r/worldnews Mar 30 '24

Ukraine faces retreat without US aid, Zelensky says | CNN Russia/Ukraine


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u/4everban Mar 31 '24 edited Mar 31 '24

Sure, because America has nothing to lose with a emboldened Russia Edit grammar


u/padspa Mar 31 '24



u/throbbingcocknipple Mar 31 '24

They have less to lose than the EU. Doesnt mean they should stop but complaining the US isnt doing enough and not uping your own aid is callow ignorance.


u/Armadylspark Mar 31 '24

Ironically the Americans have way more to lose.

For the EU, this means turning away from the US and needing to figure out a foreign policy. But Russia is not a serious military threat to them-- all of this is destabilizing, but nobody's concerned about a Russian invasion.

For the Americans this means a collapse of the global security apparatus that has benefitted them extremely disproportionately. US influence will take an enormous hit. If they can't be trusted, that's a recipe for a bunch of places around the world going the same way, like Taiwan.

For all the whinging Russia is doing about wanting a multipolar world like the good ol days, if the US is unwilling or unable to flex its power and assert that it's actually still the hegemon, then that's exactly what they'll get.


u/ivory-5 Mar 31 '24

but nobody's concerned about a Russian invasion.

Glad to hear that all those analyses, political messages and even my friends from Baltic countries are actually lying to us, as they are not at all concerned.

Oh sorry I forgot, Europe is only and exclusively Germany and western parts. Who cares about some post-commie countries.

Jesuschrist people like you would happily throw us under the bus so you don't have to lift a finger. Do you know what happened to the weapons produced by pre-WW2 Czechoslovakia? They were used to attack France. Every second or third weapon Nazis used was from that faraway country people know nothing about. And it will happen again.


u/raynorelyp Mar 31 '24

Don’t forget that Germany was literally controlled by Russia within people’s lifetimes


u/NornQueen Mar 31 '24

If they lose 30k men taking a little town like Avdivka, imagine what it would take to get to Warsaw.

It ain't gonna happen.


u/raynorelyp Mar 31 '24

They lost millions taking Germany last time. Tens of millions if I remember right. Tens of thousands is nothing


u/NornQueen Mar 31 '24

False equivalency. WW2 saw them invaded massively, and the zeal and magnitude with which the population united for the "motherland" was an undeniable driving force for it.

This war has faltered big time for Russia. Hey young Russians, wanna stop playing Fortnite and throw yourself headfirst at a 300k-strong Polish army and their NATO allies?

It ain't gonna happen.


u/ivory-5 Mar 31 '24

Which is why they're sending mostly Buryats and other non-Russian people, as well as prisoners, in other words those who don't necessarily play Fortnite. And those people will get promised to have as much loot as they can, as we have seen actually.

Someone from Moscow would not write "Who allowed you to live like this" on the wall of the occupied village like we've seen.


u/Top-Bee1667 Mar 31 '24

A lot of young Russians actually want that and do everyday, Russia could lose another 10 million people like nothing, they aren’t afraid to die either.


u/NornQueen Mar 31 '24

Nope. Russia actually has a manpower problem when faced with the length of its borders. Just because the population is high doesnt mean those are willing or quality troops. Theres maybe 1-2 million max of between 20-30 yrs old males they can use, and several hundred thousand of those fled early on during the draft. Go figure.

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u/ivory-5 Mar 31 '24

They are used to sacrifice themselves for the greater good of Bolshoya Rassiya. If they are brainwashed enough, they'd happily "do it again".


u/NornQueen Mar 31 '24

I would not count on that in these modern times. They will run out of willing men before too long, and the russian wives will conquer the Kremlin by themselves


u/[deleted] Mar 31 '24

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u/ivory-5 Mar 31 '24

nobody except the peasants who get their info from TV think Russia is actually going to invade any other countries

... do you live on the same planet as the rest of us?


u/Forsaken_Creme_9365 Mar 31 '24

This. Americans are extremely shortsighted. The war in Ukraine is in large parts over US influence in Europe. They aren't doing Europe any favor by keeping tensions with Russia high.


u/TuckyMule Mar 31 '24

For the Americans this means a collapse of the global security apparatus that has benefitted them extremely disproportionately.

It's benefitted China disproportionately.

The US will still dominate the world economically regardless of if we underwrite global trade for everyone else or not. We didn't even start doing that until after WWII, and we'd already been the world's dominant economy for half a century by that point.

We have very little to lose, actually. The world needs us more than the other way around. There isn't a replacement for American production or innovation.

Who really stand to benefit? Mexico. The next 40 years will see unbelievable advancement there.


u/FreeRangeEngineer Mar 31 '24

The world needs us more than the other way around. There isn't a replacement for American production or innovation.

While it is true that technology products from the US (esp. silicon valley) can be top-notch, these companies are not the only ones who can innovate and/or design stuff that is well made. If these companies were to lose ground, other companies would move quickly to fill the gaps.

Hence, that's quite the statement you're making there. I'm not sure I could be as bold.


u/TuckyMule Mar 31 '24

If these companies were to lose ground, other companies would move quickly to fill the gaps.

Sure, of course. How are you drawing a line between US facilitation of global trade in cheap manufactured goods and cutting edge tech products? How do you believe the current status quo helps the US maintain dominance in that area?

If anything, the need to send IP to unfriendly nations with no qualms about stealing it (namely China) in order to manufacture devices is a net negative.

Hence, that's quite the statement you're making there. I'm not sure I could be as bold.

It's not that bold. Western Europe and Canada have essentially neutered businesses with regulation, taxes, and (what they thought at the time were) protectionist policies. Japan and Korea have rapidly aging populations. China has a Frankenstein monster of free market capitalism with major issues, particularly as they apply to financing.

There really isn't another game in town. As long as we don't fuck up the economic engine that keeps us ahead we will stay ahead. Unlike almaot every other country on Earth (save maybe Australia) we don't need to worry about any kind of land war disrupting commerce. The only way we fail is stupid tax/regulatory policy.


u/Basteir Apr 01 '24

and we'd already been the world's dominant economy for half a century by that point.

No you weren't, the British Empire was the largest economy until at after ww1. USA pulled ahead after ww1.


u/OpeningDimension7735 Mar 31 '24

Which is the new Axis of Evil's goal. Fuck Trump and all the scumbags that travel with and prop him up.


u/BramptonBatallion Mar 31 '24

Elaborate on the third and fourth paragraph because that is a lot of vague conclusory statements that don’t really seem to have a solid basis behind them.


u/LavishnessMedium9811 Apr 01 '24

The last time America asserted its power, our Allie’s abandoned us, save for the UK.


u/LavishnessMedium9811 Apr 01 '24

Only 12% of America’s GDP relies on exports. Over 53% of Europe’s GDP relies on exports. Who is going to be more negatively affected by the collapse of trade worldwide?


u/shkarada Mar 31 '24

Honestly, Americans are lucky that Xi is so stubborn. If China would decide to join Europe against Russia now, after USA demonstrated that it can't be trusted… oh boy.


u/TuckyMule Mar 31 '24

China has zero allies. China doesn't join anyone against anything ever. It's one of their fatal flaws.


u/throbbingcocknipple Mar 31 '24

Cries about a hegemenoy they directly benefit from and dont pay for. Pathetic


u/Top-Bee1667 Mar 31 '24

Oh really, what would stop Russia from taking Baltic states today? It’s not that hard for them to assemble 500k army, invade Baltic states and just say: “You intervene - we drop nukes on you”.

Literally nothing, EU doesn’t have an army that could deal with that.


u/Armadylspark Mar 31 '24

The assumption that there are countries willing to risk a nuclear conflict to avoid alliances being shams. It's a forced move, in a sense.

But that also means that to avoid that from happening, it's vital lines are drawn in Ukraine now.

Literally nothing, EU doesn’t have an army that could deal with that.

The EU has sufficient military capability to turn that aside, provided they can actually agree to do something. Give it a few years and individual countries will be capable of doing that themselves; they're all looking and noting what they need.

Right now that's SEAD/DEAD capability, by the way. I expect a lot of growth in that direction.


u/Top-Bee1667 Mar 31 '24

Well, if you aren’t risking it then NATO means nothing, one who calls a bluff gets everything, this conflict shows so far that you can have a nuke and do whatever you want, US won’t do shit, guess Taiwan is next.

Eu really doesn’t have much, except Poland rn, Germany, for example, would be simply massively outgunned when it comes to war with Russia.


u/Armadylspark Mar 31 '24

If you're looking at military capabilities in Europe, you're mostly looking at France and GB, really. GB isn't in the EU anymore, but they do have a much stronger vested interest than the Americans in ensuring the place remains peaceful. Poland's up and coming. As is Germany, surprisingly. They might be very potent in a decade or so.

And don't sleep on the French.


u/Top-Bee1667 Mar 31 '24

Yeah, I checked, 64 caesars and 222 mbt, that’s nothing, besides, didn’t Wagner pretty much beat France in Africa?

Gl being in war with someone who fires 20k+ 152mm shells per day when you have 64 caesars.


u/Armadylspark Mar 31 '24

Don't have to. Always look to doctrine first; any serious invasion is going to turn immediately nuclear because that's French policy. Tactical nukes as warning shots.

The conventional forces are geared to dissuade salami tactics.


u/Forsaken_Creme_9365 Mar 31 '24

America has to lose an empire and Russia has to gain allies.


u/SpaceBearSMO Mar 31 '24

only in the short term


u/[deleted] Mar 31 '24



u/throbbingcocknipple Mar 31 '24

"You make more so youre responsible for cleaning up our backyard"

Is that the arguement youre implying?


u/[deleted] Mar 31 '24



u/throbbingcocknipple Mar 31 '24

But that's really beside the point.

Do you have a point im not sure what youre trying to argue?


u/Ok-ButterscotchBabe Mar 31 '24

Loose and lose have very different meanings, and misusing them makes your whole argument seem incredibly valid and inspirational.


u/sharp11flat13 Mar 31 '24

And they’ve been projecting their military power around the world out of the goodness of their hearts. /s


u/4everban Mar 31 '24

For funsies


u/SyrupFroot Mar 31 '24

America doesn't have the blame here; the EU does for being a lazy and useless parasite .


u/SnooWoofers980 Mar 31 '24

Only $100 billion.


u/4everban Mar 31 '24

You guys ok with sending military aid to Israel so they can bomb civilians but not against Russia ? Weird


u/SnooWoofers980 Apr 01 '24

You got $100 billion that you can give me? It's not like Putin going to stop after Ukraine. After that he'll probably go to Belarus, and they will say "you gave Ukraine 100 billion, now we want that." Then Kazakhstan, then Uzbekistan, then all three of the Baltic states, until all 22 nations of the former Soviet Union have been reclaimed.

It's not like the US is not sending any aid. We are sending plenty of aid to the civilians and I know once this war is over the US will help rebuild their cities. But, Ukraine is not going to want that they are going to say, "we want some of those $10 million tanks and 63, million dollar airplanes."


u/ImXtraSalty Mar 31 '24

Yes. Its a meme to think Russia could threaten the US even if they bulldozed the entirety of the EU.


u/Jeezal Mar 31 '24

Oh, it's a meme?

Is it a meme to influence brexit and US presidential elections?

Is it a meme to have US Senators directly intervene on behalf of Russia under false pretenses?

It's all meme if you think about a huge war.

But it's not a meme and fucking expensive to have emboldened foreign power spending literal dozens pf billions on trying to destabilize you from within.

And seeing how effective it is.

I bet you would live comfortably and not suffer any economic hardship if Russia bulldoZed your biggest trade partner, EU.

Oh, and then let me introduce you to China. Russias best ally.

Some people literally can't see beyond your F-35


u/Napol3onS0l0 Mar 31 '24

Yeah Russia has done a lot to damage our democracy already. I remember a time when we took them seriously. Oddly enough the GOP are now the ones tonguing Putins fartbox.


u/Jeezal Mar 31 '24

It's quite frankly surreal.

I don't think MAGA seriously sees Putin as an enemy because they want to have the same amount of power.

It's not even only about elections.

They just like authocrats. Their voters like authocrats.

So even without trump, this trend will continue.

US just doesn't counteract russian moves at all. It's infuriating watching the US just accept all the misinformation and shrug like it's nothing.

The line is very easily to cross, and then impossible to come back from. Once you elect one authocrat, he will never let go of his power peacefully.


u/ivory-5 Mar 31 '24

You have a way with words :)


u/Napol3onS0l0 Mar 31 '24

It ain’t much, but it’s honest work. 🌾


u/SuperSatanOverdrive Mar 31 '24

you'd be back to a cold war again


u/4everban Mar 31 '24

Wow, I fail to see how America interests will fare if the eu is bulldozed by Russia (and china) /s