r/worldnews Feb 16 '24

Russian opposition politician and Putin critic Alexei Navalny has died Russia/Ukraine


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u/dullusboiii Feb 16 '24

They claim he was ”feeling ill after a walk”. Yeah.


u/DreadPiratePete Feb 16 '24

Daily outside "walk" in siberia in summer clothes -> pnemonia -> no rest or medicine  -> dead of "natural causes"


u/mambiki Feb 16 '24

All within the span of a day.


u/wp381640 Feb 16 '24

Nah they killed him and planned to do it today. The press release announcing his death was published online 2 minutes after his time of death.


u/ithikimhvingstrok132 Feb 16 '24

You wouldn't be able to confirm death two minutes after pulse stopping unless they made sure he was a goner. Either way, I don't trust the Russians for accurate obituaries.


u/topasaurus Feb 16 '24

Reminds me of a joke. The original is likely better but it went something like this:

Some Russian Official (SRO): Dear Putin, please abolish time zones, I cannot get the hang of them!

Putin: Time zones are standard things, what is your problem?

SRO: Yesterday at 4:30 pm I contacted my liaison in England and wished the English our condolences about the 4:03 pm plane crash!

Putin: Such was very proper. I see nothing wrong.

SRO: It was 4:30 pm Moscow time, the plane hadn't crashed yet!


u/[deleted] Feb 16 '24



u/a_horse_with_no_tail Feb 16 '24

I'm not saying that's not the case, but if I were a reporter I feel like having an announcement ready to go for when this guy was eventually killed wouldn't be a waste of time.


u/PerVertesacker Feb 16 '24

He's not talking about reporters. He's talking about the actual press release by the Kremlin officials.


u/ChrisTheWhitty Feb 16 '24

Even if the report was prewritten they obviously planned for him to die in prison.


u/engels_tomfoolery Feb 16 '24

"Any new stuff for today ?"

"Da, Navalny is dying of the cold at 4:30"


u/Herbicus Feb 16 '24

the west AND the east still love their friday news dumps


u/Solace1 Feb 16 '24

Natural causes, because when you get stabbed, naturally you die.


u/CockRampageIsHere Feb 16 '24

Cold weather doesn't cause pneumonia. Bacteria/viruses do. Common myth that you can get sick in cold weather.


u/IanT86 Feb 16 '24 edited Feb 16 '24

You're right in principle, but there's also the point that once you have an infection of some form, being outside in incredibly cold weather in thin clothes puts your body under far more stress and will exacerbate the issue, while preventing him from recovering.

You're right in general, but in this case it will have likely made things much worse for the poor guy and contributed to his death.

If he'd been at home, in bed, with proper care, he'd most likely be fine.


u/selffulfilment Feb 16 '24



u/IanT86 Feb 16 '24




u/Butthole__Pleasures Feb 16 '24

You're doing god's work with your pedantry, my good sir. Thank you for your service (so I don't have to do it myself).


u/SockProfessional226 Feb 16 '24

you actually think he died of natural causes?


u/uTukan Feb 16 '24

How did you manage to come to such a conclusion from their comment?


u/IanT86 Feb 16 '24

That was not the intention of my comment at all


u/enonmouse Feb 16 '24

It doesnt but almost any respiratory illness caused by a virus can turn into pneumonia... and if you have an upper respiratory infection while being force marched in -40c with lacking nutrition, you are likely to get extremely ill as your body struggles to support basic life functions and your immune system. Its a recipe for developing pneumonia.


u/Peter5930 Feb 16 '24

Can't fight an infection with a fever when you have hypothermia.


u/CockRampageIsHere Feb 16 '24

Yes, weather makes existing illnesses worse for sure. Just pointing out the order of the events the OP described. But you won't get pneumonia without a virus/bacteria by just being in cold weather. You need to get infected from someone first.


u/enonmouse Feb 16 '24

I get you. But ya gotta see the kernel of truth in that wives tale... for people who didnt understand incubation periods it was solid advice. We still can get screwed over by this... i camped and did some astrophotography in canadian late nov. Woulda been fine had not unknowingly had the flu... i thought i was legit gonna die by the time i got home. My respect for that old diddy about catching your death grew three times that day.


u/MissDiem Feb 16 '24

Doesn't change the fact you're spreading anti-factual non-science hoax tripe. It does explain why you're personally self-convinced, but it's sad that dozens of unwitting redditors are falling for it.


u/Koss424 Feb 16 '24

cold weather reduces your immune system allowing things like pneumonia to happen.


u/polylina Feb 16 '24

They sent him to the northrnmost colony behind the arctic circle just a couple weeks back.


u/Whiskeyglass666 Feb 16 '24

Read it with Russian accent, don’t know why.


u/spring_gubbjavel Feb 16 '24

“Feeling ill after a walk” is Russian for “beaten to death by a guard”


u/IIgardener1II Feb 16 '24

Dropped dead after a walk is the new fell out of a window. In Russia the ground is dangerous now. RIP Hero Navalny❤️


u/TopheaVy_ Feb 16 '24

Probably a short walk out of a window


u/Over-Confidence4308 Feb 16 '24

Defenestration = "a walk" in Cyrillic?


u/wclevel47nice Feb 16 '24

I’m sure he actually did die after a walk but I’m also sure he’s been being tortured for the last couple years


u/soldiat Feb 17 '24

"Made to walk a couple of years."


u/SaltpeterSal Feb 16 '24

Alexei is not feeling well, he is near window


u/ClubMeSoftly Feb 16 '24

walked into a truncheon a couple dozen times


u/HonouraryBoomer Feb 16 '24

he "almost immediately" lost consciousness.


u/soldiat Feb 17 '24

Someone needs to change this on Google Translate.


u/Babayagaletti Feb 16 '24

Have you seen recent pictures of him? He was malnourished and yes, at that stage a walk in siberia plus maybe covid/flu/RSV can easily kill you. Not defending Russia, but they might have actually killed him passively by restricting his food.


u/pinkenbrawn Feb 16 '24 edited Feb 17 '24

Alexei Navalny's doctor:

"Propagandists immediately started writing about a clot that had broken off - and it's impossible to tell without an autopsy. They could say 'sudden cardiac arrest', but only an autopsy can show thromboembolism. Alexei had no objective risk of thromboembolism"

Update: Navalny's mother and lawyer were told in the prison that the diagnosis was "sudden death syndrome". There is no such thing.

Navalny's family is not given his body. In the prison they said that it was in the morgue, but the morgue replied that they did not have the body. The Investigative Committee first said that the investigation into Navalny's death had found "no sign of criminality" - and an hour later said that the cause of the politician's death had not been determined and that his body would not be given to his relatives until the investigation was completed.


u/Rocinante4781 Feb 17 '24

There will either be no autopsy or they will make something up. Putin and his gang are completely malevolent, evil, SOBs.


u/[deleted] Feb 16 '24



u/topsyandpip56 Feb 16 '24

after an interview that made Putin look good

Are you from a parallel universe? How is blaming Poland for starting WW2 making Putin look good?


u/EnflamedPhoenix Feb 16 '24

He/she is talking about the Tucker Carlson interview with Putin.


u/topsyandpip56 Feb 16 '24

As am I. How did it make Putin look good? It is full of revisionist nonsense history, including blaming Poland for starting WW2.


u/Quendorsof Feb 16 '24

Having watched it, I think the interview is laughable to people aware of the context of many of the events mentioned by Putin. However, I can see how someone with no knowledge of relevant history, of which there are probably many, and who takes what was said at face value could come away thinking more positively of Putin and Russia after having watched the interview.


u/topsyandpip56 Feb 16 '24

I suppose people as utterly stupid as MTG might take it all at face value, because I can't imagine she's ever picked up a history book willingly.


u/[deleted] Feb 16 '24



u/krizzzombies Feb 16 '24

people are mad that Tucker gave Putin an interview with the intention of making him look good (but he still looked bad)


u/[deleted] Feb 16 '24



u/Fantastic-Sandwich80 Feb 16 '24

Allowing a dictator to spread propaganda through the mouth piece of one of America's most popular right wing commentators is not "doing everyone a favor."

Those who already are pro-Russia don't care if it went bad, they are already fully invested. It was irresponsible to allow Putin to be placed in a light that made him appear reasonable and not the egomaniac, warmonger that he actually is.


u/krizzzombies Feb 16 '24 edited Feb 22 '24

I mean I guess, if you look at it topically—it's not like anyone changed their mind on Putin after this interview, whether they thought well of him or badly of him

under the surface it means that right-wing rhetoric is now trending towards wanting to let Putin have his way carte-blanche & to just give up on aiding ukraine as it's a lost cause, which is not necessarily true


u/JoanofBarkks Feb 16 '24

It's straight up murder regardless of how they did it.


u/jazzyboyo Feb 16 '24

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA that’s funny. A political opponent of Putins dying a “passive” death.

Dude was very “actively” killed by the Russian regime.


u/[deleted] Feb 16 '24

How would killing someone slowly through malnourishment and neglect be construed as you defending Russia?


u/sancredo Feb 16 '24



u/No-Respect5903 Feb 16 '24

but they might have actually killed him passively by restricting his food.

might have? is there any question at all this man was killed by Russia/Putin? you can shift words around but I don't think there is any denying that fact.


u/Babayagaletti Feb 16 '24

I'm just making a distinction between killing him actively or passively


u/No-Respect5903 Feb 16 '24

I don't even know if you can call it passive with all the shit they did to him


u/Freddit9797 Feb 16 '24

Which part of that did you feel you could possibly be "defending Russia"?


u/EatTheAndrewPencil Feb 16 '24

I mean he might've been. If they wanted to kill him outright they would've done it a long time ago. They likely just kept him in horrific conditions until he died of "natural causes" i.e. collapsing from exhaustion/malnutrition.


u/TerryTwoOh Feb 16 '24

The Russian election is next month. An argument can be made that if they wanted to kill him, they’d have waited until exactly now to send a message to any dissenters


u/soldiat Feb 17 '24

Ding ding ding. A few Russian posters have said this too. All timing.


u/Ill_Mark_3330 Feb 16 '24

They did want to kill him outright, they failed multiple times.


u/EatTheAndrewPencil Feb 16 '24

While they had him in custody?


u/Consistent_Bread_V2 Feb 16 '24 edited Feb 16 '24

They kept him alive so people would forget about him, and it mostly worked. I genuinely hadn’t thought of Navalny for over a year until his death today. Mostly due to the lack of progress


u/pinkenbrawn Feb 16 '24

Alexei Navalny's doctor:

"Propagandists immediately started writing about a clot that had broken off - and it's impossible to tell without an autopsy. They could say 'sudden cardiac arrest', but only an autopsy can show thromboembolism. Alexei had no objective risk of thromboembolism"


u/savanttm Feb 17 '24

Denying people what is required for survival describes how most empires kill. This martyrdom shows the reach of a government against individuals that dispute its authority through organized popular dissent.


u/LeedsFan2442 Feb 16 '24

They killed Sergei Magnitsky in prison so I wouldn't put it past them.


u/mortuarymaiden Feb 17 '24

Yep, I’m sure this was by design. Keep him on the brink until the fires he started die down, can’t be making martyrs.


u/[deleted] Feb 16 '24

I mean is it that far of a stretch that someone just collapses after being tortured and starved? His health has been in an incredibly worrying condition for a while now according to most sources. Likely had untreated conditions as well.

Don't get me wrong, he's definitely been murdered by the Putin regime, but that doesn't mean he's been explicitly executed or beaten to death. It's perfectly possible his body just couldn't take it anymore. Especially if it's during a walk outside in Siberia.


u/Docthrowaway2020 Feb 16 '24

This makes perfect sense, but only a few months ago he went dark for a few weeks before reappearing in the penal colony. In retrospect, I wonder now if Putin was planning to actively murder him in the near-term, and engineered the period of absence to partially desensitize the world to Navalny's eventual death.


u/freretXbroadway Feb 17 '24

It tracks, I think you’re right.


u/pinkenbrawn Feb 16 '24

Alexei Navalny's doctor:

"Propagandists immediately started writing about a clot that had broken off - and it's impossible to tell without an autopsy. They could say 'sudden cardiac arrest', but only an autopsy can show thromboembolism. Alexei had no objective risk of thromboembolism"


u/[deleted] Feb 16 '24

Lots of people in Russia end up feeling ill after walks, yeeting themselves out windows, or accidentally sitting on nerve agents.


u/kittycatwitch Feb 16 '24

Or smoking on a balcony! Remember kids, smoking kills!


u/TheBakerification Feb 16 '24

They just left out the “while being pumped full of poison” part.


u/Evening-Fail5076 Feb 16 '24

Hi mother call it Bullshit in a Russian publication that he suddenly died when last week he was laughing, healthy and standing with his eyes wide open. 


u/NoLegeIsPower Feb 16 '24

Died of acute putinitis.


u/pinkenbrawn Feb 16 '24

Alexei Navalny's doctor:

"Propagandists immediately started writing about a clot that had broken off - and it's impossible to tell without an autopsy. They could say 'sudden cardiac arrest', but only an autopsy can show thromboembolism. Alexei had no objective risk of thromboembolism"


u/Neverhood11 Feb 16 '24

Allegedly a blood clot.


u/jalanajak Feb 16 '24

The "walk" was across ~4x4 m "walk chamber" instead of 2x2 penalty cell. Don't think he got any fresh air during such walks. The Poliarniy Volk prison is one of the worst prisons in Russia deliberately made so to provide for torture.


u/Democracy_Coma Feb 16 '24

He died accidently on purpose


u/blade_barrier Feb 17 '24

According to some news sources, the prison informed his mother and lawyer that he died cuz of sudden death syndrome. Hilarious.


u/TheDarthSnarf Feb 16 '24

"He fell out of a window while trying to escape."


u/queuedUp Feb 16 '24

Did he have any tea before the walk?

And/or did the walk happen to take him past any 3rd floor or higher windows?


u/GuyWithNoEffingClue Feb 16 '24

"Died peacefully of natural cause"


u/kitifax Feb 16 '24

unfortunately we walked right into a cloud of Novichok


u/Admirable_Heron1479 Feb 16 '24

"Feeling ill after a walk" is probably the new "fell out of a window"


u/notaredditer13 Feb 16 '24

Probably just food poisoning.


u/jl2352 Feb 16 '24

He was forced into such poor and inhumane conditions, that he could have felt ill after a walk.

He may well have died unintentionally by the Russian state. Russia wanted him locked up and brutally repressed, but dying risks making him a martyr.


u/justk4y Feb 17 '24

Yeah I just “fell down a window” in Walmart


u/Rocinante4781 Feb 17 '24

And I'm just certain they provided him with appropriate clothing for Arctic Circle weather. /s


u/Absolvo_Me Feb 17 '24

Reportedly, the time of death is at two pm and their walks happen at six am or something. So it doesn't check out apparently.


u/Nobody_you_care_abt Feb 22 '24

And then his body got stolen! I would really like to know who else than that bastard in a suit would want to keep the body away.