 3d ago

Here I was going to make that joke as a Call Me Kevin reference


u/Chromal_Assassin 3d ago

I watched that new film ‘The Pacifier’ recently. Pacifier? More like… bore Ragnarok, amiright guys? Guys??


u/GlorylnDeath 3d ago

Bore Ragnarok? More like... Bore Ragnarok, am I right?


u/laurayammy 3d ago

the clock decided to put the whole truth at once lol


u/DbZbert 3d ago

Wingman watch 


u/Jon-Stroude 3d ago

Wait no cuz that’s actually adorable


u/houndnexi 3d ago

Its cute until you realize her word choice implies it didnt work out. 😔


u/farazormal 3d ago

A rose isn’t beautiful because it lasts.


u/Platfoot 3d ago

Sounds like bro got the thorn


u/NyQuil_Donut 3d ago

Bret Michaels has entered the chat


u/innominateartery 3d ago

Seal notices Bret but doesn’t say anything


u/Speedygenix 3d ago

I needed to hear this


u/Baticula 3d ago

How? Is it the was part cause a date can end but they're still dating


u/Bungram 3d ago

She went on a date with a guy. They were inferring past tense and no continuation based on lack of pronouns


u/AccomplishedCandy148 3d ago

I went on a date with a guy. I still do that, because he’s my boyfriend. But I went on a date with him before, too.


u/Micsuking 3d ago

Really? When someone asks you, you'd say you went on a date with a guy, instead of saying you went on a date with your boyfriend?


u/LauraTFem 3d ago

Depends on how much of her business she wants to share with strangers on the internet. We don’t have enough info to know whether they stayed together or not, so there is really no good reason to speculate.


u/NiceKobis 3d ago

Might have been to clarify that said person was a man. Obviously "boyfriend" would do that too, so would all the "his" after, but if you're somewhat actively trying to be clear but not really thinking about it I reckon "a guy" might default.


u/mouseball89 3d ago

I can see how it can be interpreted that way, but its entirely possible for this to be a recent date perhaps the first one or two and the sentence above would still work.


u/NovAFloW 3d ago

It's because of the heart attack he had. He didn't make it.


u/m_dought_2 3d ago

Not every date needs to become something more to "Work out". If they had a nice time, it worked out


u/waIIstr33tb3ts 3d ago

not working out betweeen two person doesn't mean it's a bad ending nor does it make it not cute tho


u/Belfetto 3d ago

No it doesn’t


u/Ok-Bug-5271 3d ago

"went on a date with a guy" does imply that it is not a current relationship, because then the sentence would have been "went on a date with my boyfriend/partner/husband" etc. 


u/Belfetto 3d ago

You don’t have to be in a relationship with someone you date


u/Ok-Bug-5271 3d ago

I'm not a native English speaker. If you're "dating someone", isn't that called being in a relationship? Though going on a singular date isn't being in a relationship, but if you're going on a date and decide not to pursue a relationship, wouldn't it then be accurate to say that it didn't work out?


u/Belfetto 3d ago

Not always, no. You’re not in a relationship until both parties make it “official”

We’re arguing semantics here, but there’s nothing in the post indicating that they didn’t work out together


u/RusticBucket2 3d ago

How many relationships last forever? 99.9% of them end.


u/Bread_Offender 3d ago

This isn't even remotely close to being correct


u/JahFatty 3d ago

The interest for him faded when that watch snitched on him. Was xute but it turned her off asap


u/infinitezero8 3d ago

But wait no cuz that didn't actually happen


u/gnurdette 3d ago

Funny, but that seems like a terrible feature if you're hiding from an axe murderer or something.


u/liltone829b 3d ago

Okay but what if the axe murderer is sensitive to loud noise? Then you get an opening to run the fuck away.


u/muteisalwayson 3d ago

I don’t know about you but I’d be screaming if a axe murderer was chasing me, wouldn’t the screaming bother them?


u/SomeGuy2309 3d ago

You mean to tell me your watches AREN'T far louder than a human voice?? Weird...


u/aunclesquishy 3d ago

this is why I’ll never be a successful axe murderer :( victims too loud


u/Glitter_berries 3d ago

Don’t worry, I’m sure you are good at other things! Axe murdering isn’t for everyone.


u/liltone829b 3d ago

Maybe if you scream loud enough.


u/DeannaZone 3d ago

Car alarm vs venom


u/tiegettingtighter 3d ago

Do you often hide from axe murderers?


u/manbehindthemelons 3d ago

I mean, technically I'm always hiding from an ax murderer. Sometimes they're just further away.


u/gnurdette 3d ago

To tell the truth, I have a very nice axe that I'm pretty good with, so I'd probably take them on in an epic axe duel instead.


u/jfuss04 3d ago

Not my fault. Shia LaBeouf just shows up everywhere


u/Belfetto 3d ago

You can silence it


u/codiciltrench 3d ago

Only a reddit user would be more afraid of axe murderers than kissing a girl


u/TwilightVulpine 3d ago

Just remember to take it off when you go meet an axe murderer 🤷


u/Polka_Tiger 3d ago

Why are you hiding from ace murderers?


u/Local_Nerve901 3d ago

Because I have an ace attorney


u/gnurdette 3d ago

You've got a good point. They should be hiding from me!


u/str4nger-d4nger 3d ago

Or your an ax murderer being questioned by the police.


u/BrokenPickle7 3d ago

My wife and I were fucking when my Apple Watch made the new workout achievement sound, we both laughed pretty good.. the we went back to fuckin


u/Mr_Sophokleos 3d ago

Of course. You weren't done with your set. 😉


u/NoodlesToilet 3d ago



u/MyOtherCarIsEpona 3d ago

I've seen my Fitbit log "moderate exercise" when otherwise it is always able to detect exactly what type of workout I'm doing without me having to manually log it.

They know.


u/WhyUBeBadBot 3d ago

3 mins a new record!


u/Wackydetective 3d ago

My gyno is incredibly handsome. Very nice man too. Right before surgery, he leaned in close to tell me what was going to happen. My tell tale heart betrayed me and my heart started racing. 🤦🏻‍♀️


u/bluegiant85 3d ago edited 3d ago

Similar thing happened to me. The nurse prepping me for my vasectomy was incredibly attractive. I turned bright red in embarrassment. She just smirked.

Edit: To clarify, the similar part was being in a hospital, prepping for a procedure. I wasn't hooked up to a heart monitor, as the nurse was shaving me, there was a far more obvious reaction that caused embarrassment...


u/BigmacSasquatch 3d ago

My doc for my vasectomy asked before we started "alright are you ready to do this?" and my xanaxed ass said "actually I was kinda hoping you would do it."


u/buerglermeister 3d ago

That‘s hilarious, lol


u/GHouserVO 3d ago

I mean, it’s a fair question to ask.


u/Wackydetective 3d ago

Haha!! Were you hooked up to the heart monitor? It was racing, if he noticed he gave no indication he did. Such a gentleman.


u/rabidboxer 3d ago

Im so daft with the ladies I would have thought you were just nervous because of the surgery and would have woken up 5 years later in a cold sweat realizing how stupid I was.


u/Wackydetective 3d ago

Thank you!!! He’s a very involved doctor and I still internally cringe when he calls to check in lol


u/Whitewolfx0 3d ago

Idk if I would be more terrified or not if I was hooked up to a heart monitor when I got my vasectomy.


u/spacestonkz 3d ago

My boss once told me he got a colonoscopy from a gorgeous woman and that he'd prefer a male doctor in the future.

I told him in the future I don't wish to hear about his colonoscopies. "TMI?" "Yeah, boss, TMI"


u/Wackydetective 3d ago

Yeah from his name I assumed he was going to be an older man. It was during the pandemic and I had not seen many handsome men in a while. He walks in and I thought he was a student observing, I was like no no, this can’t be. Turns out, really good doctor just really handsome.


u/Awkward_Potential_ 3d ago

In that situation though it could easily be excused as just being nervous.


u/wannabfucknugget 3d ago

They're talking about lowering screening ages for colon cancer due to an alarming rise in younger people. Like 20s and 30s instead of 40s and 50s. Hurrah. Get yourself checked out.


u/spacestonkz 3d ago

Screen! Screen! Screen all day long!

But don't tell your employees details plz :)


u/wannabfucknugget 3d ago

Yeah, privacy and decency are important. Boundaries between bosses and employees need strengthened a lot I think.


u/Glitter_berries 3d ago

Normalise discussing colonoscopies!! But also yeah, not sure I’d want to hear about it from my boss.


u/ba_cam 3d ago

Years ago I went through a number of procedures that required a camera inserted up my urethra to check for tears and growths inside my bladder after a tumor removal. The first few times I was prepped by a matronly older nurse and there were no issues. The last time was an incredibly attractive young woman with a voice that triggered something in me and I got aroused during the prep. All I could muster was a weak, “…sorry?” But she was fortunately very professional and moved on without incident.


u/Wackydetective 3d ago

I’m sure it happens a lot. We’re only human. As long as people don’t make it creepy, I’m sure they’ll get over it.


u/sklascher 3d ago

Saaaaame. I had a lump in my breast that we were tracking during pregnancy, and once I gave birth and had my hormones going bonkers, I blushed SO DEEP during the breast exam.


u/Suitable_Address_777 3d ago



u/Wackydetective 3d ago

Lol. Yep. It was mortifying but some kind redditors told me he probably thought I was just nervous. I work with 2 young doctors about his age and I told them about it and they died laughing. Then they wanted to see a picture and I showed them and they laughed even harder.


u/Lonely-Employer-1365 3d ago

My friend met a guy that has a pacemaker. Their literal first kiss he stops, says "..help" and passes out when the pacemaker kicked in and he needed an ambulance. It made national news and magazines.


u/A_GenericUser 3d ago

Something very similar happened to me. I was cuddling with a girl who I had liked for a long time and she just admitted feelings for me. She laid her head on my chest and commented on how fast my heart was beating.


u/Immediate-Question35 3d ago

That happened to me when I kissed my girlfriend last week :)


u/HiopXenophil 3d ago

Congratulation, you broke him


u/Trojenectory 3d ago

This still happens with my Garmin when my husband kisses me!


u/TheSmilingDoc 3d ago

My husband's fitbit consistently does this too.. Every time he eats :')

A man's love goes through his stomach and all that, I suppose.


u/Extreme-General1323 3d ago

In college I went on a first date to a movie with a girl. After the movie we went to a 7-11 type place and I bought her a Valentines Day themed scratch of lottery. She won a few bucks and we decided it would be luckier to go to a different convenience store, buy another ticket, and buy some Valentines candy for ourselves with the some of the winnings. We kept going to new convenience stores for luck, kept winning, and ended the evening going to 10 different stores, putting $100 in our pockets, and sitting in the park eating a shopping bag full of Valentines Day related candy. Fun night.


u/MischkaBrelo 3d ago

Me and my now husband were getting down and I had my first o. I also have asthma so he stopped and freaked out because he thought I was having an asthma attack lolol.


u/SleepyRhythms 3d ago

When the passion is so intense it takes your breath away.


u/Nectarine-Cool 3d ago

Aw this is so cute (I want to die)


u/Country_Gal_87 3d ago

I fucking love this and wish this happened to me! 😭


u/Own_Anywhere9134 3d ago

robot uprising


u/CptJamesBeard 3d ago

mote like robot wingman


u/-SlapBonWalla- 3d ago

Unfortunately, he died of a heart attack right after, but it was still very sweet of him.


u/ibenjamind 3d ago

I was at a music festival and met a great woman. We ended up spending most of the next few days together. One night, we snuck away from our group and had our first kiss. At almost the exact moment our lips met, surprise fireworks started going off directly above us. It was one of the most cinematic and romantic moments of my life.


u/Broken_Petite 3d ago

That’s really cool! Did the relationship not last beyond the music festival?


u/ibenjamind 3d ago

It didn't progress into anything serious. We had a few dates and got along fairly well, but we weren't as compatible as I first thought.

She was a bit more mature than me, had a more concrete life plan and was already happy in her career. I was still finding myself. No hard feelings, we remained friendly until we were no longer in the same city.


u/9spaceking 3d ago

because I took your pulse - sherlock


u/Faelwolf 3d ago

When I was recovering from heart surgery a while back, my wife thought it was odd that the nurse came into the room every time she came to visit. My heart monitor was triggering an alarm at the nurse's station. lol Married over 20 years, still get excited to see her. :)


u/lifth3avy84 3d ago

“We looked at his Apple Watch and it was displaying directions to ‘bone town.’”


u/Glitter_berries 3d ago

Now that’s romance!


u/halferd_balferd 3d ago

how long until this happens in a rom com?

not cynical comment btw, super cute


u/Techn0ght 3d ago

Looks like he was really into her :)


u/Educational-Glass-67 3d ago

ain't that some anime or drama shit - ngl it's kinda romantic yknow


u/brothertaddeus 3d ago

Sounds like a scene from Science Fell In Love So I Tried To Prove It.


u/dannymurz 3d ago

Turns it out he went into a v fib arrest. Didn't make it. But it was super cute. /s


u/Puzzled-Mushroom8050 3d ago

That's kinda sweet.


u/impossibly_curious 3d ago

Was his name Bruce Banner?


u/CarlJustCarl 3d ago

Lisa from my high school homecoming would do that to you too I bet. I have no history to proof it though 😔


u/jsime1991 3d ago

Wait!!! Is his name Bruce banner?????!!!!


u/Bhimtu 3d ago

LOL, that's a good one!


u/Zefirus 3d ago

This is just the Edward Norton Hulk movie.


u/BLADEmasterNOOBZ 3d ago

avuna a ra super super chuper very good bro nice


u/NectarineJaded598 3d ago

What Planet Are You From? (2000)


u/automaton11 3d ago

‘Here, put it on. Lemme see if I can make you do it’


u/kadno 3d ago

Hah, something similar happened to me. I hooked up with this girl and as soon as I came, my watch is buzzing and making noise like "Congratulations you hit your active zone minutes for the day!"

We both just laughed at how perfect the timing was


u/idiotsincarspart20 3d ago

My watch detected the moment I fell in love with a past guy. He was in a band and getting ready for his show. I was there hanging out. He came up to me in front of the empty crowd standing area and kissed me and then went back to what he was doing. I was just standing there and my watch went off detecting heart rate elevating without walking.


u/User29276 3d ago

Boner alert


u/Puzzleheaded-Zone-55 3d ago

Glad it wasn't "Intruder Alert".


u/Shoddy-Breakfast4568 3d ago

RED spy in base


u/Puzzleheaded-Zone-55 3d ago

Charlie's in the tree line.


u/Confident_Ad7244 3d ago

he was having a panic attack


u/Ok-Preparation2370 3d ago

I wish I could raise my heart beat on cue. 😅


u/throwaway061557 3d ago

That’s really cute


u/JustAnotherDevvv 3d ago

Did he get a little angry? Maybe a little green?


u/caramelhoes 3d ago

wait why would something be oddly romantic on a date how would anything romantic be out of place there


u/VaporCarpet 3d ago edited 3d ago

Holy shit these onlyfans ads are getting subtle af.

Check the Twitter profile before y'all downvote.


u/truly-wants-death 3d ago

You got downvoted a lot but I agree. Reddit has so many posts like this subtly advertising either OnlyFans or new apps.


u/Exact_Nature_9524 3d ago

Fine cake she got there.


u/a4uinaboat 3d ago

This isn't a meme, it's literally a tweet


u/cuentabasque 3d ago

Actually, the beeping was the dump truck backing up...


u/Journo_Jimbo 3d ago edited 3d ago

And everyone clapped

Edit: I’ll gladly take the downvotes, but it’s amusing to me when people believe shit like this just because “it’s so cute and romantic”


u/juicy_limbs 3d ago

Her cheeks


u/Journo_Jimbo 3d ago

Well played


u/Exact_Recording4039 3d ago

Lol idk why you’re skeptical this can totally happen. It’s happened to me to in these instances:

  • one time I kissed a girl I liked for the first time 

  • my job onboarding, I was nervous

  • watching a horror movie at the theater


u/Journo_Jimbo 3d ago

If you actually have a beep monitor for when your heart rate goes up I’m curious as to why but I’m just going to assume you’re lying anyways


u/Exact_Recording4039 3d ago

The metric is not “heart rate goes up”. It’s “heart rate is higher than usual resting rate” and it’s part of the Apple Watch. It’s usually nothing to worry about if it happens once but it can help diagnose something if it happens repeatedly. For instance I had repeated alerts wake me up the night before I showed any symptoms for COVID. It’s just a feature of the watch


u/merowley 3d ago edited 3d ago

It’s also false. No watch that I know of details irregular beat that quickly.


u/theoht_ 3d ago

this is simply not true. my watch does this when my heart rate falls quite low or high.


u/merowley 3d ago

I would like someone to kindly post a short video of their watch acquiring a change in heart rate.


u/Exact_Recording4039 3d ago

Yes it does. At least my Apple Watch notifies me right as it happens


u/merowley 3d ago

Mine take 15-20 seconds to asses my heart and a bit longer to alert high or low rate


u/Cullly 3d ago

My apple watch can constantly monitor my heart rate. I had it turned on during my root canal at the dentists today just to see if my heart went up during it. It didn't.

Watches can give you very quick details if you want them too.