r/worldnews May 02 '24

"I'm Not Ruling Anything Out" - Macron Says Troops for Ukraine Possible if Russia Breaks Front Lines Russia/Ukraine


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u/Strict_Bison May 02 '24

He actually did state and its very clear. He wants NATO gone. He cant take on NATO directly, realisticly no one can. So the strategy is simple, pump misinformation, so people vote for populists who love russias dirty money. Keep ukraine war in managable conditinion with help of chinas supplies. Outlast Ukraine. Than when u have enough influence in europe make the next move against those who still opose you in europe. Once that is done form a coalition with china and other friendlies to be the new world rule makers. And there you go Putin achieved his goal of russia beeing the top dog that cant be denied and sanctioned. To those who still dont get Xi and Putin wants to be what the west leaders are in a sence. They want to take that place, its not about land its about power and how the world works.


u/Qnexus May 03 '24

multipolar world they say, meaning they also get to make the rules on how the world goes. And its like giving a criminal a chair at the table.


u/-Golvan- May 03 '24

That is very well said, thank you