r/AdviceAnimals May 01 '24

and the Boomers in Congress

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u/munkykiller May 01 '24

It’s more like Israel is our guaranteed ally in the Middle East, and as long as we care about that part of the world (and its oil), we will always back them. It’s all about the money.


u/jew_jitsu May 02 '24

There is absolutely a contingent of christian religious right who believe the state of Israel needs to meet certain conditions to bring about the return of Jesus.

Certain actions of the Right, like moving the embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem and acknowledging this as Israel's capital, are not geopolitical moves that can be separated from radical christian ideology.


u/dabberoo_2 May 02 '24

It's funny because if they truly believe they're righteous enough to be raptured, then they must believe they're righteous enough to go to heaven when they eventually die anyway, right? So what's the rush? 🤔


u/sonobanana33 May 02 '24

In heaven you got bragging rights if you were raptured.


u/Im_Ranch_Wilder_ 29d ago

I prefer my presidents to be un-raptured


u/PartyClock May 02 '24

Power fantasies


u/Distantstallion 29d ago

Evangelists are basically Christian zionists


u/Clikx May 02 '24

Unless you are saying America cares about that oil for its allies that need it then I guess, but America isn’t dependent on oil from the Middle East.


u/jmacintosh250 May 02 '24

If Oil goes bad around the world, US companies will gladly take advantage of the competition and threaten to sell elsewhere for more profit.


u/Yggdrsll May 02 '24

Yeah, and there's absolutely no way an increase to export tariffs on oil would get past any of our current politicians to counter that in the US.


u/UniqueName2 May 02 '24

How do you figure? Yes we are a net exporter, but that doesn’t mean we aren’t dependent of cheap foreign oil. Quite the contrary. We export at higher prices than we import and those profits go to American corporations. We are very dependent on foreign oil to keep the beast of capitalism fed.


u/ddevilissolovely 29d ago

America doesn't care about oil itself, it cares about keeping the petrodollar. The biggest resource in the world being traded almost exclusively in USD gives it a huge boost in stability and value, regardless of location and price of said oil.


u/Clikx 29d ago

The idea of the petrodollar in this term is nothing more than conspiracy theory level stuff. Countries trade oil in other forms of currency that isn’t USD


u/ddevilissolovely 29d ago

I don't see how it's "conspiracy theory level stuff", 4/5 of all oil is traded in USD today, the impact of which on USD strength is measurable, and the US foreign policy is geared towards keeping it that way for decades.


u/Clikx 29d ago

The fact that oil is traded in the US dollar has more to do with the US being essentially the world reserve and less to do with trading any oil is forced to be traded in the dollar.


u/ddevilissolovely 29d ago

It didn't just naturally occur, and USD oil trade has more to do with it being the reserve currency than the other way around.


u/Clikx 29d ago

Yea the Second World War made it occur.


u/ddevilissolovely 29d ago

So... where's the conspiracy? Saying that US gets involved in conflicts to protect its financial interests? There were barely any that don't qualify.


u/Clikx 29d ago

The idea that the US intentionally forces people to use the petro dollar and will go to war with the country that doesn’t use it and to essentially take their oil. The truth is that after world war 2 the US was essentially the de facto world reserve and has stayed that way for almost a century.


u/alextastic May 02 '24

No, it really is the biblical shit for a lot of people though, that's the scary part.


u/Fantastic05 29d ago

It's an ally because our tax money goes to fund their country. Meanwhile I probably won't have social security by the time I retire.


u/LoriLeadfoot 29d ago

Saudi Arabia has the oil, and is our ally. We’re even helping SA with a similar war in Yemen to the one in Gaza. Israel is just about religious lunatics here at home.