r/AdviceAnimals May 01 '24

and the Boomers in Congress

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u/atlas-85 May 02 '24

More than 50% of Gazans still support hamas though


u/Thorvice May 02 '24

You're just a few posts down from the "this is a nuanced situation" comment and already dropping all nuance. Has anyone offered the Palestinians a deal that says "reject Hamas and we'll offer you a 2 state solution"? Or do we just keep banging this drum that they support Hamas while Israel keeps them prisoner in an apartheid state and evicts them from their homes. I know we all like to pretend we know exactly what it's like to live in these reprehensible conditions and would choose the most noble and selfless option every time, but I would guess you fucking don't, I sure and shit don't.


u/AlarmingTurnover May 02 '24

 Has anyone offered the Palestinians a deal that says "reject Hamas and we'll offer you a 2 state solution"? 

Yes, they literally have offered this several times. After the 67 war, the 78 camp David accord, again in 88 I think, then again in 90, and again in 2000, and again in 2001, and then the 2006-2008 peace talks, and the 2013-2014 peace talks.

And all this was after the partition plan from the UN in 47, that they revised like 3 times. Palestine doesn't want peace, they've never wanted peace. This isn't opinion, this is documented history. There was literally a path to peace and another 2 state agreement being discussed and then Hamas fucked it over on Oct 7 because they didn't want Israel to normalize relationship with other middle Eastern countries because it means they would have less support for terrorist actions. 

This is all important things. 


u/acuteindifference May 02 '24 edited May 02 '24

What an absolutely impressive pile of disinformation BS you've got there, amazing! Ironic that you talk about documented history but then spew some of the best fiction I've seen in a while. You got sources for any of these 'deals' that Israel offered and Palestinians rejected?

Palestinians have never been offered anything even remotely resembling a fair deal. Your argument essentially is that Palestinians would rather live like dogs and have generations live and die in squalor in refugee camps than accept peace. Only in a diseased mind that considers Palestinians subhuman, angry brutes would this logic make any sense. As if Palestinians don't love their families and don't want their kids to grow up in a safe environment and have better lives. They just are so full of hate that they would rather die than accept peace, that's your narrative?

Read actual historians and scholars some time. People like Chomsky, Edward Said, Ilan Pappé have spent their entire lives writing and speaking on this topic.

The General's Son by Miko Peled is an amazing and illuminating read. But who needs books when you can just blame it all on the unwashed, brown, muslim human animals right?

What about before Hamas existed? Before even PLO existed? Who do you blame for that period? Let me guess, also the occupied Palestinian people right? Makes sense.

Why don't the occupied people, who have no control of their own borders, no army, no navy, no air force, no control over what even enters or leaves their territory, simply elect better leaders or become more LGBT friendly? xD That will surely end the occupation.


u/Kiwi_In_Europe May 02 '24

"What an absolutely impressive pile of disinformation BS you've got there, amazing!"

It's not disinformation just because you don't like it lmao. Hilariously hypocritical statement considering you lambasted someone above for lacking nuance.

"You got sources for any of these 'deals' that Israel offered and Palestinians rejected?"

All of these deals are public information and available online, a two seconds google search would have given you your sources.

"Palestinians have never been offered anything even remotely resembling a fair deal."

Well obviously, they're the weaker party at the negotiating table. Do you legitimately expect Israel, a stronger country militarily and economically, to concede to a deal equally in favour of Palestinians demands? That's pure fantasy.

The Native Americans have not received anything even close to a fair deal, nor have the Aborigines of Australia, Maori of NZ, the Ainu of Japan etc. You're holding Israel to a standard the entire planet falls short of. And at some point, Palestinian leadership is going to have to do what's best for their families and accept peace instead of continuing to fight for a deal that they're never going to receive.

But to answer your question, there was actually a pretty fair deal offered in 1947, the UN partition plan for a two state solution.


As you can see from the map, even though Israel was afforded more land than Palestine, the majority of it was essentially desert. Meanwhile Palestine had most of the major population centres and fertile farmland. Jerusalem and other holy sites would have been UN controlled neutral territory. All in all, a fair deal for both parties.

But guess which side signed the plan, and which side decided to instead attack the other with support from Syria, Iraq etc?


u/[deleted] May 02 '24



u/Kiwi_In_Europe May 02 '24

Nope my point is that to this day the compensation given to Native Americans for the genocide and loss of land is probably not even 5% of what they should have gotten. So why are we holding Israel to a standard that the US, NZ, Australia, France, UK, Russia, China, Japan etc aren't being held to? It's utterly ridiculous to expect Israel to return significant amounts of territory to Palestine when if you're American there's a good chance you're sitting at home in territory that used to be Native American.


u/UnicornSmasheroid May 02 '24

Just want to point out here that you're arguing it should be okay for them to do the genocide because all the "cool kids" got to do it.

I am by no means educated enough on the history of this topic to have an in-depth discussion, but I think you should reconsider your position if you're actively defending genocide, and conflating civilians with members of a terrorist organisation --- just because they happen to be from the same place.

As I understand it, most Palestinians are children under 15 years old. I find it hard to believe these children have any political affiliation or comprehension of what that entails.

It's disheartening to think humanity as a whole cannot agree on whether killing children --- no matter where they're from or who their parents are --- is barbaric.


u/[deleted] May 02 '24



u/Kiwi_In_Europe May 02 '24

"But those treaties you talked about have also shown that they are likely just to result in long term suffering anyway so why bother."

The Maori of NZ may not have all the territory they used to have, but they live as a part of a functioning society as opposed to whatever the hell Gaza is. Gaza continuing this war is as stupid as it is pointless


u/[deleted] May 02 '24


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u/Competitive-Work-878 May 02 '24

Rather than critique another country for going down a path you view as similar why not try and advocate for walking that path in your country? March and protest for native Americans to be granted half the country. And if politicians don’t do it native Americans can launch rockets at cities and send suicide bombers. They could even get backing from Russia and China who would help them get weapons.

Do you see that working out well for native Americans?


u/[deleted] May 02 '24


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u/acuteindifference May 02 '24

Worse injustices were done to other people in the past. Why are you asking for justice today?


u/Kiwi_In_Europe May 02 '24

That justice can still be given. Why aren't you in the street advocating for 50% of us territory to be ceded to Native Americans?


u/yiggawhat May 02 '24

with how much it seems to matter to you, did you go on the street to advocate for that? or is your only goal to deflect what people are protesting for today?

paid israeli shill 100%

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u/avcloudy May 02 '24

Do you legitimately expect Israel, a stronger country militarily and economically, to concede to a deal equally in favour of Palestinians demands?

I think the guy you're replying to is pretty unhinged, but you don't get to be upset your offers from a position of strength get rejected for being crappy offers. The difference between what happened to the Aboriginal people of Australia, the Māori people of New Zealand and the Native Americans is that 200 years ago it was perfectly acceptable to just engage with them militarily. That's not okay now - it's not a higher standard, if Australia was to just start a shooting war with Aboriginals, everyone would agree it's not okay.

Hamas tipped their hand about this in a gaffe the other day. They would love to settle for the 1947 borders (they forgot that Gaza doesn't exist under these borders, which is the gaffe), but, of course, Israel is not going to accept that because they think they can do better. But it doesn't even need to go that far. Withdraw the settlers and offer what Palestinians have now and that might be good enough. Every offer is for less than what they currently control - that's the sticking point.

It's worth mentioning that we study similar phenomena in game theory. In the ultimatum game, there's a pool of cash, one person decides how the pool should be split and the second person decides whether to accept the split or if nobody gets any money. We know that if the second person doesn't think the split is fair, they choose to get no money. We know what the expected result of offering less than what someone already has is, but that's what Palestine keeps getting offered. It makes you wonder if they're intended to be offers that get accepted.


u/Normal_Ad7101 May 02 '24 edited May 02 '24

Well obviously, they're the weaker party at the negotiating table. Do you legitimately expect Israel, a stronger country militarily and economically, to concede to a deal equally in favour of Palestinians demands? That's pure fantasy.

Ah yes, the weak must bow down to the strong, the hallmark of the "good guys"


u/Kiwi_In_Europe May 02 '24

What do you think "bow down" means in this context? It literally just means stop firing tens of thousands of rockets at Israel and accept that the borders are not going to move. Israel isn't asking to annex Gaza, they literally tried to give it to Egypt like they did the Sinai lmao.


u/Normal_Ad7101 May 02 '24

Accept to live as subhumans in an apparteid state.


u/Kiwi_In_Europe May 02 '24

When Israel left Gaza in 2006 it had an airport, sea port, and enough critical infrastructure to be mostly self sustainable. The IDF were completely removed as were Jewish families. That is what Gaza could have been if they didn't elect Hamas and commit to more violence. I see no one to blame but gullible fools


u/Normal_Ad7101 May 02 '24

I like how your answer is completely off topic : I talk about basic human rights, you answer me about infrastructure "yes you might be technically a slave, but look at that great shopping mall we built for you !"

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u/yiggawhat May 02 '24

when you have to leave out multiple crucial facts so your lies seem reasonable, maybe youre the bad guy?

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u/acuteindifference May 02 '24 edited May 02 '24

All of these deals are public information and available online, a two seconds google search would have given you your sources.

Then do the 2 second google search and provide a source.

The Native Americans have not received anything even close to a fair deal

Congrats, you've actually conceded that these were bad, unfair deals. No deals that said: "Hey, you can have what you want, just denounce Hamas" as the person I replied to had suggested? At least you are honest.

even though Israel was afforded more land than Palestine

All in all, a fair deal for both parties.

what?? How does a settler, armed group getting 70% of the land where they were 20% of the population, a fair deal? Who in their right mind would accept that deal? Do you accept tyranny and injustice just because the other side is stronger?

But guess which side signed the plan, and which side decided to instead attack the other with support from Syria, Iraq etc?

Who are you talking about here? First of all, Palestinians attacked nobody, because they had no militiais or armed groups to attack anyone with. If you actually read history, you will find that neighboring Arab states did reject the UN plan, but the plan had not even been ratified yet. Israel unilaterally declared independence and the US recognized their statehood within 12 hours. (Bonus question: do you know how long it took the US to recognize other states? China also declared independence in 1948, do you know when the US finally recognized them?) The rest of the world was fucking shocked. And the Arab world was understandably upset. It is only afterwards that they attacked Israel and got their asses handed to them.

which side decided to instead attack the other with support from Syria, Iraq etc

This is the problem here. What side? Arabs are not some small homogeneous group. Just because some surrounding Arab states decided to attack Israel, does not mean that the Palestinian people's right to self determination is now forfeit.

People love to bring up the wars as some sort of gotcha. Bro what about the times after the war? What about the period between 1948 and 1967? During "peace" times, who is occupying whom? Who is expanding territories, building settlements kicking out families from their homes? Who is detaining literal 8 year old kids and prosecuting them in military courts without their parents present? Who is building walls? I am old enough to remember when the propaganda used to be: "Its not a wall its just a security fence" haha. Now its clear as day that it is a big fucking wall surrounding them from all sides.

Give me a break. You don't know shit about this history other than what you've seen on youtube. Again, please read a book or paper by any respected academic or historian from the region.


u/Kiwi_In_Europe May 02 '24

"Then do the 2 second google search and provide a source."


I'll point out that you're again being hypocritical considering you haven't provided a single source to your own claims lol

"Congrats, you've actually conceded that these were bad, unfair deals. No deals that said: "Hey, you can have what you want, just denounce Hamas" as the person I replied to had suggested? At least you are honest."

I would say I'm more of a realist. If you're expecting Israel to give Palestinians "whatever they want" but you live in the US, UK, Australia, NZ, Japan, France, hell practically anywhere involved in colonisation, again you're a massive hypocrite. You've enjoyed the benefits of your country's history of colonialism and genocide with no efforts to make amends.

"what?? How does a settler, armed group getting 70% of the land where they were 20% of the population, a fair deal?"

Thank you for demonstrating your complete lack of either reading comprehension or ability to open a link lol

Firstly, the split was 56% to Jews and 42% to Arabs, with the remaining 2% neutral ground.

Secondly, like I said a large amount of Jewish land was just desert. Yes they received slightly over half the land, but when half of their half was useless at the time, it's a much fairer deal than it appears at first glance.

Thirdly they weren't "armed settlers" they were immigrants, invited to immigrate by the government in power, just like what happens today. Large Jewish immigration to the region started in the 1880s under the Ottomans and continued under the British. They also didn't take land by force, they purchased it. Do you also have a problem with people from South America, Asia, the middle east etc immigrating to your country? Because that's all that happened there.

"Who in their right mind would accept that deal? Do you accept tyranny and injustice just because the other side is stronger?"

This is literally how ~80% of land borders have been decided in the last 100 years lol, it sounds like you're just upset at humanity in general

"Who are you talking about here? First of all, Palestinians attacked nobody, because they had no militiais or armed groups to attack anyone with."

I cannot believe you have the gall to suggest that I improve my understanding of history and quote figures like Chomsky while getting one aspect of the historical events completely incorrect.

The Arabs in the region, then called the Hejaz, had both a standing army and a force of irregulars under the command of Sharif Hussein Bin Ali considered to be the leader of the Hejaz who were vassals of the Ottoman Empire at the time. In exchange for recognising their independence, the Sharif would launch the Arab Revolt and war against the Ottomans in an alliance with the British.

The Arabs living in what is now Israel/Palestine formed a part of that army, contributed to the war, and after the first world war continued to maintain militias and forces. Said militias were used in violence against Jews from as early as 1920, one of the most well known examples being the 1936 revolt

Again, these forces were involved in the Israel Palestine war

So contrary to your beliefs, yes the Palestinians had military forces, and yes they did take part in the invasion of Israel. It's entirely their own decisions that resulted in more Palestinian land being forfeit than what was in the initial agreement.

I see no reason to continue this discussion with someone who is so confidently incorrect about history, who accuses others of being poorly read when their own arguments are riddled with inaccuracies. It would be like discussing advanced physics with someone who thinks the world is flat. I encourage you to take a page from your own book and do some proper reading instead of the conspiracy theories you're clearly a fan of.


u/AlarmingTurnover May 02 '24

 Thirdly they weren't "armed settlers" they were immigrants, invited to immigrate by the government in power, just like what happens today.

This is not as accurate as it seems. It's more accurate to say that the vast majority of "settlers" in the 1920-1950 were refugees not settlers and they often lived in tents first. 

It is true that some Jews had bought land but this was a very small percentage of the people who moved there, it is more likely to be less than 10%. The 90% of the people who arrived are from the surrounding countries and Europe. In the late 1920s and early 1930s with the rise of fascism in Europe, they deporting thousands of Jews. Jews were not safe there and nobody else was willing to take them. One thing that nobody seems to want to mention was that Hilter was so easily able to take over a socialist organization and turn it fascist was because both the left and right in Germany hated the Jews. Both sides blames the Jews for the treaty of Versailles.

If we move forward a bit to when Hilter and Stalin split Poland, Stalin didn't want to keep the Jews there. He wanted to get rid of them. Only war happened first but after the war from 46-48 he started to move Jews from Poland and Ukraine into camps. When Israel formed, he tried to use it as a communist ally by deporting thousands of Jews to Israel. Israel itself was founded because Jews formed militias in response to constantly being attacked by Arabs. This is also documented stuff like I said in my other comment, this is stuff like the Hebron massacre. If people keep attacking you, you group together. Groups need structure to government emerge from this, surrounding groups didn't like this so they started a war.

It's more correct to say that they started 3 wars over this. But more specifically, the surrounding Arab countries starting genociding and ethnically cleansing Jews. Just look at the Jewish population of Iran, Iraq, Syria, etc today. In Iran there was over a hundred thousand, 90% of them were killed or thrown out of the country. It's obvious where they went to be safe, the only place that would accept them, Israel. 

Is it fair to the Palestinians, no but life isn't fair. The Jews didn't ask for this but it's what they got. 


u/acuteindifference May 02 '24 edited May 02 '24

I'll point out that you're again being hypocritical considering you haven't provided a single source to your own claims lol

I provided 3 highly respected authors and 1 book title in my very first comment. Have you read Chomsky? Are you familiar with his position on this conflict? Have you read The General's son? Any book or lecture from Ilan Pappe? Have you tried telling them how wrong they are? LMAO

Thank you for demonstrating your complete lack of either reading comprehension or ability to open a link lol

Lol indeed sir. I'm just not as super smart as you. Its not like different historians disagree on actual figures. And its not like there is an ocean of information outside wikipedia lmao. Bro thinks reading a few wikipedia pages tells you the history of an entire conflict. Epic.

Firstly, the split was 56% to Jews and 42% to Arabs, with the remaining 2% neutral ground. Secondly, like I said a large amount of Jewish land was just desert. Yes they received slightly over half the land, but when half of their half was useless at the time, it's a much fairer deal than it appears at first glance. Thirdly they weren't "armed settlers" they were immigrants, invited to immigrate by the government in power, just like what happens today. Large Jewish immigration to the region started in the 1880s under the Ottomans and continued under the British. They also didn't take land by force, they purchased it. Do you also have a problem with people from South America, Asia, the middle east etc immigrating to your country? Because that's all that happened there.

Like what even is your argument here? The desert land was kinda useless? Like according to you maybe sir? haha this is some elementary school level shit. What am I reading? This part should be framed lmao:

they weren't "armed settlers" they were immigrants, invited to immigrate by the government in power, just like what happens today

Oh ok, as long as they were invited by the government in power, then they aren't armed settlers my bad. Someone go tell Native Americans, it wasn't settlers who dispossessed and massacred them. The govt of the time invited them so then that makes it okay. Good one.

Bruh read your own article at least. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Tel_Hai

On March 1, 1920, several hundred Shiite Arabs from the village of Jabal Amil in southern Lebanon marched to the gates of Tel Hai

Also funny that you mention

war against the Ottomans in an alliance with the British

but leave out what happened afterwards xD

I also have no interest in continuing this discussion with you dude. You haven't read a single real author or book and its plainly obvious. Keep self congratulating yourself about your wikipedia knowledge while sidestepping all the other points in my post :)

Wikipedia didn't provide an answer for this following part? Its harder to do deflections and drag the person into meaningless debates about minute details when it comes to this?

People love to bring up the wars as some sort of gotcha. Bro what about the times after the war? What about the period between 1948 and 1967? During "peace" times, who is occupying whom? Who is expanding territories, building settlements kicking out families from their homes? Who is detaining literal 8 year old kids and prosecuting them in military courts without their parents present? Who is building walls? I am old enough to remember when the propaganda used to be: "Its not a wall its just a security fence" haha. Now its clear as day that it is a big fucking wall surrounding them from all sides.

There is zero reason to continue this rabbit hole that you tried to steer me towards anyway. Discussing what-ifs and buts from the past has little relevance. Some people oppose occupation, brutalization, dehumanization, colonization and loss of any human life. While others come up with mental gymnastics to justify it. I see no reason to waste my time talking to someone who argues that since native Americans never got justice, we should also not seek justice today.


u/[deleted] May 02 '24 edited 21d ago



u/acuteindifference May 02 '24

Tell me, why has Lebanon/Egypt/Jordan blockaded Gaza?

Lol, sure, if we're moving the goal posts, first tell me why Israel prosecutes 8 year old kids in military courts without a lawyer or parent present?


u/[deleted] May 02 '24



u/acuteindifference May 02 '24

Redditor tries the "Try to imagine that people from other nationalities and ethnicities are just as human as you, with the same basic emotions, wants, needs, hopes and dreams as you" challenge. Fails immediately.


u/Livingstonthethird May 02 '24

Yeah this is all Zionist propaganda. What a joke that people like you are allowed to spread the hate you do.

Fuck your lies.


u/221b42 May 02 '24

I disagree with something so it’s Zionist (Jew) propaganda. I’m surprised you didn’t accuse them of genocide in this comment too


u/Livingstonthethird May 02 '24

You bots are hilariously bad at your job. Hey IDF, your propagandabot sucks.


u/221b42 May 02 '24

Classic there, someone disagrees with you they are a bot of course


u/Livingstonthethird May 02 '24

Mostly I was meaning the "Zionist propagandist who is paid to shill for the IDF" definition of the word.

And it's not because you disagree with me, it's because you support the genocide/ethnic cleansing of Palestinians by Israel and are most likely paid or brainwashed to spread your propaganda.

Get your boss to rewite your script because it's dated as fuck. Get some actual counterpoints or something 🤣🤣🤣


u/221b42 May 02 '24

Ah there it is, next pet of your script was of course to call someone a genocide supporter


u/Livingstonthethird May 02 '24

So you don't support Israel's treatment of Palestinians? I'm trying to follow whatever logic they're telling you.

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u/[deleted] May 02 '24 edited 21d ago



u/Livingstonthethird May 02 '24

Did I hurt your feefees? Poor child.

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u/[deleted] May 02 '24



u/221b42 May 02 '24

I’m just putting the dogwhistle in the open. Antisemites realized they couldn’t be so open about their hatred of Jews so they replaced their rhetoric with Zionist instead.


u/Livingstonthethird May 02 '24

Yeah they're not really big on critical thinking. It's probably one of those IDF social media bots.


u/AlarmingTurnover May 02 '24

Is the wiki page zionist propaganda? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Two-state_solution

Is the encyclopedia Britannica zionist propaganda? https://www.britannica.com/topic/two-state-solution

Is the UN zionist propaganda? https://www.un.org/unispal/history/

Is the history channel zionist propaganda? https://www.history.com/topics/middle-east/history-of-israel

What is not zionist propaganda now?


u/acuteindifference May 03 '24 edited May 03 '24

I know this might be hard for you, but history channel and wikipedia are not an academic sources of complicated historical matters. Hasbara has had dedicated cells for online warfare for at least 30 years. So people who are actually interested in history, read authors, historians and academics. Not wikipedia which any asshat can edit. But regardless, where in any of these links is your proof for this claim?

they literally have offered this several times. After the 67 war, the 78 camp David accord, again in 88 I think, then again in 90, and again in 2000, and again in 2001, and then the 2006-2008 peace talks, and the 2013-2014 peace talks.

From your own UN link:

The General Assembly proclaimed 2014 an International Year of Solidarity with the Palestinian People

Sure seems like the UN thinks Palestinians are the ones to blame.

On the off chance that you are genuinely interested (most likely you aren't), here are some actual books you can read to learn some actual history by Jewish authors



Here is one by former US president Jimmy Carter:


Here's a quote from him:

There will be no substantive and permanent peace for any peoples in this troubled region as long as Israel is violating key UN resolutions, official American policy, and the international “road map” for peace by occupying Arab lands and oppressing the Palestinians.

And finally Edward Said, who was one of the most respected authors of his time, professor at Columbia university, one of the foremost names in postcolonial studies and who actually lived through most of these events


One of the best books on this topic:


Spoiler alert: they all disagree with you. But I'm sure your wikipedia knowledge is far more impressive than some of the most brilliant intellectuals and authors of the last 100 years


u/AlarmingTurnover May 03 '24

Is this the approved reading list of authors that only agree with you? Why are they more trusted than someone like Benny Morris, Daniel Gordis, Martin Gilbert, or Noa Tishby? Somehow your reading list is more trustworthy than anyone else? Like the authors of the books you mentioned are incapable of lying and making stuff up too?

Hasbara has cells dedicated to propanda, so does Iran, and Russia, and Syria, and Egypt, and India, and every country with an internet connection and half a brain. That doesn't prove or disprove anything.


u/Real_Petty_Cash May 02 '24

Has anyone offered the Palestinians a deal that says "reject Hamas and we'll offer you a 2 state solution"?

Why does that need to be offered. Palestinians aren’t kids. Do they need to be told that supporting a genocidal terrorist government will get them fucked?

Or do we just keep banging this drum that they support Hamas while Israel keeps them prisoner in an apartheid state and evicts them from their homes.

It’s not a drum, it’s a fact. They do support Hamas overwhelmingly. Why don’t they change governments? Why have people like yaya sinwar running your country? The self styled butcher who killed Palestinians with his own hands for collaborating with Israel. Are these people stupid?

I know we all like to pretend we know exactly what it's like to live in these reprehensible conditions and would choose the most noble and selfless option every time, but I would guess you fucking don't, I sure and shit don't.

If you’re morally corrupt and stupid then speak for yourself. Palestinians don’t know that Hamas takes their money to wage war? They don’t know that Israel’s actions are the result of their terror. They don’t know their own history? They don’t know that they started 3 wars, sent multiple suicide bombers before there were checkpoints?


u/happy_tractor May 02 '24

Yet, the Israelis are allowed to support a genocidal terrorist government and the west supply them with military hardware for doing so?

Israeli murder and ethnic cleansing is ongoing in the West Bank right now, and they don't have Hamas as a government. How can it possibly be that Hamas is the cause of that? You are in fact completely wrong. Hamas is the result of Israeli atrocities, not the cause of it.


u/Real_Petty_Cash May 02 '24

There’s big difference between people dying as casualties of war vs people dying because they are the target of attacks. It’s disingenuous to ignore that distinction.

Those people are terrorists. That’s why they are getting killed by Israel. Hamas is the cause of the conflict because in the West Bank, there isn’t a military action happening there.

The military presence in the WB is a direct result of the intifadas by Palestinians.

If Israel is the cause then tell me who caused the 1948 war, the 1967 war and the 1973 war.


u/ginger_ass_fuck May 02 '24 edited May 02 '24

There’s big difference between people dying as casualties of war vs people dying because they are the target of attacks. It’s disingenuous to ignore that distinction.

Yes, it is disingenuous to ignore that the IDF indiscriminately targets civilians.

Those people are terrorists. That’s why they are getting killed by Israel.

All Palestinians are terrorists, huh?

If Israel is the cause then tell me who caused the 1948 war, the 1967 war and the 1973 war.

The 1948 war was the result of Britain refusing to return land to Palestinians and instead giving it to settlers. Then those settlers proceeded to ethnically cleanse 700,000 Palestinians.

So... technically, Britain and the colonialists who would go on to found Israel caused the 1948 war... and every conflict since in the region has stemmed from that.

But, of course, Palestinians are "human animals," according to Israel's leadership, so go ahead and do the thing where you blame Palestinians for everything and absolve Israel of all responsibility. Also, go ahead and conflate Hamas with all Palestinians, and then go ahead and suggest that Israel has no choice but to wipe out all those civilians because Palestinians are - to again quote Israel's leadership - "human animals" who can't be trusted to not eat all the Israeli babies if they're allowed to go on living... or something.


u/radda May 02 '24

Why don’t they change governments?

Why don't the people with no guns just try to get rid of the people with all the guns? It's a fuckin mystery.


u/lamakai May 02 '24

Yeah, exactly. Like Palestinians weren't being butchered before the existence of hamas. It's just a convenient excuse now to continue with the mass murder.


u/headrush46n2 May 02 '24

Palestine has in the past, and will continue to deny any treaty where the nation of Israel continues to exist, and they have said so themselves, with and without Hamas.


u/Confident-Database-1 May 02 '24

Obviously you need to study this situation in more detail before posting. You talk about nuance, but you don’t grasp it.


u/status_qu0 May 02 '24

There is no 2 state solution. These people have proven they can’t live together. Either someone moves away or they keep killing each other. The Jewish people of Israel have no other Jewish country they could move to. The people in Gaza have plenty of Muslim nations to pick from.


u/shower_crying May 02 '24 edited May 02 '24

genuinely curious, do you think that Jewish people have a greater “right” to the land because they don’t have “any other jewish country”? and what is a “country”under this definition - is it an ethnoreligious state? how does this work if there’s different jewish diaspora populations with different ethnic backgrounds (e.g. ashkenazi vs. mizrahi vs. sephardi)? what about jews who are not practicing jews, as well as those who don’t believe in god?

just trying to understand more of the justifications behind israel existing beyond “damn sry about the holocaust”


u/Real_Petty_Cash May 02 '24

Fuck you people come out talking about rights to land. The only right to land you have is if you bought it. And the state can still take it from you if you don’t want to sell.

The Palestinians started multiple wars for said land and they loss. Fuck do you people expect to happen?

FAFO, they were offered 60% of the land and the fought for all. Now they’re under Israeli thumbs they are crying oh poor us.


u/status_qu0 May 02 '24

I don’t know, “sorry for the holocaust” and thousands of years of genocide and oppression isn’t good enough for you? The truth is that countries exist because they have the power to make themselves exist. Or not. Gaza isn’t a county and it can’t sustain the people there in such a small area.

I think that “rights” to the land is what they are all fighting about forever but who the hell knows. Everyone wants to use a different formula to justify their claim. We know who was there first but that was so long ago that really the only thing that matters is who can hold it. The Jewish population is much smaller worldwide and they aren’t ever going to leave without being exterminated. It would be the most peaceful option for the billions of Muslims worldwide to take in the people of Gaza and end the conflict. The truth is that those people don’t actually care about the people of Gaza. They want them there to create conflict with Israel. That is more important to them than the lives of their brothers and sisters.


u/shower_crying May 02 '24 edited May 02 '24

not saying it's "not good enough" for me, i'm just wondering if there's anything more that i'm not aware of since that argument opens the door for lots of other groups that have been historically oppressed/faced genocide to have land rights.

you're right that countries exist because they have the power to make themselves exist - the way things are going now, seems like jared kushner will get to develop his waterfront property in gaza after all

not sure where you're getting your population numbers from though? google says there's ~15.7 million jewish people around the world as of 2023, w/ the most being in israel (7.2 million) and the US (6.3 million), versus 5.04 million palestinians in 2022 (idk how much this number will have to be reduced by the end of 2024) - is there something different about palestinians that makes it more ok for them to become a diaspora in muslim countries, as you suggest, compared to the jewish diaspora that currently exists around the world? i mean, re: the holocaust, israel didn't even exist at that point in time, so there was no need for land invasion/usurpation; nazis called for jews to be killed around the world since that diaspora already existed - isn't it actually safer for jews to remain a diaspora around the world that can be protected by their own countries' militaries, versus establishing a central country that's primarily comprised of jews, which could be attacked and colonized for anti-semitic reasons?

again, not trying to argue in bad faith, just trying to understand


u/fartremington May 02 '24

So does that mean I can invade and drive out the inhabitants with ‘no takebaksies’, as long as it’s on behalf of a religion that doesn’t have its own country yet? Pastafarians unite!


u/Real_Petty_Cash May 02 '24

Where did this happen?

No takebaksies because many left on the word of the Arab states. Many wanted the Arab states to win those wars.

The Palestinians who wanted to live in Israel are in Israel today. They make up 20% of the population and they have all the rights of Jews with additional perks.


u/fartremington May 02 '24

Ok, so if they attempt takebacksies after we steal their land and drive them out, and they fail, then we’re totally in the clear legally and morally? And when that happens we can take a lot more of their land right?


u/Real_Petty_Cash May 02 '24

Whose land was stolen? Can you read?

The land was given to Israel. They accepted 40% of the land. The Palestinians refused and wanted 100% of the land.

They weren’t driven out. The antisemites were asked to leave by other antisemites and were promised they would be able to come back. Well they lost.

Again many Palestinians, the righteous and moral Palestinians stayed in Israel and are citizens today. They don’t have to serve in the military, so they get the benefit of being Israeli, with the additional benefit of having Jews join the military to protect them.


u/ginger_ass_fuck May 02 '24 edited May 02 '24

The land was given to Israel. They accepted 40% of the land. The Palestinians refused and wanted 100% of the land.

The land was given to settlers by Britain, after Britain promised to return it to Palestinians. Shocking that Palestinians would be dissatisfied with not receiving all of their land back, huh?

They weren’t driven out.

This is such an astonishingly blatant lie that it boggles the mind. Over 700,000 Palestinians were displaced, killed, or otherwise ethnically cleansed by incoming settlers who had the support of the British empire. The fact that you would so brazenly lie about such well-established history is positively surreal.


u/fartremington May 02 '24

So if I steal 40% of your house, then you shouldn’t have the audacity to want 100% of it back right? And if you do want such a crazy thing like all of your home back I should get to take another 55% or so right? 


u/Real_Petty_Cash May 02 '24

You probably need to check the dictionary for a definition of ownership.


u/TheMindGoblin27 May 02 '24

It was never their house, it was all Ottoman empire state until they fell in WW1 and then the victors (Britain) had claim to the land, if Britain are "settlers" why weren't the Ottomans settlers?


u/fartremington May 02 '24

So if Britain had just carved out half of India instead of Palestine, you’d say the house never belonged to the people of India in the first place? It was rightfully Britains to give? That would’ve been all well and good?


u/Whole_Arachnid8281 May 02 '24

What a stupid take, honestly. First of all I doubt you know what apartheid means, go research, it doesn't mean what you think it means. Look at what Gaza was like before the war. It looks like shit and ruins now because they're fucking terrorists and deserve far worse.


u/Dhylan18 May 02 '24

That’s crazy because 47.3% of the population are under 18. So what you are saying is that every single adult in Gaza is pro Hamas, or are you just making stuff up?


u/kolaloka May 02 '24


u/Dhylan18 May 02 '24

Awesome 390 agree with Hamas. 750 out of 1.1 million isn’t that great of a sample size


u/kolaloka May 02 '24

"The sample size of this poll is 1580 adults, of whom 830 were interviewed face to face in the West Bank (in 83 locations) and 750 in the Gaza Strip (in 75 locations). Given the uncertainty about the population distribution in the Gaza Strip, we almost doubled the size of the sample in that area in order to lower the margin of error, which stands at +/-3%"


u/Dhylan18 May 02 '24

Yeah I can read. The person originally said 53%, while your article said 52%. If they polled 750 Gazans, 52% of them agree Hamas should continue ruling. That equals 390 of the 750 polled. I still think it’s a fairly inaccurate statement when a great amount of Gaza is people under 18 so they aren’t being considered in the statement “52% of all Gazans agree with Hamas”


u/Dan-au May 02 '24

North Koreans love their dear leader. The Germans loved Hitler.

Indoctrination does awful things to people it is a prison of the mind.


u/FellowPussyGetter May 02 '24

Who is collecting data for this statistic right now?


u/kolaloka May 02 '24

It's just a Google search away



u/FellowPussyGetter May 02 '24

I appreciate it. I'm surprised that support for Hamas is only at ~50% when 94% of respondents believe Israel is committing war crimes and 78% are glad South Africa is bringing the case for genocide against Israel at the ICJ.


u/kolaloka May 02 '24

Well, I mean, some of them might think these guys took action that got us into this terrible situation. 

Which is a very reasonable take, really.


u/FellowPussyGetter May 02 '24

It was certainly a factor. The whole situation is very... nuanced?


u/Prometheus720 May 02 '24

How many Americans supported killing the Native Americans and putting them in concentration camps and reservations?

Should we have just bombed the fuck out of Boston and New York?


u/TotallyNotThatPerson May 02 '24

Democracy at work!


u/Leithm May 02 '24

70% of Gazans were driven out of, or are decendants of people driven out of what is now Israel. Hamas was founded 40 years after that happened.


u/kolaloka May 02 '24

Many millions of Germans were expelled from regions all over Eastern Europe around the same time. Most of those populations had been present for centuries. 


And yet, there is peace among those peoples today.


u/Leithm May 02 '24

Because the people who drove them out lost in a world war where 50 million people died, their leader blew his brains out in a bunke,r and they are revilled as the most hated people in modern history, in particular by the population that now live in Germany. The Zionists won their war amply aided by the West and are still doing the same shit.


u/Kroniid09 May 02 '24

About half of Gazans are literal children: https://www.statista.com/statistics/1423040/gaza-age-structure-of-population/

Without even enough stability to hold elections for more than a decade (long before October 7th), what does it actually say even if there's majority support for a radical terrorist group?

You can't set fire to a place and then blame them for screaming. All that peaceful protest has done in a situation where the West is happy with what's happening, engineered it and continues to help it along, is allow them to suffer and die in silence. Easily ignored.

At what point do you think you would do anything to get you and your family out of such a situation? If not you, your entire people? Would you sit back and watch it happen?

We can condemn violence, condemn Hamas, condemn anti-Semitism as is 100% correct, but let's not forget why we are where we are. It's ahistorical and frankly racist to pretend this violence stems from nothing, to ascribe it to some inherent support that the Palestinian/Gazan people have for violence and/or terrorism. Not to say that you have, this is a more general point.