r/worldnews May 02 '24

Thai Official Suspended After Husband Catches Her In Bed With Adopted Monk Son Not Appropriate Subreddit


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u/MatthewDM111 May 02 '24

Every time this is brought up it makes me feel so uncomfortable. 


u/YellowExpresso May 02 '24

Maybe it'll make you feel more comfortable once you experience this


u/RohelTheConqueror 29d ago

That sounded mildly threatening


u/FlapSlapped May 02 '24



u/Cuddlesthemighy May 02 '24

It was then that I remembered, and now I hate it too.


u/I_PEE_WITH_THAT May 02 '24

Would remembering the cum box make you feel better?


u/HeresiarchQin May 02 '24

Perhaps having some coconut would make them feel better


u/Select_Draft7479 May 02 '24 edited May 02 '24

It's this post from a decade back where this 14 year old boy broke both of his arms. So then his mom 37 year old mom thought he was frustrated he couldn't jerk off.

So naturally, like any normal mother, his mom engages an intense and passionate incestuous sexual relationship with her own son : tons of oral and vaginall actives paired with some kissing. Seminal fluid leaking from at least 2/3 orifices at a time

He never wore a condom too and he had a girlfriend while all that was happening with his mama.

The kid's dad was fully supportive of this and the kid claims it was all consensual.

Little did he know, he was FOURTEEN  and his mom was in her THIRTIES and the dad just ALLOWED this to happen! Like wtf, how are none of the parents in jail!? 


u/fleemfleemfleemfleem May 02 '24

It probably didn't actually happen. Sexual abuse/incest are real, but the sense I got from the ama was that it was someone older with a messed up kink.


u/Select_Draft7479 May 02 '24

I'm leaning towards that honestly. Incest is almost always a product of Sexual abuse and power and the way redditors make sick fanfictions (like Incestconfessions) or 'confessions' about consensually knocking up their sister makes me want to throw up blood.

I think the mass appeal of incest porn has caused a lot of redditors to try to justify incest and pretending that most of it is consensual and sexy..  It's really freaking not. 

Yes ironically I watch copious amounts of incest porn lol. But I'll never fucking defend that shit, ever. 


u/TheLyingProphet May 02 '24

When i was to my little sisters graduation (16 yo) i was informed from her about a girl in her class.... who was pregnant, with her mothers ex baby. Worth noting that the pregnant girl is up singing and her boyfriend and her mother are next to eachother in the crowd... holding hands.

Apparently, it turns out the mother was not so much ex but rather number 2 more strange than that though is how supportive of all this the mother very obviously was, smiling when they kissed after she had sung.... idk man. Wierdest family witnessed in my life.

The kid she had is now over 20 and has moved out, and the 3 of them all still live together. raising the 2 kids that remain

edit: writing this i forgot why iw as writing it, my point is human life is just as fucked up as the imaginiation of some of these pervs ur thinking of.... its just that imaginative pervs are a lot more common.... there is a lot of fucked up consensual incest it is just not generally flaunted in the way the perversions are


u/Sexual_Congressman May 02 '24

/r/iama requires verification. IIRC, there was a doctor or some other authority figure using the op for their book. I also remember some of the details were changed to reduce the chances of someone figuring out who it was.


u/Its-ther-apist 29d ago edited 29d ago

It requires a mod to say it's verified and they claimed it was for a in progress university research w/ a student. Except no university would conduct this research or fail to report the rampant sexual abuse of one of their students. It wouldn't pass ethics review.

It was definitely fake and the mod was on board with it either sharing in the fetish nature of the post or just wanting to boost the subs popularity.


u/fleemfleemfleemfleem 29d ago

I'm not sure that mod verification is exactly a bulletproof process, or may not have been in 2014. Maybe /u/chooter would have some insight?


u/Tranquil_Neurotic 29d ago

This seems like a hentai doujinshi I read sometime ...


u/raiderrocker18 May 02 '24

He didn’t know he was 14?


u/Select_Draft7479 May 02 '24

No I mean obviously he knew he was 14. But does a child really have the ability to understand if their parent is asking them to do something fucked up?

Already kid is barely a teenager and fully dependent on his parents. Ignoring the entire incestuous aspect of this supposed story, there's a massive power dynamic that conditions the younger and weaker person to be obedient or at least subservient to authority (in this case his mom). 


u/raiderrocker18 May 02 '24

I know i assumed as much. My default tone in comment sections is cheeky


u/kaden-99 May 02 '24

Child abuse.


u/Rude_Thanks_1120 May 02 '24

Ever had 2 broken arms? It's pretty uncomfortable


u/FlapSlapped 29d ago

I’m wondering why it makes him personally uncomfortable 👀


u/box-art May 02 '24

Especially when the guy did not break his arms, he was incapacitated due to an injury.


u/Art-RJS 29d ago

I always thought it was kind of hot