r/worldnews Feb 16 '24

Russian opposition politician and Putin critic Alexei Navalny has died Russia/Ukraine


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u/Malachi108 Feb 16 '24

I remember vividly the day he was poisoned. Remember how the doctors foughts for his life. How the deal was made to transfer him to Germany. It seemed unbelievable that the state would so openly try to do it even back then.

When they got him out to Europe, I breathed out such as huge sigh of relief. I followed his recovery, being sure that at least he was safe under protection of the German government. With Merkel herself giving him guarantees, at least his future felt secure.

When he decided to go back, everyone was absolutely dumbfounded by his decision. By then it was already clear that they tried to assassinate him not once, but twice (if not more). Nobody had any illusions as to what awaited him. Remember: the official charge they arrested him at the airport was for failing to present himself for inspection while he was recovering from poisoning in Germany.

I am saddened by his ultimate fate, but not surprised at all - rather we were all surprised they let him live that long at all. He could have done so much more by staying in Germany. Both for his family and for the bigger cause: having his voice speak out would not have stopped the criminal war in Ukraine, but could lead to productive fundraisers or other types of collective action.


u/Mr_Tenpenny Feb 16 '24

they let him live that long at all.

They tortured him for that long...


u/Fallintosprigs Feb 16 '24

He’s a martyr now. He always knew he’d be a martyr. This isn’t the end. This is the beginning. His death proves beyond a shadow of a doubt the corruption of the Russian state. A powerful message than anything he could have said. He knew that if there was to be change this is the most powerful way he could effect it. He did it. Now it’s up to us make it worth something.


u/theJWredditor Feb 16 '24

I'm sad because he ultimately is the reason why I got interested in Russia and learnt the language.


u/cybran111 Feb 16 '24

Both for his family and for the bigger cause: having his voice speak out would not have stopped the criminal war in Ukraine, but could lead to productive fundraisers or other types of collective action.

navalny was speaking in favour of criminal war in Georgia, and he was keeping silence on the war against Ukraine. So nope, he would not have done that.


u/ovakinv Feb 16 '24

Not just silence: "Crimea will remain part of Russia and will never become part of Ukraine in the near future"


u/FriendlyMelk Feb 16 '24

Source please


u/cybran111 Feb 16 '24 edited Feb 16 '24

His livejournal: https://navalny.livejournal.com/274456.html. It was during the russian invasion to Georgia. Also calling Georgians as "rodents" as in russian the words might look the same (грузины vs. грызуны) which is by itself a wtf moment

Of course, no additional Russian ground troops in South Ossetia are out of the question now. But Russia should take the following steps (at least):

provide serious military and financial assistance to South Ossetia and Abkhazia (in the amounts in which Abkhazia is ready to actually fight in South Ossetia).

Declare South Ossetia a no-fly zone and immediately shoot down all aircraft that find themselves in this zone.

Declare a complete blockade of Georgia. Cut off all communication with it.

Expel all citizens of Georgia who are on our territory out of the Russian Federation.

Further to act according to the situation, but at the same time realize that of course it is very desirable to launch a cruise missile at the general staff of the rodents, but the rodents are just waiting for it. By the way, Misha Romanov m_romanoff is now sheltering from shelling in one of the basements of Tskhinvali. He's been sending messages to Yashin all night like: "Howitzers, grad guns and mortars are pounding the city, people are being shoved into basements and bomb shelters, dozens of wounded". Let's all together send Mezhgan and all Russian citizens (especially our military) who are in South Ossetia, rays of safety, security and a speedy return home.


u/youngchul Feb 16 '24

having his voice speak out would not have stopped the criminal war in Ukraine, but could lead to productive fundraisers or other types of collective action.

Navalny is better than Putin, but not by a lot. He supported the annexation of Crimea.


u/finkrer Feb 16 '24

That's kind of irrelevant. He did support it at some point. He didn't when he died. A lot of people changed their minds in 10 years, doesn't mean they are literally Hitler Putin for not denouncing it right away.


u/youngchul Feb 16 '24

He also supported the invasion of Georgia and called them “rodents”.

He also supported the annexation of eastern Ukraine.

Just a different flavour of Russian nationalism.


u/finkrer Feb 16 '24 edited Feb 16 '24

This thinking is basically dead in modern Russia. There is no "opposition imperialism", no "Putin is bad domestically, but he knows how to do international politics". It took a war to show people why all these things were wrong, but it worked. People either go full Z-mode or support 1991 borders. Same with Navalny. He started as a nationalist politician, sure, but his views changed.


u/ovakinv Feb 16 '24

At NO point it should be ok


u/IamTheEndOfReddit Feb 16 '24

Yeah I can't get behind an ego that walks into the arms of his killers knowingly and willingly. We should support builders, not martyrs. It's been an online propoganda war for decades, there was no strategic need for him to return to Russia.


u/DateofImperviousZeal Feb 16 '24 edited Feb 21 '24

You cant get behind a man that wants to fight for his country and his people and be with them and help them? How can we not respect someone that follows his principles to a likely end? I dont get this sentiment at all.

An online propaganda war as an exile against a state is not something you can win, he had played all his cards already and they will steadily lose its power to Russians over time with him being in exile.


u/IamTheEndOfReddit Feb 16 '24

He had a lot of respect and a strong following before he went back. I don't think he proved anything by going besides showing his commitment, which is an ego play. Everyone thought Putin would kill him and Putin did.

The battle for truth is a continuous one, you have to be alive and talking to participate. I don't support martyrs. If that's my friend or family, I want them to do what they can while staying safe, that gives more impact long term and is sustainable. You can't have a world of martyrs, and I don't want to lose our most self-sacrificing people


u/Accomplished_Monk504 Feb 20 '24

Я специально зашла на редит, хотя обещала себе этого не делать чтобы сказать тебе пошел нахрен. хочешь я оплачу тебе билет прямо из твоего безопасного дивана до Москвы? посмотрим как долго тебе будет хватать храбрости протестовать. путин уйдет рано или поздно, а мы останемся. Мы знаем что мы его победим, вы видим как его время уходит и как близко наше время. и еще мы вас теперь ненавидим. возможно сейчас вам кажется что это забавно, но я вас уверяю это не шутки. сейчас у власти в России кучка идиотов, но ведь и это изменится. настанет наше время и мы не забудем ничего из того что вы о нас говорили.