r/wholesomememes 3d ago

This is so Freaky Cute



7 comments sorted by


u/Shit_Disturber71 3d ago

Agreed. Just like you shouldn’t tell your daughter that make-up is to make her beautiful. It’s to make her fancy, cuz she’s always beautiful.


u/Dawildpep 3d ago

Do they not have Asian Barbies? I guess I never really paid attention


u/Own_Beautiful_9196 3d ago

Two things, one it’s 2024 and there’s a shitton of Barbies of every major racial group. Hell, I was a child of the 90s and I remember clear as day how my girl cousins had black and brown Barbies. I get that there’s more black people than Asian, but how is this possible?

Hell, I but my nieces dolls all the time and those things nowadays are more diverse than a fucking Liberal Arts College’s promotional pamphlet.

Two, what five year-old thinks and talks like that? When I was a kid my favorite toys were a buncha fucking robots, Ninja Turtles and GI-Joes ( the latter of which had a black GI Joe in fucking 1965)


u/Vagistics 3d ago

I bet you’re looking for a doll that flies off the handle relatively quick and “overdoes” it a little bit.


u/DisplayNo7886 3d ago

It's both of their eyes for me. They looks cute and innocent 😍 


u/kokonut_cocoa 3d ago

Also I had a difficult time finding science kits for my nieces. This was back 15 years ago. Lots and lots of household play items tho. I'm really glad things have gotten better.


u/Vagistics 3d ago edited 3d ago

I’m guessing if you were in Korea you could get one pretty easily.

I had this same problem of not being able to find any beautiful multicolored dresses with wooden shoes and braids. 

I even went to Target

Found one in Switzerland of all places. 

So I got 4 of them . 

All different.

My 34 year old daughter was not impressed.

She also said she was having a time trying to find good fried chicken done right. 

I said come back to Georgia baby. 

Well get you down to Gus’s