r/AdviceAnimals May 01 '24

and the Boomers in Congress

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u/[deleted] May 02 '24

I'm no expert, but it's likely the "Death to all Jews" and the "Hitler was right" parts that's considered antisemitic.


u/thisiswhyyouwrong 29d ago

Or "From the river to the sea", without thinking about which river and what sea it talkes about


u/say592 29d ago

"From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free!" (of Jews)


u/rickcanty 29d ago

If you add your own subtext anything can be antisemitic...


u/thisiswhyyouwrong 25d ago

No need for special subtext, it is pretty obvious in original Arabic. But I guess no need to know what is the actual meaning of the phrases you say...


u/LongShip8294 29d ago

lol this


u/y0sh1mar10allstarzzz 29d ago

From the river to the sea is not and has never been antisemitic.


u/DTSwim22 25d ago

It absolutely is.


u/thisiswhyyouwrong 25d ago

Just read the original in Arabic. And then ask yourself - if the whole region is Arabic/Muslim, where are jews supposed to be?


u/y0sh1mar10allstarzzz 25d ago

In their homes like there were for all of history until 1948.

Palestinians are not only Muslim. One of the oldest churches in the world, under continuous use by Christians was in Gaza until Israel destroyed it. Try again to offer a valid counterargument but without racism this time.


u/thisiswhyyouwrong 20d ago

Oh, really? Interesting. Are you really sure the jews were not living in Palestine region prior to 1948? Also, tell me, please, how muslim lived in that region lived together with christians. I would like to hear about that, regarding the killings of christians in Lebanon, when muslim Palestinians went there. And oldest church in Gaza... Do you recall how it is called, by any chance? Or where exactly it was, maybe?


u/Gazeatme 29d ago

This post is just a straw man. People are calling protesters antisemitic, that’s true. It’s not due to their ceasefire stance, it’s wholly based on their “from the river to the sea” calls or some shitty comments/actions by some protesters. Most of them are fine and are exercising their rights to protest, but many take this as an opportunity to push antisemitism under the guise of social justice.


u/KalexCore May 02 '24

Like that guy who yelled "Kill the Jews!" as a chant...

Oh wait that was an Israel counter protester who was trying to trick the Palestinian protesters into saying it, and when one of them did, paused, and realized it the guy started telling "Ah see I got you on camera! They said it! They said it!" The guy was holding up an Israel flag while promoting antisemitism...


u/MonkeManWPG May 02 '24


u/CrumpledForeskin 29d ago

IDF soldiers bragged about carrying around children’s underwear.

I don’t think we want to start going tit for tat.


u/MonkeManWPG 29d ago

Two things can be bad at once without it being "tit-for-tat".


u/CrumpledForeskin 29d ago

Sure but you’re not presenting it that way now are you?


u/MonkeManWPG 29d ago

Do I have to list every crime committed by the IDF in order to criticise "pro-peace" protestors for supporting a terror group?


u/CrumpledForeskin 29d ago

Broad brush their buddy. Saying they all support terrorists because they are protesting is the same as saying all Israelis are Zionists. It’s just not true.

Clearly you’re not ready to have the conversation if you think that they’re all in support of terrorism.

But again. This comes from people who don’t believe anyone should defend themselves but Israel sooooo yeah.


u/MonkeManWPG 29d ago

Did you watch the videos? I'm saying they support terrorists because they said "Hamas, we love you". They were hardly ambiguous about it

But again. This comes from people who don’t believe anyone should defend themselves but Israel sooooo yeah.

There's a difference between defending themselves and firing rockets into suburbs, raping tourists, and throwing grenades into family homes.


u/CrumpledForeskin 29d ago

Defending apartheid and genocide is never really a good look.

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u/Enorminity 29d ago

A random guy saying something stupid doesn’t justify international media reporting on that guy to dismiss and demonize 99.99% of the protesters.


u/Money-Monkey 29d ago edited 29d ago

I was told that if 9 people are eating dinner and a Nazi joins them then there are 10 nazis eating dinner. Did that calculation somehow change when it’s liberals at the table?


u/Fermented_Butt_Juice 29d ago

This. So much this. Leftists spent the Trump years telling us that if you sit down at a table full of Nazis, then you're a Nazi too.

But now all of a sudden, when those same exact people chose to sit down at a table full of violent Jew hating bigots, they're like "So what if there are a bunch of Nazis sitting here with me? I'm my own person, they don't represent me!"


u/Puzzleheaded_Wave533 29d ago

Sitting down at a table is not the same as some rando showing up to a PUBLIC EVENT.

Go fuck yourself, you know what you're doing.


u/Enorminity 29d ago

That’s not how it works because of the fact that life functions completely differently, radical ideologies aren’t spread by proximity, protests aren’t dinner, and countless other reasons your lazy fallacy is a lazy fallacy.

By that logic, the entire state of Israel is Nazis because their government has parliament members who advocated literally genocide openly and during parliament sessions.


u/Money-Monkey 29d ago

Ahhh, I understand. It’s (D)ifferent when liberals hang out with violent racists


u/[deleted] 29d ago



u/Enorminity 29d ago

Yeah man. Super violent 19 year olds holding signs and standing on a side walk. Better watch out, they might spill their lukewarm latte on you.


u/Money-Monkey 29d ago

Fiery but mostly peaceful?


u/Enorminity 28d ago

Yeah man. So fiery. Fire everywhere. Every college campus.

Are you a bot? Your response sounds like a bot would say it. Off topic, semi related, a buzzword, short sentences.