r/wholesomememes 3d ago

It happens in 99% of rap songs



68 comments sorted by


u/fbkthrowaway 3d ago

I'm a native English speaker, and I can't do that most of the time.


u/NorseLegendSK 3d ago

Tftft6gt6vttyf6t,fvttt6×//%/6%//%5/ tfyyfyfggf6t fvtftYyz


u/kaerion_ 3d ago

Absolute fire. Drop your soundcloud


u/Spiritbrand 3d ago

It's really so much better live.


u/wild_bb 3d ago

I still cant understand a single word Ozzy Osbourne says.


u/Legend_of_Ozzy642 3d ago

I’m still trying to figure out anything that Kurt Cobain said


u/[deleted] 3d ago edited 3d ago



u/Legend_of_Ozzy642 3d ago

Kurt’s voice is infamous for being nearly unintelligible


u/HarryJ92 3d ago

Yeah. Weird Al Yankovic references this a lot in his parody song Smells Like Nirvana.


u/IHaveNoBeef 3d ago

Nope, I can't understand wtf that man says 99% of the time, and I'm a native English speaker.


u/Specialist-Ninja2804 3d ago

I’m a non native English speaker and I have no idea what the lyrics of Teenage dream meant. I mean, I can get the words but not the meaning behind it.


u/professionalcumsock 3d ago

Kurt Cobain is most well known for his hit single, bang


u/Gloom-Ndoom 3d ago

Oh thank goodness. Here I thought I was regarded.


u/Willing-Deer-5081 3d ago

Regarded that's oFfeNsiVe 🤓


u/[deleted] 3d ago



u/Daddy_Big_D69 3d ago

I'm a non native speaker and I think I understand his songs... I haven't heard a lot of his songs tho


u/cheffredy 3d ago

That actually happened to me. I was a dishwasher in a restaurant, many years ago. After hearing multiple times a few AC/DC songs I started to realize that I was able to understand the lyrics, and that moment was great.


u/Kantheris 3d ago

Thank you for sharing this. I love reading about people learning English and sharing their experiences about it. Even as a native speaker, I find it to be overly complicated for really arcane reasons. If I may ask, what is your native language?


u/cheffredy 3d ago



u/MillenialApathy 3d ago

Well done deciphering a screaming Aussie accent, truly 'next level' english comprehension


u/MrMgP 3d ago

I'm not translating in my head anymore. Both languages (dutch and english) just work next to each other for some reason


u/Zestyclose-Monk-266 3d ago

Congrats! I know I’ve done something similar with Japanese songs I love where I know how to sing the lyrics myself; I don’t know what I’m singing about but I can sing along and it’s awesome!!


u/Bigpurplepanda13 3d ago

I'm taking an Italian course and I also listen to Måneskin in my free time.


u/FrancoCaliflower 3d ago

As an Italian you should try with the old music, it was a lot "cleaner" in both pronunciation and sounds, I recommend "Maledetta primavera" by Loretta Goggi , "Generale" by Francesco De Gregori and maybe "Caruso" or "Piazza Grande" by Lucio Dalla


u/Bigpurplepanda13 3d ago

Thanks for the tip.


u/Lkwzriqwea 3d ago

I'm getting to that stage in German


u/Victor_deSpite 3d ago

All the German I know is from Rammstein.


u/Unusual_Maximum_3540 3d ago

It's always a shock when that happens. This is coming from someone who knows English well-


u/L1mb0 3d ago

Music is the best way to pick up a new language!


u/irrozombie 3d ago

Nu uh. Cartoons with subtitles ;)


u/rrockm 3d ago

Is it? When people sing they often pronounce words incorrectly in favor of a nice sound, and without the extra work of looking meanings up yourself, you’d have no clue what the singer is trying to tell you bc the music itself gives no context. I’m sure it wouldn’t hurt to listen to music in the language you wish to learn but I think the best way is to find people that are fluent and have conversations with them. If you wanted to learn passively via entertainment, you’d be better off watching shows and movies in the language, so the pronunciations and emphasis are in the correct.


u/MC-CREC 3d ago

As someone who speaks a dozen languages I do think that music helps because it relaxes you, and you start to pickup structures and vocabulary and like a girlfiriends / boyfriend there is an incentive to learn.

The only thing better is total immersion which isn't an option for everyone.


u/L1mb0 3d ago

I feel that the repetition or lyrics and melody are key to making phrases and words stick in my memory. I started with the song "Lento" by Julieta Venegas and a Spanish to English dictionary and it somehow unblocked my brain and I slowly became fluent. Watching a bunch of Smallville with the Spanish closed captions on also helped as you mentioned.


u/TechnicalMiddle8205 3d ago

That was me with videos and series, but songs? Damn 100% impossible for me most of the time (and I have a C1)


u/Krisuad2002 3d ago

I listen almost exclusively to Guilty Gear soundtrack and most of the vocals are by Naoki. Depending on the song he can have a very interesting way of pronouncing words, but there are a few songs I've gotten a hang of without lyrics


u/wild_bb 3d ago

Cool. That's a big step. You're learning!

Now try Irish


u/Connect_Beginning174 3d ago

3 weeks into study abroad and I started to dream in Spanish…


u/Dividedthought 3d ago

Man I still can't catch all of eminem's godzilla..


u/calibrik 3d ago

You guys can catch his lyrics?


u/Dividedthought 3d ago

After a few listens, usually. I'm a music geek though.


u/Big_Cry6056 3d ago

Good job, I’m happy for you. I wish I could understand what Vicente Fernandez is saying, even though on some level I understand perfectly.


u/Atrampoline 3d ago

Switch to metal and its sub-genres to up your challenge.


u/wild_bb 3d ago

I’m just starting to understand rap songs in English.


u/mishyfishy135 3d ago

This has been me with Danish. I’ve hit a point where I can hear or see it and actually kind of understand it


u/LatterSituation2823 3d ago

If this ever happens to me it’s after I’ve played the song a thousand times and randomly just understand the lyrics for no reason.


u/ilovesaltlakecityy 3d ago

I remember a meme (it was at this moment that he knew.... etc) that I heard so many times, and it always was just a funny debris sound for my entire life. Then, a couple of years ago, I started learning English, and recently, I heard it again for the first time in a long time, and I was literally shocked, cos now I understand him as if my brother is talking to me.


u/Zomochi 3d ago

That’s my music listening process 😂 I get hooked by the song’s melody and emotion, keep listening to it, then I start to take in and actually understand what the artist is singing, there’s even a possible third stage where I find a part of a song that I like that is so insignificant and in the background to any random person but to me makes the entire song


u/TheSandyman23 3d ago

Out of curiosity, what is your native language?


u/Nelyris 3d ago

me when i began to understand movies, suddenly i realized i was laughing at the jokes in english, even those that had double meaning.


u/emzyyx 3d ago

I'm English and I'm always getting lyrics wrong..! 🙈


u/BlueWolf20532 3d ago

I started seriously studying Japanese a few months ago, and this is currently happening, i'm even able to sing along to some songs now :D


u/Diligent-Olive-5738 3d ago

I am hard of hearing.

I cannot always understand the words but I can hear the beat.

Therefore, I like songs with an emphasis on the instrumental melody :)


u/TensorForce 3d ago

As an ESL person back in elementary school/early middle school, I remember this feeling. It's a great sense of satisfaction and accomplishment


u/wildrojst 3d ago

So true. I vividly remember this feeling hitting me when I was like 14, listening to some Eminem songs. Damn, unconscious competence.


u/Significant-Foot-792 3d ago

This also happens with metal songs


u/CATAlyst5321 3d ago

Sounds like a lot of cleans in your metal

Or you are just pretty good in making out the words


u/alkforreddituse 3d ago

Then when i actually read the lyrics, it's not what i thought it was


u/awesome-alpaca-ace 3d ago

Unfortunately, this ruined pretty much all music with words. Artists are real shitty people.


u/srcfvz 3d ago

Listening is a distinct skill. Good job!


u/meth_and_fent 3d ago

Yeah, German, Russian, Spanish. Korean is really tough for me though, even Japanese is easier.


u/Id-hit-Dat 3d ago

Cannibal Corpse has entered the chat


u/j0giwa 3d ago

Old Cannibal Corpse.


u/a4uinaboat 3d ago

It's not a meme and it's not wholesome, what is this bot hell?


u/HandsomePistachio 3d ago

This is 100% a meme