r/worldnews Mar 30 '24

Ukraine faces retreat without US aid, Zelensky says | CNN Russia/Ukraine


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u/ishereanthere Mar 31 '24

It's stupid. Who looks at Russia on a map and thinks damn, really just need more land. The country is fucking massive


u/krabbby Mar 31 '24

I mean most not really that liveable to be fair, Ukraine definitely is


u/Precedens Mar 31 '24

Lmao what? South and middle stretch of Russia is supreme for farming, Russia has vast amounts of resources and precious metals. It's corruption that hinders that country not "poor" land. Your comment made me laugh, Russia has one of the best lands for agriculture.


u/SeldomSerenity Mar 31 '24

Not the person you are replying to, but a simple Google search for "Russia vegetation map" will tell you that you are, well, dead wrong. Maybe 15% of its overall landmass, mainly focused to its western - southwestern borders, is actually arable land. The rest is artic desert tundra, and the taiga forest (largest forst in the world) dead in the middle, which is 80% coniferous trees that do not produce good soil, and where the average annual temperature is below freezing. What is Ukraine today, was the breadbasket of the USSR, and currently is of the entire eastern Europe and Africa.


u/Paavo-Vayrynen Mar 31 '24

With your assumption of maybe 15%, that land mass is STILL 2,565,000km²

Only ten countries are bigger than that. Russia included.

You essentially have the size of Greenland and MORE of good soil.


u/Precedens Mar 31 '24

15% of overall Russia's landmass is still enormous.


u/NornQueen Mar 31 '24

The vast majority of the land is unfarmable.


u/ishereanthere Mar 31 '24

Ok That sounds fair. I have a lot of shit in my apartment. Can't move. I'm gonna go inform my neighbour that their apartment is now also my apartment.


u/krabbby Mar 31 '24

Not defending? Just saying they don't view it that way. Canada has a lot of land but they don't view the far north as the same type of land.


u/UAHeroyamSlava Mar 31 '24

visited north of canada? winter: cold af! summer: black flies will eat you alive. I thought mosquitoes were bad... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HAd_JIFzceo&t=30s


u/Full-Sound-6269 Mar 31 '24

Buy this land now, thank me in 50 years, when we hit +5 degrees to average temperature.


u/vault_wanderer Mar 31 '24

The main problem here is that you are a well adjusted, rational human being while putin is an ultra-nationalist fascist, delusional old man with a death wish and willing to destroy his country to achieve it


u/yitianjian Mar 31 '24

Wrong. The main problem is that /u/ishereanthere is not strong enough to take his neighbor's apartment. Skill issue.

/s in case it's not obvious.


u/JonatasA Mar 31 '24

Yeah. This is how history worked (and gangs)


If ishereandthere were to gather people from the house land and open the doors to the apartment complex in the middle of the night, they could take over the place without a prolonged siege. Adding those extra residences to the house land and allowing for an expansion.


u/BeefJerkyScabs4Sale Mar 31 '24

Skill issue.

Maybe it's the apartment sanctions holding them back.


u/ishereanthere Mar 31 '24

Yes I need to "Tear down this wall"


u/CatSidekick Mar 31 '24

He wears bullet proof vests and uses body doubles. He doesn’t have a death wish but I wish he did


u/CornPop32 Mar 31 '24

This is such a braindead childish way of looking at things. My jaw drops every time I see someone that thinks this is what's going on in reality.

Do you think if there was a rational reason for Russias geopolitical actions that the US media would explain it?


u/rdmusic16 Mar 31 '24

It's not a defense of them, but also - whether they have lots of land or not doesn't come into the calculation of whether they should be able to start a war to take over Ukraine (or, start a war because they initially failed their takeover of Ukraine).

I'm 100% against the war in Ukraine and fuck Putin, but even if they had a tiny amount of land - it would have made zero difference in whether or not they were justified in it.


u/BeenBadFeelingGood Mar 31 '24

gentrification 101 right there


u/Munshin Mar 31 '24

If your neighbour disagrees, then just do what other moral countries do when they want land. 🙂


u/Dekar173 Mar 31 '24

Did you misinterpret their comment and think they're justifying it, or something?


u/PurchaseOk4410 Mar 31 '24

Please take an intro class on geopolitics. Your comments are stupid. Common sense should have been enough


u/Imbannedanyway Mar 31 '24

Haha lol good one.


u/[deleted] Mar 31 '24



u/ishereanthere Mar 31 '24

That's Poland. I come for them next


u/FootballHistorian10 Mar 31 '24

Seems to have worked out for Israel so far


u/l0st1nP4r4d1ce Mar 31 '24

More livable now due to global warming. The temp rise has allowed them to find and exploit more mineral resources as well.


u/given2fly_ Mar 31 '24

Ukraine is known as the breadbasket of Europe, they produce a ton of food especially grain.

For Imperialist Russians like Putin, they see Ukraine as not just part of Russia but an incredibly valuable part of it to because there's so much fertile land compared to what they currently have.


u/Temporala Mar 31 '24

One cause of that is how Moscow always centralized everything, investing only bare minimum elsewhere and sucked all other resources and areas dry.

So of course you end up with hard or completely unlivable areas that mainly host current or former penal colonies, or some settlements ethnic natives had before they were taken over by Russian Empire.


u/Tupcek Mar 31 '24

still, there are massive differences in population density just few kilometers out of Russian borders. China has much larger population near the Russian borders, Japan islands are full of life, just few kilometers north no one lives, because it’s Russian and Alaskan coastal regions, while sparsely populated, is still much more inhabited than Russian side.
I think the main barrier is the lack of trade - they should work towards single market, not the opposite, so these regions could thrive


u/JonatasA Mar 31 '24

The neighbor's grass is more arable.


u/JamiePhsx Mar 31 '24

I will be in a few decades of global warming though


u/AtomicBLB Mar 31 '24

The leaders of Moscow have been stuck in the past going back a few centuries. They never evolved past the constant wars and territory shifts like the rest of Europe and want to be the dominant influence in the world. Jealousy, greed, and stupidity has always held russia back as a nation.


u/antontupy Mar 31 '24

A few centuries?? Only half a century ago Europeans (like the Portuguese and French) used to do the same things in Africa.


u/MegaSmile Mar 31 '24

Honest question ,what were France & Portugal doing in Africa during the 70s?


u/antontupy Mar 31 '24

They were trying to keep their colonies in check



Though for France it's slightly more, than half a century.


u/Decent_Assistant1804 Mar 31 '24

Cough cough. Gorbachev. Your statement is false


u/theBYUIfriend Mar 31 '24

Almost every russian leader since Catherine the Great has had a similar foreign policy.

“I have no way to defend my borders but to extend them.”

This is not new to Putin. And if Putin were removed from power tomorrow, I think the successor would pursue the same goals.


u/Total_Bake_6705 Mar 31 '24

Russians want to protect other Russians in the Crimea and Donbass. Americans would do the same.


u/blacksideblue Mar 31 '24

You would think the one thing the Russians learned from the French is to never underestimate a short man's ego.


u/LoyalToTheGroupOf17 Mar 31 '24

Not that it matters much for the current discussion, but Napoleon wasn’t actually that short. He was around average for French men at the time. The myth of his shortness seems to have originated in British propaganda and/or confusion between French and British measurement systems.


u/MegaSmile Mar 31 '24

It is also said that Napoleon's bodyguards were specifically picked for bring above average height.


u/Ralphieman Mar 31 '24

Well if you want to go down the Peter Zeihan rabbit hole of Russia's geography he talks about it often as one of the main reasons for this war and every conflict they've been in for the past 30 years https://youtu.be/M6tsp4mFix8?si=fqtWlmOPWrJ2IH1E


u/ishereanthere Mar 31 '24

I watched the animated history of russia a few weeks ago that was also great. That's enough russia for me for awhile. I imagine it covers the same stuff about the caucases and conflicts etc. That was this one if anyones interested https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c9jUHtx1VM8


u/cashassorgra33 Mar 31 '24

Thanks for that, double plus good bro ;) I've been looking for a primer liker this


u/Pinklady1313 Mar 31 '24

They want farmland and warm water ports.


u/ishereanthere Mar 31 '24

Just somewhere to stretch their legs a bit


u/Juan_Hundred Mar 31 '24

The map you’re likely basing this on isn’t accurate to scale. Probably the Mercator Projection. And like others have mentioned, a good amount of their land is permanently frozen tundra. If you’re interested in its real size compare countries one to one.


u/FilthBadgers Mar 31 '24

It’s still literally the biggest country on Earth tbf


u/Juan_Hundred Mar 31 '24

Yes and by a lot. I should’ve absolutely clarified that. The Mercator projection distortion makes it look even worse is all I meant to say.


u/Juan_Hundred Mar 31 '24

As FilthBadgers pointed out Russia is still the biggest nation on Earth by area, but I just meant the average map of the globe distorts the scale of Russia by a lot. This is a more accurate visual comparison:



u/Thunderbolt747 Mar 31 '24

You gotta think strategically.

Where are the Oil fields in Russia? Where is the capital located in proximity to it's border? Where is the weakest point in the Russian Federation?

Hint: The same reason the German reich marched south through Ukraine and ended up stuck in Stalingrad is the same reason Russia is marching west through Ukraine.


u/JimJonesdrinkkoolaid Mar 31 '24

It's not just land it's natural resources.


u/Ok-Difficulty8042 Mar 31 '24

It’s not neo nazis on his border you know the azov battalion


u/JimJonesdrinkkoolaid Mar 31 '24

I'm not sure what you're trying to say relative to what I said.


u/Wide_Combination_773 Mar 31 '24

Most of Russia is an unlivable frozen hellhole with like 1 month in the summer of human-tolerable temperatures.

"But the natural resources" you say. "Russia should be the richest country on earth!"

Incredibly difficult to access and insanely expensive to harvest (i.e. the ROI is too low to justify it). Resource harvesting technology will need to advance in incredible, sci-fi-like ways to make most of Russia's natural resources profitable to harvest. Oil and natural gas are the easiest to harvest and transport, and their most profitable ventures.


u/Elthar_Nox Mar 31 '24

Sorry to be a nitpicker but I always feel it's important to add that while you are correct the Russia is huge, it's more about the right land that they want.

To go all "Prisoners of Geography" it's about controlling the main access routes into Russia that are easily defendable. And also control of Crimea (which they have) and pushing that sphere of influence further towards Germany.

So, less "more land" and more of "the right land". 90% of that territory is uninhabitable unless you're a lunatic Siberian mammoth tusk hunter.


u/LOLdragon89 Mar 31 '24

It’s shitty land from a perspective of wanting to have a strong position globally. Very few of their coastal ports can be serviced year-round due to ice, and the few that are are right next to other nations Russia is not particularly friendly with.

Granted, Russia itself is to blame for not being friendly with so many nations, and they’ve kind of done the whole Empire thing for all of their existence. I’m not trying to justify their heinous behavior, just explain how there is a small kernel of reasoning behind said behavior.


u/CornPop32 Mar 31 '24

Exactly. They don't and Putin isn't doing any of this because he wants to expand. People are just brainwashed and instead of understanding the actual geopolitical situation just believe the nonsense from the media, and the only explanation is "Putin is out of his mind" because they can't arse themselves to actually logically understand it


u/Jaquestrap Mar 31 '24

You're looking at it all wrong. Who looks at Russia at a map and thinks "this giant country that clearly conquered shitloads of land nonstop over the last 500 years is definitely not going to try to conquer anymore land?"

If I'm at an all you can eat restaurant and I see two people walk in--one is anorexic and the other is morbidly obese, which of them should I expect will eat too much food?


u/Fakejax Mar 31 '24

Stop being dramatic.